Sebastopol, CA


Burbank Housing Development Corporation’s Hollyhock project has 34 affordable 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes with detached parking on a 2.3 acre site.  The design goals were “simplicity and community” for this sweat equity project in which the homeowners construct a substantial portion of their homes. The narrow homes with colorful plaster exteriors and porches on small individual lots create an intimate village around the central community courtyard. Two-thirds of the homes are detached and net project density is 16.8 homes per acre.

The lack of availability of a public storm drain system resulted in a site design utilizing a combination of a rain garden and a weir-retaining wall along the project boundary to manage the development’s storm water runoff. The project will incorporate energy efficient appliances, “green” materials and will exceed Title 24 energy standards by over 15%.