Top / J7A Essay Process / Spring 2012 Presentation & Response

J7B Assignments & Tests

Spring 2012 Presentation & Response

I want to try for the first time a "presentation and response" segment of some discussion sections. I might drop this idea if it isn't going all that well.

I will divide the section into halves, designated Group A and Group B. I can't really do this until section enrollments are firm. It will be on a PDF file when ready: (currently there is no PDF).

These two groups will alternate with the responsibility of 1-minute statements (for each person, all in the group present). The non-presenting group members will respond to these statements.

The topic will be announced ahead of time, by the GSI, on bSpace under section information.

Example of how this works: The GSI will call a name from Group A (in the case of that group being responsible for presentations) to present. The Group A member speaks for 1-minute or less, expressing an opinion or other comment that would be open to a response. ("Mariko died in the fire." — No comment possible. "I think Mariko died in the fire as punishment for her adulterous behavior." — Lots of room for comment there.) The GSI hen asks for a volunteer from Group B to respond. If there is no immediate volunteer, the GSI will call on one of the Group B individuals. Once a Group B individual has responded she or he is finished for the session. In this way all Group A members will present and all Group B members will respond.

About half of the discussion sessions have this structure. Exactly when and which group is listed on the "All Deadlines" page.

Your performance in presenting and responding will be important to the GSI when determining your section participation grade, but there are other factors as well.

GSIs: When there are more presenters than responders, allow responding individuals to comment if they wish, otherwise you become the responder. When there are more responders than presenters, just stop with the last presenter anyway.