Albany Poetry 
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Guest Poet Sirius Minor

Muscular Pain

All hearts are this, she said - quietly revealing
Mine will break yours, flexing and heaving

Movie, Movie!

Horror movie@midnight
goosebumpling dumpling delight

Brother Peace (1)

6am tennis thumps darklit dawn
Muscle, ozone, sweat, jokes - all long gone


Grandfather Dies

At four in the morning
Gone, without warning


Otis Says Jump

In case of fire don’t use the elevator
Use the stairs
In case of heartbreak


Tribute To My Mother’s Chocolate Cake


August, 2001

sirius minor's questions:

1. Do you think these qualify to be called poems, or not? Why?

2. How important is length/ duration in a poem?

3. Do these communicate anything in terms of emotion and/or experience to you?

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