will ross home page   >   darrell and kendra graduation


kendra graduates from anderson valley high school, boonville


anderson valley high school commencement

thursday 13th june, 2002, 7:00 pm, anderson valley high school gymnasium

free buffet lasagne dinner served following ceremony for all graduates and family members

kendra ross
p.o. box 1025
boonville, california 94515


darrell graduates from university of california, santa cruz

cowell college commencement

saturday 8th june, 2002, 1:00 pm, east field
official cowell commencement info
on campus parking is almost non-existent!!
darrell has two parking passes; one for will, and one for lorna. feel free to contact either parent to coordinate carpooling. or simply park at the mall downtown and ride the bus to campus.

reception after ceremony in cowell courtyard adjacent to east field.

darrell ross
908 cayuga st
santa cruz, california 95062


baskin school of engineering commencement

sunday 9th june, 2002, 3:00 pm, west field (below oakes college)
official baskin commencement info
unlimited on campus parking on sunday in west remote lot (near oakes college)

reception after ceremony at oakes college


why is darrell walking in two commencements?

because that's just the way it is in santa cruz when a "professional school" gets added to a university already fully populated with "residential colleges." welcome to the u.c. santa cruz identity crisis vortex!

please feel free to attend either commencement.

in case of heat bring sunscreen and a hat, but also be prepared for rain. either way the view of monterey bay is outstanding.

currently there are no family activities planned for either saturday or sunday after graduation, but this can change.