Countries: Korea Genre: comedy, romance Keywords: deception-honesty, humiliation
Title: The Art of Seduction / 작업의 정석 (2005, Oh Ki-hwan)

This is in the "love is a game" pattern where the two lover's compete to outwit and dominate each other. Deception is a way to gain control by embarrassing or humiliating the other or exploiting the selfish urges of the other, but it intensifies the relationships, too, both as a signal of interest by the lover and by its own entangling effects.

This film also creates narrative interest using the "Will they ever get together?" storyline.

The humor in this film is of a double-standard: the viewer enjoys watching the shameless deployment of multiple lies on the one hand, but also enjoys the discomfort of both the man and the woman as each fall into comic, awkward situations because of the lies they tell, and the pleasure of watching them get what they deserve.

Both characters play likeable roles, even when they are being "players" in the extreme.

These two attractive seducers do not end up together, in the sense that they do not give up their deceptive ways for "true" love between the two of them. They do not give up their pleasure of seducing others but they do become something like professional friends at their trade with a romantic warmth to the mutual recognition of each other's seductive, deceptive talents.

This film did rather well at the box office.

"Han Ji-Wan is graced with stunning looks and uses it to her advantage. All the men that she has yet encountered are easily wrapped around her finger. Until she meets Seo Min-Jun: what he enjoys most in life is seducing woman. ... An attraction exists between them instantly, but since they both enjoy the art of seduction, neither will let it be shown that they are charmed by the other person."

About the director: "OH majored in theatre and cinema at Hanyang University. Possessing an innate ability to recognize works that will gain popularity and commanding a strong focus on his work, he has turned every film that he has made from his debut feature Last Present to his latest The Art of Seduction a huge success. He will take the original story which boasts an avid fan base and use his natural talent as a director to produce yet another piece of work with addictive appeal."

Ji-Wan's "innocent woman in distress" game face

Ji-Wan's "I don't believe a word you said but I'll play along" game face

Min-Jun's "distract the psychaitrist" game face

Min-Jun's "I've just told a lie that makes me look good" game face
