Goals and Storyboard

Please fill in all areas listed below

What is your section # (must be accurate for you to receive a grade)

1.What is the goal of this website? Is it to advertise your organization,
provide information to customers, educate individuals about a particular topic,
provide a service, or process orders?

2.Who is the intended audience? Are they potential customers, friends, family?

3.What do you want to tell the reader?

4.What do you want the reader to tell you?

5.How will your presentation on the Net differ from the current techniques you use to communicate with the public?

6.How will your presentation on the Net be the same as the current techniques you use to communicate with the public?

7.What existing material exist which can be used in the web site? (brochures, flyers, manuals, database files, tv commercials, photos). Do the files exist in digital form or are they in print only?

8.List a realistic set of goals which you feel you can accomplish in 8 weeks. You may also want to determine goals for the project in 6 months, 2 years etc. Be careful not to set unrealistic goals like scanning in 50 photos or creating 20 web pages. A typical beginning site is 3-10 web pages 2-10 graphics and 5-10 external links.

Storyboard Information

What will be on the first page

Describe each of the second level pages (you do not have to fill in every box)

If you plan on having a third level of pages please indicate what the content will be

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