Welcome to my new reading blog / commentary on The Tale of Genji. These are being created as I reread Genji monogatari front-to-back in two full translations. When it is an even-numbered chapter, I read Seidensticker then Tyler. When it is an odd-numbered chapter, I read Tyler, then Seidensticker. While doing so, I refer frequently to an annotated original Japanese version (Nihon koten bungaku zenshu, Shogakukan, not the new verion). I am not checking the translations for accuracy; however, after reading, I look over my reading notes, then upload to the web site here some general comments, the essential highlights of a chapter, and some more specific reading notes at the level of sentence and word that seem to me might be useful. Finally, I link to some multimedia that I think add another aspect to thinking about the chapter though this is not the priority of this particular rereading.

This is slow work; I expect to finish in March of 2009. If the chapter below has a link to it, I have uploaded a page set for that chapter. Each set has a time stamp at the top of the commentary so you can see when it was last edited.

The comments that are being uploaded should be considered in "blog"-style; that is, I am writing down impressions as I read each chapter, allowing opinions and interpretations to change as I move forward. At some later date, the entire set of documents will be reconsidered and edited from a more total point of view, with more research, but at this point they should be taken as the thoughtful but somewhat casual reactions of a scholar who reads Heian literature, but does not consider himself a specialist in The Tale of Genji specifically, and who is reading at a chapter-by-chapter level, not a more organically whole perspective.

      Seidensticker Tyler
1 桐壺 Kiritsubo The Paulownia Court The Paulownia Pavilion
2 帚木 Hahakigi The Broom Tree The Broom Tree
3 空蝉 Utsusemi The Shell of the Locust The Cicada Shell
4 夕顔 Yūgao Evening Faces The Twilight Beauty
5 若紫 Wakamurasaki Lavender Young Murasaki
6 末摘花 Suetsumuhana The Safflower The Safflower
7 紅葉賀 Momiji no ga An Autumn Excursion Beneath the Autumn Leaves
8 花宴 Hana no en The Cherry Blossoms Under the Cherry Blossoms
9 Aoi Heartvine Heart-to-Heart
10 賢木 Sakaki The Sacred Tree The Green Branch
11 花散里 Hanachirusato The Orange Blossoms Falling Flowers
12 須磨 Suma Suma Suma
13 明石 Akashi Akashi Akashi
14 澪標 Miotsukushi Channel Buoys The Pilgrimage to Sumiyoshi
15 蓬生 Yomogiu The Wormwood Patch A Waste of Weeds
16 関屋 Sekiya The Gatehouse At the Pass
17 絵合 Eawase A Picture Contest The Picture Contest
18 松風 Matsukaze The Wind in the Pines Wind in the Pines
19 薄雲 Usugumo A Rack of Cloud Wisps of Cloud
20 朝顔 Asagao The Morning Glory The Bluebell
21 少女 Otome The Maiden The Maidens
22 玉鬘 Tamakazura The Jeweled Chaplet The Tendril Wreath
23 初音 Hatsune The First Warbler The Warbler's First Song
24 胡蝶 Kochō Butterflies Butterflies
25 Hotaru Fireflies The Fireflies
26 常夏 Tokonatsu Wild Carnations The Pink
27 篝火 Kagaribi Flares The Cressets
28 野分 Nowaki The Typhoon The Typhoon
29 行幸 Miyuki The Royal Outing The Imperial Progress
30 藤袴 Fujibakama Purple Trousers Thoroughwort Flowers
31 真木柱 Makibashira The Cypress Pillar The Handsome Pillar
32 梅枝 Umegae A Branch of Plum The Plum Tree Branch
33 藤裏葉 Fuji no uraba Wisteria Leaves New Wisteria Leaves
34 若菜・上 Wakana jō New Herbs: Part One Spring Shoots I
35 若菜・下 Wakana ge New Herbs: Part Two Spring Shoots II
36 柏木 Kashiwagi The Oak Tree The Oak Tree
37 横笛 Yokobue The Flute The Flute
38 鈴虫 Suzumushi The Bell Cricket The Bell Cricket
39 夕霧 Yūgiri Evening Mist Evening Mist
40 御法 Minori The Rites The Law
41 Maboroshi The Wizard The Seer
  雲隠 Kumogakure   Vanished into the Clouds
42 匂宮 Niou miya His Perfumed Highness The Perfumed Prince
43 紅梅 Kōbai The Rose Plum Red Plum
44 竹河 Takekawa Bamboo River Bamboo River
45 橋姫 Hashihime The Lady at the Bridge The Maiden of the Bridge
46 椎本 Shiigamoto Beneath the Oak Beneath the Oak
47 総角 Agemaki Trefoil Knots Trefoil Knots
48 早蕨 Sawarabi Early Ferns Bracken Shoots
49 宿木 Yadorigi The Ivy The Ivy
50 東屋 Azumaya The Eastern Cottage The Eastern Cottage
51 浮舟 Ukifune A Boat upon the Waters A Drifting Boat
52 蜻蛉 Kagerō The Drake Fly The Mayfly
53 手習 Tenarai At Writing Practice Writing Practice
54 夢浮橋 Yume no ukihashi The Floating Bridge of Dreams The Floating Bridge of Dreams