Point clarification for CIS 58.51B


Frame code 30 points possible

HTML Code [20]
here I will be looking for correct frame code, I will check to see if the
frameset and frame tags were used correctly. I will also check for a frame which is is named, and if there are a few links which correctly target this named frame. I will also look for 1-2 attributes of frames such as scrolling, marginheight, marginwidth, and noresize..

new window [05]
create a link which opens a new window in the browser, instead of loading
the file into a frame on your site

break out of frames [05]
create a link which loads the linked page into the entire window, in
essence breaking out of the frames structure but remaining at your site

When you turn in the frame code, please add a link from your homework page to the frame code, also PLEASE ADD AN EXPLANATION of where the links are that open a new window and break out of frames.

Forms and Form Processing - 60 points possible

If you include all of these types of form fields you will earn 20 points:

10 points
I will also make sure that each form fireld has a unique name and that there are no spaces or slashes in the names. I will also look for correct form tags and an attractive easy to read layout for the form.

--------form processing clarification

There will be 2 copies of the form. I recommend you take the form you have been working on and simply save it with 2 names. "form-mailto.html" and "form-cgi.html"

You will earn 10 points for creating the form which uses the mailto: command in the form tag.

You will earn 10 points for making a form uses a cgi script to process the form data. This is harder for the web designer but looks much more professional when visitors use your site. To make this form work you will need to invoke the CGI script found on the campus server and create a hidden field which identifies the recipient of the data.

You will earn 10 points for modifying the cgi form to include 3 additional hidden fields such as subject, required, redirect,

Some students actually make 3 versions of the form, 1. the mailto version, 2. the simple cgi version, 3 the modified cgi version. I will be looking for a mailto version and the modified cgi version when assigning grades, however if you want to make 3 versions you can.

Cascading Style Sheets - 80pts

There are 2 lessons of CSS.

Lesson 1 - create a single web page, or a series of web pages which include the following types of CSS styles

inline - 10 points (insert at least 2 inline styles into a tag)

document level - 10 points (only required on one document)

external - 10 points (requires 2 files the external .css file and the file which is linked to the external .css file)

class - 10 points (create at least 2 classes for the same tag, and refer to each class on a web page)

ANOTHER SPECIAL NOTE- If you are a beginner who is struggling with the concepts you may want to create a separate web page for each of the 4 requirements listed above. The advanced student can place this code all on one web page, just be ready for some unexpected results.

Lesson 2 - this code can be included in the examples from lesson 1 or placed on separate files. It is up to you.

font properties - 10 points (use at least 2)
text properties - 10 points (use at least 2)
color/background properties - 10 points (use at least 2)
box properties - 10 points (use at least 2)

Another important aspect of the CSS code assignment, is to provide a detailed description of where all your code is when you turn in your
homework. I may miss the code unless it is clearly identified. The best place to provide a detailed description of where everything is would be the homework page you create.

Server Side Includes - 30 points

10 points
Display 3-5 environmental variable such as the date, name of server, or the date the file was last modified.

20 points
Display code which includes content from another file which you have placed on the web.

Please note on the homework page where the include code is found and the name of the file you are including.