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Back in NYC again

Before actually entering NYC we hiked a little in the Palisades area along the Hudson River north of the George Washington Bridge

Lynne on the George Washington Bridge with the NY skyline in the background - left side

From the top of the Empire State Building, looking towards New Jersey

Looking downtown-note the bridges to Brooklyn on the left

Chrysler Building

The glowing section of the picture is Times Square

Door handles on a health club on 23rd street

The Hotel Chelsea, a Manhattan landmark where Bob Dylan , Andy Warhol and Eugene O'Neill once lived

Artwork seen when first entering High Line park

The High Line was an elevated railway to get freight cars off the city streets until 1980. In 2009 the city opened it as a park and is currently about 1/3 done.

trees between the tracks

local weeds

Closeup of fall

tracks beneath the lounges next to the walkway

A building built over the park

Good NY pizza at Tony's

Inside Cheslea Market

Amy's Bread