conrad - the secret agent
diamond - guns, germs, and steel
dickens - a tale of two cities
hawking - a brief history of time
quinn - ishmael
tolstoy - war and peace
books read in 2001
achebe - things fall apart
angelou - i know why the caged bird sings
brands - the first american: life and times of benjamin franklin
camus - the fall
faulkner - as i lay dying
franklin - autobiography
forster - a passage to india
hadju - positively 4th street
hammett - the thin man
hammett - woman in the dark
heller - catch 22
hemmingway - a farewell to arms
hemmingway - to have and have not
huxley - brave new world
irving - the world according to garp
le guin - tales from earthsea
le guin - the other wind
lewis - babbitt
mann - buddenbrooks
maugham - short stories
pynchon - slow learner
schiff - vera: mrs. vladimir nabokov
stegner - angle of repose
steinbeck - east of eden
steinbeck - in dubious battle
steinbeck - the grapes of wrath
steinbeck - the red pony
tolkein - unfinished tales
tolstoy - the kreutzer sonata
toole - a confedereacy of dunces
wilder - the bridge at san luis rey