Ukrainian Diabetes Project

2016 Report
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Dear Friend of the Ukrainian Diabetes Project,

As we wind down 2016, the Ukrainian Diabetes Project (UDP) looks back to its 24 year of service of providing diabetes supplies and educational support to the children in Ukraine with type 1 diabetes. As mentioned in our last letter, this type of diabetes requires access to life-saving insulin and a means of measuring blood sugar level on a daily basis. The UDP has consistently over these past 24 years provided meters and strips and supported the educational programs offered to these children.

The UDP shipped diabetes supplies to Kyiv and Kherson at the end of April 2016.

Four hundred fifty children received these supplies. The cost of the supplies was $50,750.00. The cost of shipment was $1500. Our affiliates, the Diabetes Charity Fund of Kyiv and the Kherson Diabetes Organization have started to distribute the supplies. We are proud to be affiliated with both groups for their steadfast efforts on behalf of the diabetic population in Ukraine.

These children and their families are very thankful to you and send their heartfelt thanks for your generous help and concern for their care. Difficult times still continue in Ukraine. We count on your financial donations to continue to provide help and we are most grateful for your support.

Unfortunately many difficulties continue in Ukraine. It was reported to UDP “… there was serious problems in Kyiv. We didn't get insulins for 2-3 months. And only today the procurement procedure has been held. On May 27th we had to organize a protest at Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.”

We thank you in advance if you have already sent your contribution. If not, for your convenience we have enclosed an envelope for you to do so. As always, we will send a final report of our activities at the end of the year. UDP and the families in Ukraine truly appreciate your continued support.

© UDP 2018

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