Ukrainian Diabetes Project

2011 Report
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Dear Friend of the Ukrainian Diabetes Project,

The Ukrainian Diabetes Project is approaching its 20th year of work in Ukraine. To date we have provided for nearly 3200 children with diabetes throughout Ukraine. There has been a good deal of improvement over the years in terms of diabetes programs in Ukraine now offered by the local medical staff that I would like to think the efforts of the Ukrainian Diabetes Project have played a part. Your annual contribution has made a significant impact on these efforts to help the diabetic children in Ukraine.

The UDP shipped diabetes supplies for 200 children in Kyiv and 100 children in Kherson in September 2011. The supplies and shipment cost $54,605.00. The supplies included blood testing strips for managing control of daily blood sugar levels, blood testing meters/kits, and low dose syringes that are especially needed by the younger children. As usual, we obtained our supplies at charity rate prices to keep the cost to a minimum. Our affiliates in Kyiv and Kherson continue to distribute the supplies. The staff in Ukraine continues to do a commendable job in operating a summer camp for the diabetic children. Teaching clinics with the physicians, nurses and diabetes educators are offered year round by the locals. The UDP is committed to continue providing supplies and supporting educational services to these children. We are waiting to hear from our affiliates in Ukraine in regard to the reprinting and distribution of the diabetes manual.

We depend on your financial assistance to continue our efforts. We thank you in advance if you have already sent your contribution. If not, we have enclosed an envelope for your convenience. The UDP continues to be run by a board of directors and volunteers. Overhead expenses are kept to a minimum.

For our donors who shop online, please consider doing your shopping through By choosing the Ukrainian Diabetes Project, a percentage of your spending will go to us. There is no charge to you or the UDP for this and can help increase our fundraising efforts.

Don’t forget to visit our website at, A presentation of our work is available for viewing.

© UDP 2018

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