Class Evaluation

The purpose of this form is to allow you to provide feedback on the course content and materials. Thank in advance for your efforts.

If for some reason you cannot make the form work,
email the evaluation -
Copy and paste the feedback into the message. NO ATTACHMENTS PLEASE

What is your section # (must be accurate for you to receive a grade)

Please give the class an overall rating from 1-10 with 10 being the highest.

What did you enjoy most about the class?

What suggestions for improvement can you offer?

Did you find the Website helpful? Please explain your answer

What suggestions for improvement can you offer regarding the Website?

Did you find the CD helpful? Please explain your answer

What suggestions for improvement can you offer regarding the CDs?

Did you find the text book helpful? Please explain your answer

Did you find the email messages helpful, were email questions answered in a timely manner?

How did you find out about the course?

Any additional comments?

May I use your comments in promotional material for the Website?
yes no

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