Here's what people are saying about us!
After over a year of exhaustive efforts to receive treatment for debilitating back pain, for which no cause could be found, and therefore no treatment other than pain management and prescription medication could be considered. I know that my condition seemed to be degenerative, I had to use a cane to walk, standing, sitting, or lying in one position for too long is torture. It affected even my balance to the point where at one point, a police officer asked if I had been drinking (I don't drink at all!) I began to believe (along with some physicians) that my pain “was all in my head.” With my self-esteem suffering, and desperately seeking any type of relief I could, I made an appointment to the Santa Rosa Chiropractic Neurology Center .
I had never been to a chiropractic physician before, and after receiving several treatments, I have noticed gradual improvement, but improvement nonetheless. After a year of degeneration, small improvements seem to be small miracles. Gaining physical improvement has also led to an unexpected by-product, elevation of my sagging self-esteem.
If you are suffering through unexplained pain, or you doctor tells you there is nothing that can be done, you owe it to yourself to seek out chiropractic care. The physicians and staff and Santa Rosa Chiropractic Neurology Center are some of the most carig and patient people, dedicated to the process of your recovery. After having gone through so much, and had seen virtually every medical specialist and having so many expensive medical tests done, my only grievance was that I didn't pursue chiropractic care sooner.
Tami Copeland