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What would Quebec City be without the famous Château Frontenac built for the Canadian Pacific Railway company at the end of the 19th and the start of the 20th century? The Château Frontenac was named in honor of Louis de Buade, Count of Frontenac, who was governor of the colony of New France from 1672 to 1682 and 1689 to 1698. The hotel overlooks the Saint Lawrence River. The last picture shows Dufferin Terrace under reconstruction and the famous triple chute toboggan run, which I (Shelly) did in the late 50's.

Aux Anciens Canadiens Restaurant (where we had lunch, & oldest building in Quebec)

One side of the Parliament building

An original "old" street

Lots of stories of how this cannon ball wound up in the tree (pick one)

Leaving Quebec in the evening

Statue of Samuel de Champlain just outside of the Château Frontenac

The wavy brick design depict where the St. Lawrence was in the city some time ago.