Grok the Web

A Programmer's Guide to the New Software Development Paradigm

by Andrew Schulman

Chapter 12

HTML Everywhere

Last revised: March 31, 1997

In chapter 7, we saw that what is called a web browser is really more general purpose: a display engine. This display engine is driven with a text-based protocol called HTML. In this final chapter, we see the wider implications of this: HTML for email, for word-processing and spreadsheet documents (Office 97: at what point does HTML become the "native" file format for all these "productivity" applications?); for remote system administration (web "gateways" to Unix tools), controlling embedded devices (see, etc. The chapter title takes off on Microsoft's old slogan "Windows Everywhere." ("Local CGI" fits in here too.)

Alex Shmidt's HTML version of DUMPB is perfect example!