1996 B2 Hyakutake seen with xephem
Just a few screen shots I threw together...
- Software
xephem 2.8.1, written
by Elwood Charles Downey. (BTW,
the xephem site has much better screen shots than mine.)
- Environment
- Linux 1.3.69
- XFree86 3.1
- fvwm 1.24r-10

1996 B2 Hyakutake,
8-week plot from March 15th. Each tick is one week. Right now (March 21,
1996), the objects are somewhere around the second tick of their plots.
Screenshot of my desktop, running xephem (59K, 1152x864 gif)
In case you don't want a 1152x864 gif, I snipped this from above,
showing the xephem sky view (21K, 781x578 gif)
To summarize: This thing is
great! Thanks, Mr. Downey.
(Background courtesy of HUFOS. :)