Albany Poetry 
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Guest Poet Laryssa Wirstiuk


Square meals
are on square plates,
composed preferably
of ice cubes,
and a Big Cheese
instills guilt,
both in and out
of the office.
Sucking up never helps,
sucking in is usually
the consequence,
exposing ribs,
not careers.
Bringing Home the Bacon
only wears out
the yellow page
with the moving company's number,
and trust me,
you're not moving up,
you're moving away.
Chewing the Cud,
(Caution unknown nutritional value)
40 chews per bite,
swallowing dilligently
and never gulping
may self-induce vomitting,
possibly the reason for a
rising suicide rate,
but I know
it's because
Life is Just a
Bowl of Cherries.

September, 2001

Laryssa Wirstiuk's questions:

What do you think of the way each idea flows into the other?

Can you understand what I mean to say? What impression do you get from this poem - I'm interested to know what it means to the readers.

Do you have any syntax suggestions?

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