Pennisetum setaceum rubrum - Fountain grass is a very showy ornamental grass with graceful, arching leaves, and erect or nodding rose-colored flower spikes up to 12 in long. Fountain grass grows in dense, symmetrical clumps that can get 3-4 ft tall and 3 ft across with a fountain of feathery plumes flowing out of the foliage. It has reddish stems and leaves, and copper-colored plumes. 'Purpureum' to 5 ft tall, with dark purple leaves and burgundy-red, nodding plumes to 15 in long. These cultivars generally do not set seed, and therefore are good choices for tropical and subtropical climates where the species could become invasive. Fountain grass is a decorative yet durable ornamental grass that needs virtually no care once established. It is tolerant of high temperatures, high humidity, high wind, drought, and acidic to alkaline soils, and is pest-free. Full sun. Tolerates partial shade.Extremely drought tolerant. Fountain grass is a perennial in USDA Zones 8-11. Most of the cultivars do not produce seeds; they are propagated by dividing the root clumps. |