George IV November 1956. Photographer: Will. 35mm Kodachrome slide. I can't remember the exact sequence of disasters and other mishaps responsible for the tragically brief reigns of the three previous Georges, but one died, one flew away, and another, a foundling, was reclaimed by its owner. The last George, however, was without question the best. Though extremely affectionate, we kept him carefully caged, lest we suffer another bird-brained escape. An excellent talker, he was able to enunciate "George" quite clearly. Apparently the "g" sound is usually difficult for parakeets. He also had an abnormally prolific beak. We'd have to trim it with a nail clippers periodically, and on one such occasion, went too far, and he nearly bled to death. I spent an agonizing week or so worried sick over him. Click here to see him close-up. |