Shubb artists

Our Family of Artists in our magazine ads

Some companies use professional models in their magazine ads. Everyone knows that pretty faces sell products. Well, we happen to think that the musicians who use our capos are just as attractive as models, so for the past several months we've been featuring some of them in our various magazine ads.

Tap on the artist's name to view the PDF of the magazine ad we ran. PDF will open in a new window.

In Premier Guitar Magazine:

James Burton
Johnny Hiland
Doyle Dykes
Skunk Baxter
John Jorgenson
Andy McKee
Elvin Bishop

In Acoustic Guitar Magazine

Richard Gilewitz
Liona Boyd
Roy Rogers
John McEuen
Lulo Reinhardt
Tim May
Raul Reynoso
Andy McKee
Steve Kaufman
Woody Mann
Brad Davis
Jim Salestrom
Jorma Kaukonen

In American Songwriter Magazine

Calico (the band)
The Small Glories
Jerry Jeff Walker
Alice Wallace
Rick Monroe
Brian Ashley Jones
Jaime Wyatt
Payton Taylor

In Ukulele Magazine

Daniel Ho
Rebecca Sullivan
Richard Gilewitz

Is your favorite not here? Just keep watching the magazines, or this page. We're continuing to ask artists for pictures that conform to the format of these magazine ads, and we try to have our camera ready when we see them in person.


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