Drawing of horse and rider by Paul Owns The Sabre

100% CLEAN

If you do not have the most recent version of Java or do not have permission to download files the game is on the web at http://sonic.net/~star/CoastMiwok/CoastMiwokApplet.html

The game is a Java applet. If you need to download a recent version of Java Web Start and you are on a Windows machine (if the educational game below does not work) you can get it here: --> Download Java and Web Start

This game has enriched the lives of my children, my grandchildren, friends and I so very much. We have learned to communicate in our native language and write letters and notes to each other every day. I can not begin to tell you how much it means to me to be in touch with my culture in this wonderful way. I never in my life thought I would be able to learn my people's language and use it in daily activities! I feel as though I have found a part of myself that I thought was lost forever. Thanks to this wonderful game and easy method of learning, my family has regained a part of their culture that would have been lost forever.
~Retta (Reindeer) McKenzie

HINT: To hear the words spoken clearly try typing a letter that is not in the word (you may have to press it twice).

Translate the Coast Miwok words to English 100% CLEAN

To download the game click
If the above link does not give you an app that works off-line try this Executable Coast Miwok Jar

Translate the English words to Coast Miwok 100% CLEAN

To download the game click
If the above link does not give you an app that works off-line try this Executable English to Coast Miwok Jar

Visit the Marin Indian Museum

Copyright 2002 Arthur Jacobs, star@sonic.net
Words pronounced by Richard Applegate.
In loving memory of Lanny Pinola.