A practical guide to bird watching in Sonoma County, California

(Unless otherwise indicated, all phone numbers are in the 707 area code)


Spud Point Crab Co., Bodega Bay CA 94923

Location aliases: None.

Location: 1910 Westshore Rd., Bodega Bay, CA 94923

GPS address: 1910 Westshore Rd., Bodega Bay, CA 94923

GPS Coordinates: 38 19 46N, 123 03 31W

Tide information: See the NOAA Tides & Currents page for Bodega Harbor

Access: On the inland side of Westshore Rd. Across from the Spud Point Marina. There is a very small parking lot in front of the restaurant if you're eating there. Otherwise, limited on-street parking across the street.

Habitats: Ocean inlet, coastal eucalyptus

Typical Species: The tall eucalyptus trees directly behind Spud Point Crab Co. are the main attraction here (aside from the chowder at Spud Point Crab Co. itself). The trees have long been used as a spring nesting spot by egrets and herons. Loons are common in the water around the Marina.

Unusual birds, sightings: Notable mostly for the nesting birds. Chestnut-sided Warbler (in Spud Point Marina parking lot; September 12, 2012, Scott Carey).

Restroom facilities: Public restrooms are available across the street from Spud Point Crab Co. Otherwise, the closest are probably at Campbell Cove parking lot, further up the road (with the water on your left).

Restaurants Nearby: Um....this is a restaurant (and a good one)--but see the Bodega Bay Overview page for details and more restaurant recommendations.

Nearby attractions: See the Bodega Bay Overview page.

Related bird watching spots: This area is between the north end of Bodega Harbor and the mud flats beyond Spud Point Marina. Further along the road, find Gaffney Point, Owl Canyon, and Campbell Cove. See the Bodega Bay Overview page for geographical relationships.

All photos by the author, unless otherwise indicated




© Colin Talcroft, 2009, 2010, 2011.

Unless noted, all photos by the author. If you would like to use one of my images, please ask for permission for non-commercial use with proper credit or commercial use with proper compensation.
