Ukrainian Diabetes Project

2009 Report
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Dear Friend of the Ukrainian Diabetes Project,

It has been nearly 20 years since the grassroots efforts of the Ukrainian Diabetes Project began its work in Ukraine. We have provided for nearly 2900 children with diabetes. There has been a good deal of improvement over the years in terms of diabetes programs in Ukraine that I would like to think the efforts of the Ukrainian Diabetes Project have played a part. Your annual contribution has been key in continuing our efforts.

The UDP shipped diabetes supplies for 200 children in Kyiv and 100 children in Kherson earlier this year in March. Per our Ukrainian counterpart’s request we will initiate another shipment in December for some extra needed help. These supplies and shipment will cost nearly $65,000.00. The supplies include badly needed blood testing strips for managing control of daily blood sugar levels, blood testing meters/kits, and low dose syringes that are especially needed by the younger children. We obtain our supplies at charity rate prices to keep the costs at a minimal. We depend on our affiliate in Kyiv and Kherson to distribute the supplies. We are planning a visit during the summer of 2010 to Ukraine to assess our program and determine any other needs that are necessary. We will set up a teaching clinic with the physicians, nurses and diabetes educators while we are present.

The UDP is committed to continue providing supplies and educational services to these children. We will continue to look for other regions in need that have an infrastructure in place to work with in receiving supplies and distributing them to the diabetic children in their area. We continue to count on your financial assistance to help us do so. We thank you in advance if you have already sent your contribution. If not, we have enclosed an envelope for your convenience.

© UDP 2018

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