Another sunny day on the Boonville campus |
High School Alumni From Anderson Valley Anderson Valley Union High School, 1913 - 1958 These alumni names were gathered from AVUHS and AVHS Yearbooks and Graduation Programs. This list includes both graduates and fellow students who attended high school in Anderson Valley but did not graduate from the High School.
Thank You List Beth (Willis) Tuttle, Class of 1933
About This Project The primary goal of this project is to build a complete list of Alumni who attended high school in Anderson Valley. Any assistance helping to complete the list or to correct mistakes is gladly accepted. Alumni who wish to provide current contact information, such as a phone number, or an email address, or a link to a web home page, are encouraged to send it in. To protect privacy, no contact information will be published without written authorization. Information is also gladly accepted on missing or incomplete listings. I'd like to see photos added from each class, but that's a larger project and will have to wait a bit. Or maybe an AVHS student would like to scan, edit and caption photos from each class for a Senior Project (hint, hint).
Correspondence Send all correspondence concerning this web page to:
I'm not an alumnus of AVHS. I moved here in 1991 to raise my children in the Anderson Valley. They are now alumni of the AVHS Classes of 1998, 2000 and 2002. Also, I served on the AVUSD Board of Trustees (1993 - 1998). GO PANTHERS!
[Document Revision Date: 20th August 2002] |