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Tue Sep 21 16:27:01 PDT 2004
a page with various Hello World examples, from MANY languages.

Thu Sep 9 00:09:45 PDT 2004
a little paper on code auditing a guy wrote.. quite helpful.
there's a link in it to some really pretty proof of concept code.. i just like the way this guy wrote that, especially his use of pipes :)
found this link to "Beej's Guide to Network Programming" on accident. this is a really nice guide, it just lays it out simple and this author is hillarious!
a table for reference: Precedence of C Operators
a not-so-bad article return-into-libc style attacks.
mudge's classic article on 'how to write buffer overflows'
pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers w/ pretty pictures
function pointers
some good notes for the new programmers out there.
a reminder to myself to read this.
a really awesome little cookbook on sed can be found here
Building GCC: A Hyper-Threading Technology Performance Evaluation (let me know if this link gets broken)
i didn't know this book was free but i watched some of the courses this guy taught at berkeley this latst summer on video.. pretty awesome. "Structures and Interpretation of Computer Programs" this book has some neat diagrams, code and other stuff that wasn't in his lectures. i highly recomend it.
if you're handicaped in the shellcoding area check this out: writing shellcode
a little hint on how to implement gcc with stack smashing protection in linux-from-scratch, although i think this article makes it seem more complicated than it really is.


w3c docs on how to do web dev junk
this may not be the most complete C Library Reference Guide but it's not terrible.
The GTK+ 2.0 Tutorial.. i have yet to write a single gtk app :P
okay this guy has two cool articles.. one's an intro to data compression and the other one is an article on designing file formats (very basic intro)
wana learn C? learn it from the guy who wrote it! here
Dennis Ritchie is another one of my heroes.
i don't know what this is but someone linked me to this very well written article on format string vulnerabilities -- anyone see a pattern in my reading habbits lately? haha
strangely enough you can look up bar codes here
even stranger, you can convert jpegs to ascii

four dimensions? no problem.

Fri Aug 13 01:36:45 PDT 2004
here's a link to the infamous ELF specification hosted by our favoruite company in the wole world (read: bitter sarcasm) System V Application Binary Interface - DRAFT - 17 December 2003
A Laboratory Manual for the SPARC
Beginners Guide: PowerPC Assembly Language
IBM: PowerPC assembly: Introduction to assembly on the PowerPC
Understanding stacks and registers in the Sparc architecture(s)

a couple of very good, related, phrack articles i suggest.. the first of which is the very famous phrack 49 "Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit" also check out "Bypassing PaX ASLR protection" as well as "The advanced return-into-lib(c) exploits: PaX case study" and especially the "Shared Library Call Redirection Via ELF PLT Infection"


i don't think i could understand much about the following book, but maybe some day i'll take a closer look, i'll certainlly skim it soon, it's one of my open tabs in mozilla at the moment:
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussma

Thu Aug 5 13:07:30 PDT 2004
an article about ELF that i haven't read yet.

Sun Jul 18 14:03:34 2004
if you like downtempo it's all about monkey radio thats a .org not a .com

Mon Jul 12 20:29:49 2004
almost done reading a book called "An Introduction to GCC" by Gough. every thing i wish i knew all these years...

i still recommend the "Programming From The Ground Up" book even though i haven't read it. it's not a difficult read so far :) good stuff

Wed May 12 01:04:00 2004
okay just some new links.... incase i loose my bookmarks sometime in the future...

some documentation on the Linux kernel

documentation on PaX

a book on assembly by GNU people.

here's a version of RFC 793 "Transmission Control Protocol" formatted in HTML. You don't really need the link but remember the # 793.

some docs written by Daniel Robbins.. some great some so-so.

This isn't a link but don't ever-ever-ever forget the title and auther of this book -----> "The Design Of The UNIX Operating System" by Maurice J. Bach (ISBN 0-13-201799-7

sooo.. i'm not sure if this page is legal to use or not but it seems fair to me, just a tool for recovering your password if you lost it. i don't use windows but some people do and if you loose your password (like certain drunk people named Greg) and you need to get it back, just boot up that box with any ol' OS that supports reading NTFS like a linux live cd, maybe knoppix-std and snag the SAM file from your filesystem wherever that is.. in some win system dirs or whatever. actually i dont care, im just legetimizing putting THIS LINK up. please don't abuse it. like i said it's for recovering drunk people's passwords when they forget them and want to log into their windows box the morning after and can't remember no matter how hard they try... like Greg.

Oh and I forgot this.. You can read the entire set of 802 specifications at http://standards.ieee.org/getieee802/ You can find Ethernet under 802.3 which is about 1,500 pages or more.. good fun... if you go strain to an 802.# and don't understand it i suggest reading the intro and use google, a dictionary and an encyclopedia like wikipedia

okay thats all for tonight, im tired. later!

Mon Feb 23 18:56:06 2004
If you want to know about means of communication and other technical junk and you dont mind reading dry raw information on a protocol check out a
RFC repository. another -- heres a really funny

the iMac is totally dissasembled and now resides in my desk drawer as my gateway and loose firewall with no monitor. i set up sshd so i can still get terminal on it and you can see that in the pictures we took. ck3k has a temporary place for photos of the process at
his site (i'll have my own up soon) i also have some pictures of it sitting in its little dawer, man it fits perfectly. i have an AC adapter going to the fan cuz i broke some wires (man that was confusing) gave the monitor away, but the remains still have a port so if i everneed one ill just stick it in there... kernel upgrades are gonnabe scary... it still has two USB ports, ethernet card and the good ol' 56k modem.
Feb 19 15:56:57 2004
this is a link to a website explaining how the SYN flood denial of service attack works. It gives a little background on TCP too. Nice read
Understanding DoS

Some discussion about Linux vulnerabilities and comparison to other systems.

this is my post on the Gentoo Linux Discussion Forums concerning my current network dillema, maybe you can help me or maybe it will help you...
and here is the equivalent thread on WCH.
thats all for today.

Tue Feb 10 18:24:49 2004
okay, so how the hell do you disconnect the imac monitor from the imac? fine-- it can stay in the stupid case but i want the power to the monitor off. I want to use this thing as a server, done with it as a desktop. gentoo or openbsd will be fine with it. okay... so i find some links ill look at them in detail later when i have time...

Dissasembling an iMac ...very nice

and here's some weird trivia for you: did you know that Shift-Inser is the same as using Ctrl-P for pasting. at least thats the way it is on Linux and Windows. learn something new everyday

i may start posting my System Adminstration Logs on here, but i need to review them to make sure that they wont be a security risk.

...later today...
okay so i was messin around looking for a desktop background and i found awesome site which has profiles of 3d artist and samples of their artwork with links to their homepages. here are some samples i like: an old granny and a cute little "Plumber"

okay enuf screwin off... back to JooNIX. I put up a PDF version of the manual page for GNU Bash there is also the GNU Bash Reference Manual" which you can find at GNU's web site. The PDF version of the man page that I put up is actually Apple's version of the page written for their Darwin. I converted it to a pdf but you can find the origional one here I AM AMAZED at how huge this man page is.. Depending on the text formatting the page ranges from as little as 67 pages to over 105 pages. The pdf I put up is only about 45 pages. happy reading...

so, if you dont know about SomaFM it's kinda cool. (indie rock and techno internet radio thingy)

okay here's some more joonix: im starting to collect man page repositories/databases.sometimes i'm on a system that doesnt have the man pages i want. for example "man bash" won't help me on a system that doesn't have bash on it.
my favorite is OpenBSD's
i just found this one which had a man page fot apt-get, which a friend needed.
here's another one.
it's hard to tell which ones are on which ystems. Some of them have indexes. Apparently a lot of them use man2html but they are still wased on different distrobutions.
here is Apple's Mac OS X and Darwin man pages

some more links:
some geek stickers
The Bastard Operator From Hell
The Hacker FAQ (from a corperate sysadmins point of view)
No I'm not an idiot but im posting a link to the installalation guide to Gnome 2 on Debian because a freind wanted it.
I'm getting tired.... all done with this for now(4:36pm)

Mon Feb 09 20:26:03 2004
Pleasesign this petition to have Macromedia port their Shockwave player plugin to Linux. I need this for some of my homework. C'mon be a good commie and support your fellows.

okay i found this thingy on "johnnys" web page it's an anonymous proxy. im hoping this will allow me to go to www.westcoasthackers.org in the CIS Lab. i think it looks _REALLY_ hoaky, but if it gets the job done who cares. im not (and you shouldnt) exactly going to depend on this for some sense of "security" _ever_ cuz i hella don't trust it.

although i DO NOT think drugs are okay, if you want to know stuff about drugs check out Erowid

here's a link for myself to my psych book stuff

hey remember that Vi (an open source unix text editor)cheat sheet that I linked to? well, if you use vi/m then you might consider donating to the ICCF-Holland to help children in Uganda. By the way, I've written this entire page (including the perl/cgi, all html, txt, etc.)

Sun Feb 08 19:43:08 2004
okay, i found my new best friend.
OneLook Dictionary Search
maybe im the only one that doesnt know about this but if you dont know what it is, its like a dictionary that takes excerpts from many other dictionaries (and gives you links to those) i found it a lot more useful than M-w.com, who want you to pay for the word i was looking for or stupid dictionary.com. I like Onelook because it has that free-ish feel of google or wikipeida.org

speaking of wikipedia.org you should check it out, its a wiki-style free encyclopeida. it's like everything2.com geared more towards academics. it's free but make adonation if you can. if it cant find what you want and you find what you want later you can write an article on it yourself, i have.
thats probably it for torday...

Wed Feb 04 00:00:01 2004
how about some more links

this is a good site about T.S. Elliots poem "The Waste Land" It seems very well done. The page is in frames, the top frame being the poem itself with links on words which people might know, links on translations. it's a cool poem, some in german, greek, italian and latin. very cool. i couldnt tell you if its a full text because i've never read the real thing in print.

Tue Feb 03 00:00:01 2004
This is a test. I started this so I can easily post notes, URL's or other such things to myself. If it's of use to someone else, thats fine. It's not my damn fault if none of the links work, deal with it.
Lilo Load.
Gnu C Library Manual
Vi Cheatsheat
Hex Color Codes
Gentoo Linux Security Guide, some of which can be applied to many different systems.
Some Basic Linux Security Guides