Ukrainian Diabetes Project

2013 Report
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Dear Friend of the Ukrainian Diabetes Project,

The Ukrainian Diabetes Project (UDP) moves into its twenty-first year of service and the fortitude of UDP flourishes in Ukraine. In addition, this year marks the 20th anniversary for our affiliate organization the Diabetes Charity Fund of Kyiv. We are proud of the accomplishments they have made over the years and their spirit of commitment to their diabetic children who are in such need of diabetes supplies and information on how to manage their diabetes throughout their life. Our special gratitude goes to Natalya Vlasenko, president of the Diabetes Charity Fund, whose life dedication to these children is admirable.

This year two UDP board members traveled to Ukraine to meet with the Diabetes Charity Fund of Kyiv. We acknowledged our accomplishments, talked of past services provided to the children and future needs to come. We were given a tour of the current educational clinics (there are now eight clinics) and met with the physicians and nurses providing the educational services. We noted that diabetes educational materials are more abundant and available for children now, more so than in the past. All members of the Ukrainian medical team were very grateful for the diabetes supplies that the UDP supplies annually to them. Our affiliates in Ukraine continue to distribute the supplies. The staff in Ukraine continues to do a commendable job in operating a summer camp for the diabetic children. Camps are offered year round by the locals. The UDP is committed to continue providing supplies and supporting educational services to these children.

Together UDP and Diabetes Charity Fund, along with our new addition of the Kherson Diabetes Organization, have continued to provide services of diabetes supplies and educational programs to not only newly diagnosed diabetic children, but also those who have continued to struggle with it over many years. The diabetes supplies that the UDP contributes provide the assurance of another year of managing one’s diabetes. This year the UDP shipped diabetes supplies for 100 children in the region of Kherson in Ukraine. The supplies and shipment for 200 children in Kyiv is pending ministry of health approval. Once that shipment is sent, the cost will have been ~$60,000. The supplies in the shipment include blood testing meters/kits for managing control of daily blood sugar level, and low dose syringes that are especially needed by the younger children. UDP obtains supplies at charity rate prices; this keeps the cost to a minimum.

For our donors who shop online, please consider doing your shopping through By choosing the Ukrainian Diabetes Project, a percentage of your spending will go to us. There is no charge to you or the UDP for this and can help increase our fundraising efforts. You are the heart and soul of the success of the UDP because without your financial contribution none of this would be possible. With your continued financial donation, we look forward to supporting the children of Ukraine for many years to come.

© UDP 2018

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