Cotswald Way Walk (aka: 90 mile death march)

Costwald stone, house

Some of the 99 yew trees in Painswick

Typical field and scenery on the walk

Lynne & Marty awed by a Cotswald manor house

A few of the many Cotswald sheep

Making friends with sheep

Shelly, Lynne, Marty & Marge resting at the top of Cleve Hill

Switchbacks = no, Lynne = yes

Official Cotswald Way sign

Trying to find our way

Shelly at Belas Knap

Cheese Roll Hill

Joe, Marge, Lynne, Marty & Shelly

Well at Cliffwell Cottage

Sunken muddy track (typical)

B & B garden in Woton under Edge

Atypical tree near Bath

End of the walk in Bath on Henrietta Way