Here are some links, some of them in English or bilingual, that I have found along the way in preparing the companion page for reading The Tale of Genji.

The Costum Museum - The Rebirth of the Tale of Genji : Bilingual.A recreation through dolls and architectual models of Heian period life. Very nice. (This link suggested to me by Gloria Stella Garaventa -- thank you!)

Animal Sounds on the Net (English)

Greg Kunkel's birdsongs (English)

Uta - Birdsongs of Japan (Japanese)

Bird Songs of Japan (English)

The Tale of Genji Pavilion (Bilingual though the English portions are limited--the button to switch to English is at the very top.) A very attractive website on various things about The Tale of Genji maintained by Kyoto Prefecture.

Genji Illustrations by Uemura Kanako (Japanese) A work in progress, she has completed more than half of a series of two illustrations for each Genji chapter. They are numbered by Genji chapter, so you don't really need to read Japanese for this site. I showed one of these (the first one of Chapter 4) during one of the fall lectures, when we were discussing Yûgao. It shows Yûgao and Genji sitting shoulder-to-shoulder watching the sunset on the evening she is to unexpectedly by murdered by an angry spirit.

Masayuki Miyata Website (Japanese with an introduction of the artist in English) Another modern illustrator with scenes from The Tale of Genji, the Man'yô Shû and many other classical texts. The index, unfortunately, is in the left-hand frame in Japanese. The button leading to his Genjii illustrations is the first one under "Art Work". The numbers on the illustrations do NOT correspond to chapter numbers.

The Tale of Genji CG Galley (Japanese) Ultra abstract impressions of an essential aspect of each Genji chapter. Intriguing and beautiful.

Sen nen no koi (A Love of 1,000 Years) - Movie Homepage (Japanese) This is the site for the movie made recently about The Tale of Genji that I mentioned in class. It includes some lightweight information on Heian culture, etc., but with a number of pictures which is nice. Also there is a genealogy of sorts, with pictures of each actor or actress that plays one of the major roles.

Gagaku Music - (Japanese) A fine site devoted to gagaku music.

Gagaku Music - Oyasato gagaku kai (Japanese) Another site devoted to gagaku music.

Word search Seidensticker's Genji text (English) Part of the Japan Classic Literature Research Institute website. You can search any word in Seidensticker's translation of The Tale of Genji. For example, type in the flower name "yamabuki" and it will return a list of sentences that include that term, with chapter title and page number. Very useful.

Japan Classic Literature Research Institute (Bilingual) Not that extensive, but it includes a "Plants in The Tale of Genji" section in English that is somewhat helpful.

Further listings can be found elsewhere on this website, under the bibliography page for the UC students. Go here.