The game FREEMAN (Copyright 12/1/98 by Arthur Jacobs) below uses words from the story "Cowboy Justice in Tiburon", and gives players hints in order for them to guess the word.
- It is much easier to set the man free after you read the story! -
Type in letters to FREE THE MAN. GOOD LUCK!
Adam May, age 10, spoke highly about the game, Freeman. He said, "I really liked the game. The sound effects sound really funny -- all the "ooh's" and "aah's", and the music sounds like you are free."
This site constructed by Arthur Jacobs for more information please e-mail:
Click in applet to activate game (if on Macintosh type a letter also)-hit return or any letter for another word--Please be patient while the Java applet loads. The game picks words at random so you may get the same word twice in a row. When you are set free for the first time there will be a delay while your freedom quote and music loads! You do not have to wait play again (hit return or click your mouse) and after you win again it will probably be loaded and ready. ENJOY!!!!!!>
by Arthur Jacobs
Watch your step in Tiburon, pardner...
I walk with a cane, have a paralyzed left arm, a speech impediment, long hair and a good education. I meet old friends from college in Tiburon, California on October 20,1991. We climb aboard a fast boat and cruise over to see the fire in the hills of Oakland.We race back to shore because my friends have to catch a plane . The wind blowing in my hair from the speed of the boat makes me look wild. We arrive back on shore, and my friends drop me off at a bus stop and drive off to the airport.
The bus does not leave for twenty minutes so I go to get some coffee, at Sam's Cafe. "Cafe" is a misnomer, it is actually a bar, I order a beer instead of coffee . Joking around with the bartender and a few people at the bar feels pleasant. Even with all the noise at the bar people take the time to understand my funny sounding voice. I meander out on to the back pier where people are sitting under the late afternoon sun, eating, drinking and talking. The sun is occasionally blocked off by black smoke and soot from the fire.
Walking around the pier once, I talk to people now and again. It is quieter outside so it is easier for people to understand me. Walking by one of the owners of the bar, I can tell he is curious who this wild-looking, long-haired person is. I certainly seem out of place, walking around enjoying myself, my shirt unbuttoned, my hair waving and curling every which way, limping with a staff made out of a madrone tree limb and carrying a beer bottle in my pocket.I have the bottle in my pocket because my left arm is paralyzed and can't hold anything. I use my right arm to hold the staff so if anything is going to be carried, into my pocket it goes. The owner is immediately cautious. He approaches me and says that people have been complaining about me and that I had better leave or he will call the police. "Who complained?" I ask, surprised, but he will not tell me. So I refuse to leave. He says he will call the police and I respond "you are free to".
He might as well have said, with a western drawl, "Stranger, I'll give ya 'till sundown to get out of town," because the next thing I know an officer comes in with a backup. It could have just as easily been the Sheriff and his deputy marching into the saloon with pistols on their hips (they had pistols). The officer, thinking I do not need my staff and that it might be a dangerous weapon, takes it away from me. When I tell him that I use the staff to walk, he does not believe me (personally I think he is acting like a John Wayne prototype). They order me to leave with them. When we start to leave, the officer holding the staff sees that I have a hard time walking and really do need it. He tries to give it back, but I do not take it. I am mad now! I am forced by police (John Wayne chasing the bad guy out of town) to limp out of a cafe, in Tiburon. Proudly but slowly I limp out of the bar. On the way out, a number of people tell the officers that I am innocent, and even when we get outside one of the bartenders tells the police there must be a mistake. The enforcers of the "law" do not listen however, how could they? The police are only actors in this real life movie and they only take orders from their director. I wonder who their director is?
This incident about being thrown out of the bar would have made a good story if it had ended there. Or if I had then jumped on my horse and ridden proudly off into the sunset. But there is more...
The officers give me a choice, between a de-tox center or jail. I ask them to take my alcohol level because I am not drunk, and they are persecuting the wrong man, but they refuse. If they are not going to cooperate with me and take my alcohol level, I'm certainly not going to cooperate either. I let them decide where they want to take me (I keep forgetting I'm the bad guy in this real life motion picture). They decide to take me to the de-tox center. As soon as we get there they start ordering me around, so I say "As long as I have to take orders, you had better lock me up in prison!"
They agree, but are angry because now they will have to do paper work. They bring me to the San Rafael Jail where I sit on the floor for four hours in a holding cell because supposedly I am drunk. It is humiliating. I change into a striped jump suit and sit on the floor for four hours with all the other inmates. After this, I am released with no charges filed against me and my blood was never even checked for alcohol.
What, if any, is the moral of this story? Watch your step in Tiburon, pardner, especially if you have a hitch in your get-a-long and still have the audacity to enjoy yourself. There is a good chance you will be run out of town.
THERE IS A NEW LANGUAGE GAME (sorry will not work on old Macintosh or Apple machines OS 9 and below) it is the Coast Miwok language and you can hear the words (capital letters are important)
"Youth at risk" are using the game Freeman. Here is a letter from Sierra Youth Center.
November 5, 1998
To Whom It May Concern,
Arthur Jacobs conceived of and designed a computer program he calls "Freeman" which he uses to help students become more comfortable with words.
Freeman is a variation of the old word guess game of Hangman, but with a more positive twist. Instead of negative consequences for wrong guesses as in the game Hangman, in Freeman there are no changes for wrong guesses, however you are set free from a virtual jail for correct ones. The player starts out in a virtual jail cell and bars disappear from the cell as each letter of the word is correctly guessed. When the player accomplishes the entire word and wins the game, he is set free. Since the students with whom we work are presently detained by the court in the Sierra Youth Center, they in particular relate well to the idea of getting free when they correctly guess the word at hand. Freeman encourages students to think about words and spelling. It provides them with an activity that develops their ability to look for missing links, think critically, make connections, and to complete the task of finding the word. Along with helping develop these skills, there is the overall theme the game cultivates that "knowledge will set you free." This is certainly an important message for these students to receive.
Arthur has encouraged students to read new and exciting stories, develop their own personalized word lists based upon their readings and to challenge one another to matches of the game to see who has the better skill with words. Students seem to love the challenge of it, as they read these new stories and add to their vocabulary and spelling ability in the process.
The potential of Freeman to help improve a student's interest in vocabulary and spelling development in a fun and challenging way is remarkable.
More Stories and games:
Counting Coup - Changing Energy
Be Free Yourself
English and Spanish
English and Italian
A math game
Kids Dinosaur Game
Freeman in Coast Miwok (a vanished language?)
I have written different Freeman games for various classrooms and people. If you have a story (I can drop any story into the game) or an idea for a game, please email me and ask Arthur Jacobs
This site constructed by Arthur Jacobs. To find out more please e-mail: Arthur Jacobs, Star Walkers The picture of the man walking through the door way was created by Sondra J. Seeger check out her page of art at
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