Escape: The News

Escape better NEWS

May 21st 1998

Looks like we're back in action!

We've got some dates set up for future Escapes! The next event will be on May 29th. Be there!!!

April 11th 1998

Not a bad evening all said and done. Last night seemed to be a little smaller, more personal night. We didn't have as big of a crowd as last time, but the ones that were there danced till 12:30am when we wound things down.

Due to a family member passing away, DJ Qwest wasn't able to be with us last night. Our hearts, sympathies and condolences go out to Qwest. In his place however was special guest Mr. E who has a flair for scratching and old school Hip-Hop.

The surprise of the evening was when Mr. E of Waxworx announced a Break-Dance contest. The breakers threw down hard, but in the end, the crowd favorite was Roach, who earned for himself a whomping $50 gift certificate from Waxworks records! Way to go!

Around midnight we had our raffle, and gave away five specially mixed tapes for Escape courtesy of Waxworks. We also bought some Gift Certificates for Waxworx which we handed out as well.

We're not sure when the next one will be! We need a new place, and we need help finding one. We're working on leads right now, but we can use any help we can get. If you know of a place big enough to hold Escape, or know anyone in the Real Estate business who specializes in commercial property -- PLEASE -- let us know.

That's it for now...

March 30th 1998


That's the word heard from the mouths of the three. That sums up our total feelings about the 28th event. Wow. We're blown away by everything that happened. It was totally incredible.

We had almost 250 packed into the place. WaxWorks performed like we've never heard before. Shatter introduced visuals to the atmosphere from Japanimation (Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell) to Computer Graphics videos (Minds Eye 1-3) and the Festival of Computer Animation. A camera man from the Community Media Center showed up filming the event and interviewing everyone.

Everyone in attendance was jumping, dancing, and partying all the way till midnight when we had to close down. It was a great night. If you missed this one, you REALLY missed out. Those who were there know exactly what we're talking about!

The stage is set and the date is ready and the fliers are printed: April 10th is the next date! This is being held on a FRIDAY! That's right -- SPRING BREAK! Schools out and Escape is open, wishing everyone a terrific and safe vacation. We though a fun night of wild time and music would be the perfect way to get everyone in the proper mood for Spring Break! Be there or Be Sorry!
