To get a larger picture from a thumbnail, just click on it. You don´t have to click the back button to get the thumbnail again. Just click on the large picture and it will go back to the thumbnails, or where the big picture came from. You don´t need to use the back button on your browser.

The following convention links all the pictures on this site to the originator. The actual picture name will be on the top of the larger image.

If the name looks like DSCN0XXX, The pictures were taken by Shelly with a Nikon Coolpix P80 18x optical zoom.
If the name looks like DSCX0XXXa, (note the a, can be another letter too) same as above except the original picture was modified in Photoshop or iPhoto.
If the name looks like CIMGXXXX, The pictures were taken by Lynne with a Casio Exilim EX Z200.
If the name looks like RickXX, The pictures were taken by Rick with a Panasonic DMC-TZ5 camera.


A folder was made containing all pictures for a particular topic. Then the best pictures were picked, trashing the others. The remaining pictures were copied onto a Compact Flash card in a empty folder that looked like a Camera made folder. The card was ejected from the reader and then reinserted. Using Apple´s Image Capture software a web page was made. (web page is one of many options) I changed the slide titles from camera ID numbers to real words, changed background color, put in titles, and arrows. All that remained was uploading the pictures and the webpages to my providers computer which has some space reserved for my web pages.

Some of the other fancy stuff (movies, sounds, etc) were just inserted using simple html language. You are free to view --> page source from your browser to see (copy) it.