Goals and Storyboard for Web Design Project

Here are the goals and storyboards of your classmates as well as your remarks.

Special Thanks to Barbara King for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - I would like to create a website about the care and feeding of seahorses in a salt water aquarium. (My hobby)

target audience - The audience would be anyone interested in seahorses, people with a passing interest to the hobbyist.

message to visitor - This site would mostly be educational. Care and feeding, breeding, diseases with beautiful photographs of the various type of seahorses.

feedback from visitorI don't think I need anything from the reader except perhaps feedback on how he/she enjoyed the site.

differences from current publicity - This is a new hobby for me. I don't have current techniques to communicate with the public in this venue.

similarities to current publicity - This will be a completely new venture for me.

exisitng materials - There is material on the web and other seahorse sites. I don't like the layout for most of them. I'm hoping to eventually create a site that is both visually appealing and informative. The material is in digital format.

what you will accomplish in class - I would like to create 5 - 6 pages for my seahorse site. My goal is to create beautiful pages. At this point I don't know how time consuming that is. I want to strive for quality not quantity over the next several weeks.

The storyboard is -
I would like the first page to have beautiful graphics of seahorses in the wild and a simple introductory page to the site.
This will be the welcome page with drop down menus that will take you to the other pages. Care of Seahorses Breeding Gallery Tankmates Links Gallery of different seahorses Care of Seahorses Tank Set Up Feeding Diseases Photos of Tanks, diseases etc. Tankmates Photos and description of safe tankmates Breeding Reproductive cycle Care of newborn animals Photos of immature seahorses Links to other seahorse sites

Special Thanks to Santa Rava for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - My goal of this web site is to Educate people who have no idea about my country,Latvia.

target audience - This web site will be designed for any audience who want to learn different culture.

message to visitor - That there is another great place they should visit, besides Paris, Rome and so on.

feedback from visitorBy giving me more ideas on how to improve my web site.

differences from current publicity - well, right now in a public is difficult to explain where my country is located and history and so on. But on my web site i'll have pictures, maps and more infor.

similarities to current publicity - Information will be simple to understand, as i would talk to someone on a street.

exisitng materials - pictures, history book, and little research online.

what you will accomplish in class - This web site will be very simple at first, but later i'll add more info and pictures,and graphics.

The storyboard is -
Short introduction about Latvia, links to the second pages ( one of them contain pictures, second will have culture, 3rd Geography, 4th when visiting latvia,5th FAQ. e-mail for contacts.
Pictures and comments on where it was taken and brief history. Culture in latvia. languages spoken . Everything you need to know about where Latvia is located at, population and more. When visiting Latvia you should know basic words in latvian and what to be cautious about. FAQ - will cover questions and answers people should know about Latvia. It's like a quick look up.

Special Thanks to Pam Ponting for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - Inform consumers of services offered by "pamiquilt and more"; reach potential customers within and outside of my geographical area; website will serve as an online brochure to back up my business card - I will refer people to my website for clear information on what I do, how to contact me, my pricing for services and to view a portfolio of my work.

target audience - Consumers looking for gifts, quilt making and quilt finishing services - potential and existing customers, friends, and or family. Audience will include novice to experienced quilters and sewers, as well as non-sewers or anyone looking to have a quilt custom made, a quilt finished or to purchase quality quilts and quilted products. They would be visiting my website because they saw my advertisement or business card or via a search engine. My audience will range from having very basic internet access and experience to someone with sophisticated high speed equipment.

message to visitor - I want to inform my readers of the services I offer, convey my expertise and committment to quality in a way that builds trust in my abilities.

feedback from visitorWhat service they are interested in and how I can best provide that service.

differences from current publicity - I intend that my website will provide all the details of the services available and will back up the brief contact I've had with someone by handing them my business card or will inform someone I've never met but have seen or heard my name. Currently, I distribute a simple business card to introduce my business and believe a website would be more cost effective than a brochure.

similarities to current publicity - I have a reputation for doing quality work and meeting my time committments. I take the opportunity whenever presented to tell people about my business. My website will convey my personality and my committment to customer service.

exisitng materials - I have photos of quilts I have made; there are photos online of the equipment I use, I will incorporate that; I will use graphics and photos available to show different quilting patterns available.

what you will accomplish in class - My 8 week goal is to build a small, well organized website that describes my business and services available and is organized in such a way that will allow expansion over the next 6 months. I need the website to start generating income in the next two months by building a local customer base. My intent is to expand my customer base outside of my local geographical area.

The storyboard is -
Home Page - pamiquilt & more Simple, attractive graphic with menu to services
About my quilt making ability and experience as a seamstress; portfolio of work; awards Quilts for sale Quilts made to order Quilt finishing services; long arm quilting & patterns available; binding; quilt restoration Home decor and gifts quilting & sewing instruction; eBay sales & training
Cost of services Estimation of how long to do the work Links to some of my favorite resources

Special Thanks to Alex Martinez for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - I would like to provide Service of my expertise,in this case PC Specialist Programer. Hardware and Software Utility Installilation, Troubleshooting and Virus case resovling issues.

target audience - Potential customers would be networking companies that require onsite development or house calls.

message to visitor - Expirence and Qualifications. Service provisions and high quality Expectations, Low-Price comparisons. We have the Knowledge and educational backround for the job. We take pride in the work that we do, with high quality products and reliable hands-on training.

feedback from visitorThey have a problem, and we can fix it!

differences from current publicity - Everything on the Net will provide full scale computer literacy with hands-on expirence and knowledge in the computer technology field. Provide dialog information to customers on detail computer problems or upgrades the customers request.Service and price comparison among other competitors. In addition their will be a sign in application of Problems or upgrades.

similarities to current publicity - We take our service in the office to provide for our customer and house calls if necessary. People who tend not have time to come to the office and leave the system we can arrange a house call visit with no charge but hourly base service.

exisitng materials - We would have on-site questioneers about the problem that the customer is expirencing. We also have infomation sheet that explains the expirence the customer is having with there computer, narrowing down the problem. We offer downloadable user's manuals for customers that don't have the information about there system. In addition we make software available for the buisnesses FREE, at no charge.Files on digital form only.

what you will accomplish in class - My goals are to provide good service to potential customers, current and future wise. Creating a 5 page web-site with detail information for my customers with no hassels. Setting a 2nd station outside the local area for geographical oppurtunities for buisnesses and customers. Employment oppurtunities with some knowledge in computers. Provide job training programs for employees with little or no expirence.

The storyboard is -
On the front, their will a animated computer with a ice pack on his head with a themorter in his mouth and computer tools (Screw driver and a wrench). The animated computer looks sick and sliggish. Just above the computer's head reading PC Support Specialist.
The second level page will have company information such as high level PC Specialist Exp. about the staff and history of the buisness, E-mail address, phone number, contacts, specific details on the service my web-site provides and handles. We also have a page for upgrades and what kind of upgardes we provide and the computers we deal as far as up grade install and compatibility issues Staff members and there personal contacts for customers. A list of prices that we provide for the services we do. Forms for the customer to fill out, such as name, address, e-mail, contacts,. in addition, we have service forms that are in detail about the problems the customers is expirencing with the computer such as crashes, malfuctions and Viruses. what and when did the issues occur questioneers to narrow the problem down.
And then the last page will have comments or questions that will be provided for anyone who want step by step procedures in case of a computer problem.

Special Thanks to Leslie Taylor for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - This website will be designed to show some of my artwork.

target audience - The intended audience will be potential employers.

message to visitor - I want to show the style of illustration that I do. I also want to include my resume.

feedback from visitorI want them to tell me that they're looking for a simple, whimsical style of illustration.

differences from current publicity - Right now, my illustrations are color xeroxes inserted inside an inexpensive, vinyl folder. I haven't been able to afford anything better.

similarities to current publicity - I'll organize them according to style and technique.

exisitng materials - My brochures, flyers, and posters are in digital form. My traditional illustrations will need to be scanned.

what you will accomplish in class - I can think of one external link I can use, and eight illustrations. I'd like to include my resume, too.

The storyboard is -
On the first page, I would like to have an image of the Milky Way galaxy -- something retro and reminiscent of the Jetsons. I want this page to be simple and uncluttered. I like lots of negative space. Included on this page will be links to my posters, illustrations, and graphic design pieces.
My illustrations My resume My posters from the Morrison Planetarium. I don't own the copyright to these, so I guess I'll need to get permission. Brochures and flyers.

Special Thanks to Dawn Manley for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - My goal is to keep my family updated about what I'm up to, because I just don't write letters enough.

target audience - Friends and family.

message to visitor - I'd like to catch them up on what I've been doing-school, work on my house, that kind of thing. Stuff only family would really be interested in.

feedback from visitorI'd like them to be able to ask me questions or drop quick notes about what they're up to.

differences from current publicity - I can reach many family members with the same information at the same time.

similarities to current publicity - I will write the same way on the Net as I do in letters, and share the same type of information.

exisitng materials - I have access to a digital camera...everything else I'll have to write up.

what you will accomplish in class - I feel that I can reasonably do 5 pages - one as the home page, and 4 with information on different areas.

The storyboard is -
A "mission statement" of the website, my reason for building a site, and then links to the different pages.
I have different credentials and certifications that I would like my family to know about. I will list and describe them here. Buying a condo was a big deal for me, and redecorating it is an even bigger deal. I'd like to put some photos of my progress and lay out my future plans for the place. My cats are a big part of my life, so this page is for them - photos and bios on this page. This page is for my future plans-why I'm back in school, what I want to do as a career.

Special Thanks to Jason Lowry for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of this webpage is to set up a working page for a guild I am in. The guild is on a role playing game called World of Warcraft. I am the guild leader and need to make a fuctional webpaege so that I can inform old and new memebers of guild doings.

target audience - The Audience or potential customers will be mainly friends that I play with all on the game. There may also be new friends that are made and wish to view the guild.

message to visitor - I want the reader to understand what the guild is and what we are about. Also I want to inform the reader about things we do in the guild that might attract them to joining.

feedback from visitorI want the reader/guild memeber to be able to give feed back on what they think about the guild.

differences from current publicity - The current techniquies to communicate on the game is in game chat or in game mail. This being the only way to communicate it is a hit or miss if you reach all guild members at the same time. With the website the communication would be quicker and more effecient.

similarities to current publicity - The net presentation and the current techniques will still allow for chat in either form but the net will make it more effecient.

exisitng materials - I have alot of multimedia from that game that can be utilized for the site. Also character listing and leveling will all be taken from existing areas.

what you will accomplish in class - I think maybe four pages, four graphics and four to five links is reasonable for me. In six months, I would like to have worked hard to improve and update this website.

The storyboard is -
the main page will consist of guild name, and emblom. It will also have a welcome note to the gulid
One page will have a list of members that will be updated weekley as new members are added and as leveling of characters occur. Also on this page will be a form for quest help. The next page will consit of a bulliton board for general chat and messages that can be left for guild memeber as in game chat is sometimes impossible. I will also have a bank page that will have supplies and money available for guild memebers. On this page they will submitt a request for what is needed. the fourth page will be a mutimedia page which will have pictures and such of things that go on during game play. Also I will have it so guild members can submit pictures they take as they play. The fifth will be a general info page on what the gulid is about and what we do. It will also list higher memebers that are on regularly and are always willing to help.

Special Thanks to Lindsay Vincent for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - I want my site to be informative to its readers. I would like to advertize the organization as i provide information to the public. I would also like to set up a place for donations (this is a non profit organization).

target audience - Audience will be students, Alumni, and any one interested in what we do.

message to visitor - I would like to tell the reader all that we have accomplished through the years, what the highlites are of the current year and plans for the future.

feedback from visitorWe would like to gain support for what we do. We would like people to want to come and take a tour and see what we are about.

differences from current publicity - There is a website in use now. However, it is not up to the standards we want. I am taking the class to create a new site and to be able to update pictures and information on a regular basis. Other than the Net we do press and have a flier/brochure that is sent and passed out.

similarities to current publicity - It will be the same that others can see what we do from their computers at home. Although, now it will be more updated and current.

exisitng materials - The organization currently has picture, brochures, computer generated slide show, news casts, stories. These are in digital form as well as print.

what you will accomplish in class - I will set my goal at five web pages, six graphics and five external links. As time goes on i would love to have over ten pages and countless graphics (picture pages) and continue to external link as they come up.

The storyboard is -
United Anglers of Casa Grande High School Address Phone number A background picture -History -Alumni -Current Year -In the future -Jr. United Anglers
History of the program Pictures of the past history Stories Alumni Page Message board information for past members Current Year description of what has been happening that year information In the future plans what we need Jr United Angler Information and pictures
e-mail us where to send donations ?? online donations??

Special Thanks to Chelsea Rumford for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - My goal for this website is to show off my dog and provide information to educate individuals on German Shepherd dogs.

target audience - The intended audience are people who are interested in German Shepherd's, whether they currently own one or are looking into getting one.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader information about the breed of dog so that they can decide if it is the right dog for them and how to take care of it once they get one.

feedback from visitorI would like the reader to tell me any comments about the website, like how I could improve it or any additional information that they would find helpful.

differences from current publicity - My presentation on the Net will be an easier way to have all the information at their figure tips, literally. And also have the visual affect.

similarities to current publicity - It will still have all the same information just on an easier level to understand because of the visuals.

exisitng materials - I have some photos and some printed material for obediance that I recieved from a trainer.

what you will accomplish in class - My goal for this project is to have 5-6 web pages, 5-10 graphics, and 5-8 external links.

The storyboard is -
The first page will be all about my German Shepherd dog (GSD) Baron and will include pictures from when he was 8 weeks old to 10 months. I will also have an area on the left side where you can click to get different information.
The first one will be on the description of (GSD) Second, the history. Health Training Rescue organizations

Special Thanks to Elizabeth Cannon for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of the website is primarily to advertise an electrical business that will be located in the Lassen/Shasta area, and to provide information to potential and existing customers. As part of this, I would like to include some information directly on the site, but also allow customers to provide and request information via e-mail or via an online form. I would also like to include a page for links to electrical information or other sites that might be of interest to customers.

target audience - The intended audience is potential customers and existing customers.

message to visitor - I want to provide the reader with the following information: the history of the business (background information, experience, etc.), location, contact information, areas served, how to request service, basic pricing information (hourly rate, travel charge, estimates), and references and past job information.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to tell me what type of work they need done (and the extent of the work), the work location, their contact information, and the timeframe in which they need the work completed.

differences from current publicity - The presentation of information will be different from current techniques because it will allow the public easier access to information about the business, will allow customers to request information by e-mail / online form, and will hopefully also help to reach a larger potential customer base by showing up on web searches run by people seeking electrical work in the area. Current methods for communicating with the public are primarily by phone or in person, with references almost exclusively by word-of-mouth.

similarities to current publicity - Customers will still seek out help with electrical work they need done, and will still request and receive information such as quotes, availability, etc.

exisitng materials - There are currently no formal materials to use, because this business is just in the planning stages (my boyfriend is planning to start it sometime this spring/summer after receiving his contractor's license). However, I do have some photos of the area (in both print and electronic format) that could be used for banners, background, and/or a company logo.

what you will accomplish in class - 8-week goal: I would like to create a basic website that includes a home page as well as pages for contact information, company background / references, customer inquiries / work requests, pricing/service information, and links. This will probably consist of about 6-7 web pages, 6-8 graphics, and 7-8 links.

The storyboard is -
The first page will include the company name and logo, contractor's license number, a welcome message to customers, a brief company overview including the areas served and the types of service provided, and links to a contact page, company background page, pricing/service information page, work request form, experience and references page, and a links page.
Pricing & Service Information page - Will include information such as hourly rate for electrical service, price for travel over 50 miles, information about obtaining free estimates, and links to the online work request form, contact information page, and back to the home page. Contact Information page - Will include location, mailing address, phone/fax numbers, e-mail address, and link to the work request form and back to the home page. Company Background page - Will include contractor's license number, background information about how the company started, overview of experience and work history, information about the types of work that are done (both residential and high-voltage industrial/commercial) and links to the experience/references page and back to the home page. Experience & References page - Will include a description of specific electrical experience and training background, and a listing of past jobs and references. Links page - Will provide links to various sites with information about the electrical field, local area and businesses, as well as other sites that might be of interest to customers.
The third level of pages will include an online work request form (not sure at this point if there will be any others). The form will prompt the potential customer to provide specific information about the work they need done, where they need it done, when they need it done, any questions they may want answered, and how to contact them.

Special Thanks to Andrew Henderson for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - My goal is to educate the public on Energy Kinesiology and to bring in business. To aslo inform about classes.

target audience - The general public, potential customers, and students.

message to visitor - What Energy Kinesiology is, the history, and about the classes.

feedback from visitorWant the reader to ask questions, contact for more info, or to come visit the facility.

differences from current publicity - Right now communicate mostly word of mouth and with brochures.

similarities to current publicity - Hope that it well still be word of mouth through the World Wide Web.

exisitng materials - I have brochures, flyers, and photos. I think I have files on both digital and print.

what you will accomplish in class - I would like to have a visually pleasing home page, maybe three or four of info, and some pictures. I would like to set up a contact page. In six months I would like the site to run smoothly and be able to update it with easy.

The storyboard is -
The name of the facility, the number, a nice logo, and links to the following pages: History of, Specialties, Calendar of classes and events, a contact page, and pictures of facility throughout the web pages.
Basically the history of Energy Kinesiology. Info and a little history of the individual who performs the service.(and a picture of the individual) What the individual specialties are.(like adults and children with learning problems) Calendar of classes and events. Contact page for questions.

Special Thanks to Christina Giannatos for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - To desplay and organize my personal picture collection from vacations, outings and personal events through out my life.

target audience - My family and friends.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader places I have been, people i've seen and personal events i've been a part of.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to be able to give their opinions on what they think and share their pictures from their collections.

differences from current publicity - Placing my pictures on the Net will be easier for me to show and share the places that i've been to and the personal events i've been a part of. Right now I have to email my pictures to them and this way I could just give them a link and everything would be at their fingertips.

similarities to current publicity - My pictures wouldn't change, but I can organize them properly and I would be able to recieve comments on the page instead of surfing through my emails to firgue out what everyone thinks.

exisitng materials - My pictures are saved on my computer, and I have coppies of my pictures on compact disks (cd's).

what you will accomplish in class - I would like to have a colorful, eye catchting page that I can desplay my pictures on so that my family and friends can leave comments on.

The storyboard is -
I want my first page to be like an introduction. I want to have pictures, colors and information about me that will draw the viewer in to looking at the rest of my site. I would prefer that my page be passwork protected so that only my friends an family would have access to it.
Picture Page 1: this page would contain my pictures and descriptions under them. Picture Page 2: this page would contain my pictures and descriptions under them. Comment Page: this page will include a coment box to that my family and friends can leave coments about what they think as well as leave me tips or feedback to help make my site better. Family and Friend Picture Page: this page would include a link for my family and friends to share some of their pictures with me. They will also be able to link their pages to mine so that they can promote their site from my site.

Special Thanks to James Salvante for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of my website would be to advertise my organization I plan on making a business one day.

target audience - The intended audience are potential customers.

message to visitor - I would want to tell the reader our history information, service and guarantee, and contact information.

feedback from visitorI would like the reader to tell me how to improve our services.

differences from current publicity - The presentation on the net would differ from public because online I would have photo's and samples how our service works.

similarities to current publicity - My presentation would be the same on the net and in public by having the samething.

exisitng materials - The existing materials would be photos and it would be digital form so it makes it easier for customers to view.

what you will accomplish in class - My goal would be to make a website consisting of the organization with about 5-7 pages. Some graphics and external links which I would suggest a number sometime in the future.

The storyboard is -
The first page would just tell the reader a bit about the organization and what we can provide them with.
What We Do This would show what kind of things we make and what we can do to their expectations. Samples This page will have samples of our work and they would be able to use it as if it was their own. Service This would tell the reader what kind of service we give and what we guarantee if they are not satisfied. Frequently Asked Questions This would help the customer before they contact us by phone or email. Support This is a way so the customers will be able to contact us by phone or email making it easier so we can improve.

Special Thanks to Justin Merrick for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - I just moved to San Francisco and want to give an overview of the different districts to live in for those wanting to move to SF.

target audience - Anyone

message to visitor - About SF and where to live. Help you find what your looking for.

feedback from visitorAnything: info exchange

differences from current publicity - Visual aids and can reach more people

similarities to current publicity - Conversation (emails, etc) and info exchange

exisitng materials - Lot of printed materail all over. Also have many other sites to refer to for specifics.

what you will accomplish in class - Districts: Places to... live, visit, party, relax, eat, etc.

The storyboard is -
A major overview map of the site making it easy to navigate and find what you are looking for.
The Districts: Financial District North Beach Marina Soma Pacific Heights
Listings of other sites

Special Thanks to James Hahn for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - 1. Provide information to existing and new customers. I believe the probability of a new customer find us via the web is relatively small. However existing customers will be "trained" to look at the website for updated information. The site will have to be updated frequently, particularly for new classes, sales and other information. 2. Information on the store, what it does, how it does it. 3. Where to find us, store hours and contact information. 4. A place to get on our mailing list. This will be collected and then re-keyed into our point of sale system. The POS system is in a software called Filemaker and I'm not always good about importing information, and it's usually worse than me. 5. A place where customers can look for the current and archived newletters. They should be able to download the newsletter, read it on screen, email it to a friend, look at archived newsletters (and do the same). The newsletters will be held in pdf format. 6. A page and archive for free patterns that we publish and for quilting tips and tricks. 7. Page(s) for the shop's teachers so that they can post their classes, even if they're not offered that quarter so that students can express interest in particular quilts. 8. A page where customers can communicate with us and do things like request particular items. 9. A scrapbook page where we can post pictures of customers quilts, store events, etc. 10. A guest book page.

target audience - The intended audience is current customers and to a lesser extent, new customers.

message to visitor - Among other things, the story behind Teddy Bear Quilts and our philosophy. This is the chance for the reader to communicate and enjoy the store without having to come into it. Class Schedule Teacher Information Sale Dates Patterns available See the answers to #1 above.

feedback from visitorTheir customer information. What they like about the store. What they don't like about the store. Suggestions for improvement. Special Order requests.

differences from current publicity - A lot more photographs. Kind of a site where they can get their virtual hands on us. The newsletter should be full of pictures of quilts that we will be providing classes for. This version newsletter will not be the same one that is mailed to customers.

similarities to current publicity - Much of the same information that is printed in the newsletter will be available on the website.

exisitng materials - (Can you rephrase the question?) Much of the information that will be put on the website exists in digital form. There is lots more in my head. We don't have a lot of already printed material available.

what you will accomplish in class - Between the two classes, I'd like to create a site with about 8 to 12 pages covering the items set out in Item #1 above.

The storyboard is -
Menu Masthead Welcome message One paragraph telling what the user can find on our site Search function (later)
Information about the store, it's philosophy, styles of fabrics, employees, history, background of owner (me), etc. Store information: Location (link to Mapquest, is that free?) Hours Contact information Sub page: contact message screen Sign up for the mailing list (have to have a way to collect information from the viewer). Newsletters - Current and Archived Patterns Tips and Tricks Other pages: Teachers Page (eventually broken down to individual teacher pages) Scrapbook page for the shop A guest book page
Contact message screen for comments, suggestions and requests.

Special Thanks to Monica Nowak for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The reason for this site is to share photos videos and other things with my family.

target audience - The audience is my family and friends, possibly even people my son plays sports with.

message to visitor - I want to let the reader see us and share in our lives via the internet. I have a 10 year old son who plays some organized sports and piano and share pics and video of him to grandparents.

feedback from visitorThey can make comments about things on the site or share info, but maybe only through an email link.

differences from current publicity - I will be able to post pictures and videos instead of printing and burning them and sending them.

similarities to current publicity - It will be similar in that they can see the same things they get through the mail on the computer.

exisitng materials - I have a database of photos and videos and I can also create more.

what you will accomplish in class - I would like to have a site up and running in order to share recent photos and videos of my son. Hopefully 3-5 pages. Since I already have the photos in iphoto a few photos and 1 external link to email.

The storyboard is -
The first page will be the introduction into the site with topics they can go to.
Sports pictures and video of my son or links dividing the sports pics into 4 third level pages. This might be an unrealistic goal, since I have no prior experience with this subject. A musical page, showing pictures and video of my family playing piano and guitar.
If I get a grasp on this I would like to make links from the sports page breaking it down to different sports, i.e. Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Basketball. I think it would have 4 third level pages.

Special Thanks to Rowland Morey for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of my website is to provide prospective pharmacy technician students with information and personal experience regarding the pharmacy technician profession within the pharmacy environment.

target audience - The intended audience of my website involves prospective pharmacy technician students and potential pharmacy students.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader that the pharmacy environment is a vitally significant and fascinatingly dynamic component of the healthcare system

feedback from visitorI want the reader to tell me about any feedback or comments relevant to the field of pharmacy, and particularly regarding the pharmacy technician profession.

differences from current publicity - My presentation on the Net differs from current techniques used to communicate with the public, as my presentation provides prospective pharmacy technician students and potential pharmacy students a basic and introductory glimpse into the pharmacy environment, based on the personal knowledge, experiences and perspectives of a recently licensed pharmacy technician.

similarities to current publicity - My presentation on the Net resembles current techniques used to communicate with the public, as my presentation provides links to current information available on other websites and how this information is relevant to prospective pharmacy technician students and potential pharmacy students.

exisitng materials - I will create much of the material from my own personal knowledge, experiences and perspectives. Also, I will provide information from, and create links to, other relevant websites regarding information on the pharmacy environment.

what you will accomplish in class - Since I am just beginning and this is my very first website, I will begin with 6 web pages, 2-5 graphics and 5-8 external links.

The storyboard is -
The first page will include a welcome to the visitor, and a brief narrative discussing the purpose and target audience of the site. The title will be “Rx for Student Techs!”
The Vitality of Brand and Generic Pharmaceutical Names. The Inevitability of Pharmacy Calculations. The Implication of Pharmacy Errors. The Retail Pharmacy Environment. The Hospital Pharmacy Environment Publications Relevant to the Pharmacy Environment.
I do not as of yet plan on having a third level of pages.

Special Thanks to Carmen Leon Guerrero for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - To provide website information on topics that women may find useful

target audience - Women, regardless of age

message to visitor - This site will provide links (displays websites) that they may find useful loosely using my experiences on subjects that I had to get information on.

feedback from visitorAllow feedback and new topics and links they think will be good to add

differences from current publicity - Currently use email and personal conversations

similarities to current publicity - Allow women an opportunity to see and read for themselves topics at their convenience and maybe get more information while online

exisitng materials - Maybe some digital photos but mostly links will be used.

what you will accomplish in class - Develop at least 3 webpages with topics that will be linked to other sites.

The storyboard is -
-> Brief description about what the site is all about. -> Topics listed will include Health and Family, Jobs and Hobbies, Training & Education, Shopping and Foods
Subsequent pages will list descriptions and links associated with the topic selected from the first page. For example if Health and Family was selected, the next page displayed will list descriptions to WebMD, 24Hour Fitness, Kaiser, Sutter Health, etc and links to the websites

Special Thanks to Merna Kerss for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - It is to advertise my consulting business. To provide a site were I can list my services, skills and experience. Both Accounting and Technology as will as useful tools and tips for my clients. Add links to important sites related to technology and cost accounting.

target audience - Small to midsized businesses in the building industry. Contractors, subcontractors, Architects, who need accounting and technology services for their business. Technology services for individuals and small businesses.

message to visitor - What I can do to help them spend their time growing their business instead of resolving accounting and technical issues. How they can know where they are on a job, where they stand financially so they can make business commitments and decisions based on their financial information.

feedback from visitorWhat their particular needs are? What services are they looking for and how can I help they get there.

differences from current publicity - Right now it is all word of mouth and my business card. If I have the site I can link it to may card and they can get more information about my expericence and what I can provide for their business. More detail here then one can list on a business card.

similarities to current publicity - I will be communicating the same services but in more detail on the web site.

exisitng materials - I have business cards and photos.

what you will accomplish in class - Currently I envision 3 pages. The home page with my company name and general list of services with links to one page detailing the construction cost accounting and the other link to a Technology services page. Since I just moved back to California I am just starting building my business here. I should develop a business plan as well.

The storyboard is -
Home Business name and introduction Who, what, when, and where (general statement) Construction cost accounting services for Sonoma county builders. Technology services Menu and links to detailed pages
What and How: Construction Accounting Services in more detail with links, current trends and tips. Services Financials Links for trends and organizations What and How: Technology Services Wired and wireless setup PC configuration, setup and application installition Security services Risk assessment Virus, spam and spy ware extraction and protection Links helpful technology sites. About Us Page: Who, Where and When... Past projects clients and experience
I would like to design the site to be able to add additional pages, easily, change text information, without total redesign. I will be using the hierarchical organization structure which appears to make this possible. I remember from trying to design a site before I got really lost in the layer. I didn't understand what I was doing or even how it worked so hopefully this will be a better experience.

Special Thanks to Anita Shah for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of the website is to advertise for the restaurant that we are thinking of starting.

target audience - The target audience is potential customers and specifically vegetarian people and those looking follow a healthy diet.

message to visitor - I would like to inform the reader of the type of food we will serve and what the menu is. Also put in a page about accomodating private parties and catering. Allow people to make reservations online.

feedback from visitorThings they would like to see on the menu. Feedback and reviews once it is open.

differences from current publicity - There is no current communication.

similarities to current publicity -

exisitng materials - There are no existing materials however I will be putting together a menu.

what you will accomplish in class - Set up 3-4 pages and links to other sites relating to vegetarian/vegan diet.

The storyboard is -
Introduction page with name and contact info. and a brief blurb about the owners. Links to the other pages.
Menu with descriptions of the items. Private Party/Catering information Reservations

Special Thanks to Charles Perkins for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal o this web site is to inform the 71 members of my neighborhood of the Annual Road Report and other road related issues in a timely manner.

target audience - The 71 neighbors in my private commnity.

message to visitor - Provide them wth timely road information. Provide them with the Annual Road Report.

feedback from visitorTheir questions and concerns. A FAQ section.

differences from current publicity - We currently use email and a printed report.

similarities to current publicity - The Annual Report will be available on line and will reduce the number of hours dedicated to processing the report in paperwork.

exisitng materials - Pictures, narrative, spreadsheets, database files, archives

what you will accomplish in class - Publish the Annual Road Report on line. Include a few pictures of events during the year.

The storyboard is -
Picture and heading "2005 College Park Road Board Annual Report" date
Narrative Goals for last year Goals for this year Issues Current Financial Statement and balance sheet Projected Financial statement for next year Inventory Conclusion or summary CPI inflation calculator Invoice Update your personal information for our records- email address, phone number, cell, fax Survey (attach survey to invoice separate from report)

Special Thanks to Nan Love for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - 1) To provide a Sonoma county and vicinity resource for people seeking involvement in local and global factory farm issues. 2) To create compelling interest and help educate about those issues anyone who happens upon the site for any reason.

target audience - Persons, mostly in Sonoma county and vicinity, but not exclusively,16 years old or more, of moderate to high intelligence, already or open to being concerned with three main issue of factory farming: Healthy Nutrition, The Environment Crisis and Animal Suffering. People either wanting to educate themselves about these issues and/or to get involved with other local, like-minded individuals. The audience will be potential associates who may often feel isolated because of their deep heartfelt concerns or may be new converts. The site will be designed for easy access even with slow internet connections and computers.

message to visitor - 1) The shocking, massive animal suffering caused by factory farming. 2) The vast environmental destruction caused by factory farming. 3) The many health benefits that are statistically and visibly greater with vegetarian and vegan diets. 4) How to learn more—the best links. 5) How to connect with other others and get involved.

feedback from visitorTo contact us using an online form requesting more information to be used to recruit and screen potential contributors. 1) Give us a paragraph with his/her feelings about factory farming, vegetarianism and/or veganism. 2) What she/he can contribute and in what specific areas of concern regarding factory farming.

differences from current publicity - We are a small, relatively new group; only able to have an occasional prescence in the community at specific events. This site will speak for us after we distribute literature and when we send out email notices to lists we know to already be working toward the same goals.

similarities to current publicity - We will be using the same logo and have the same intention—education and conversion. It will say the same thing we can at our most eloquent—to get the most interest in the short period of time we have the audience's attention.

exisitng materials - Digitally we have the logo, some text quotations, any of the illustrations/photos we will use plus all of the links. All other text will need to written. Almost all of the literature we hand out is courtesy of other organizations and the site will not have too much text as factory farm information is readily available in detail on the web.

what you will accomplish in class - The home page with six links including itself. The following five are in order of the navigation buttons representing the additional pages: 1) Healthy Nutrition 2) The Environment Crisis 3) Animal Suffering 4) Volunteer 5) Useful Links The Home Page and all the other pages will have a small logo and the navigation buttons plus the Home Page will have some unchosen as yet impactful but positive graphic and quote that grabs and a short introduction. All the pages text needs to written focusing on being concise and compelling. Healthy Nutrition will have a graphic of a real 90 year old vegan marathon runner! The Environment Crisis will have a graphic of ? Animal Suffering will have a graphic of perhaps close up of cows eye. Volunteer will connect to form to fill out requesting information about reader wishing to get involved. Useful Links will, for now, link to my existing site with 13 external links until I have the skill to do it all as well with HTML to look uniform with the rest of site.

The storyboard is -
The home page with six links. One for the home page and the following five in order of the navigation buttons representing the five additional pages: Healthy Nutrition The Environment Crisis Animal Suffering Volunteer Useful Links The Home Page and all the other pages will have a small logo and the navigation buttons plus the Home Page will have some unchosen as yet graphic and quote that grabs and a short introduction.
Healthy Nutrition will have a graphic of a real 90 year old vegan marathon runner! The Environment Crisis will have a graphic of ? does not need to be upbeat image. Animal Suffering will have a graphic of perhaps close up of cows eye preferably upbeat. Volunteer will connect to form to fill out requesting information about reader wishing to get involved. Useful Links will, for now, link to my existing site with 13 link until I have the skill to do it all as well with HTML to look uniform with the rest of site.

Special Thanks to Trista Kreischer for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of my website is to keep my family close. I want to be able to create a site where they can go to see what is going on with my life since I don't live in the same City as they do. I want to keep them informed about my progress in life.

target audience - My intended audience is my family and possibly close friends.

message to visitor - I want to tell the readers of what is going on with me here in San Luis Obispo by sharing events, pictures, etc.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to be able to communicate with me on how they are doing as well as feedback in general.

differences from current publicity - My presentation on the Net will be different from my current techniques because I will be able to share with them photos of current things instantly, rather than having to wait until the holidays to show them. I can also share with them the whole story once rather than getting bored by talking about it so many times and leaving things out as I tell more and more family members.

similarities to current publicity - My family will still get to find out what is happening in my life.

exisitng materials - I have quite a few current photos in digital form that could be used in the website. However, I have thought that it would be fun to take some old photos and things that I have done in the past with my family and add them to the site as well.

what you will accomplish in class - My goals for the next few weeks include setting up a website with at least 5 pages (including a home page) that include cool font and backgrounds, scanning a couple of my old photos to put on the web site, and use some current digital photos of my family from Christmas (that I was suppose to send to my mom, but haven't had the chance to yet).

The storyboard is -
The homepage will include the headings of the other webpages that I will be including in the website as well as a little current event blurb with a link at the end of the brief blurb directing you to the page in which the topic is located. It might also have a picture.
Family Pictures from get togethers like Christmas Singing page about what I am currently doing with my singing. School page about how I am doing in school and what I am learning in school. Email/Communication page where my family only can post an email or comment about anything whether it be to say hi or what's happening with them.

Special Thanks to Sabrina Davis for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of this website is about a particular topic, Tigers, its to tell people more about the five living tiger subspecies and a little about the three extinct tiger subspecies.

target audience - The intended audience are for people who love animals and especially who love tigers.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader about the differences in each of the tigers and I want the people who don't know, about the point of extinction for these remaining five tiger subspecies.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to tell me about any information they have about these beautiful animals that I have missed in this website. Also maybe any encounters that they have had with tigers.

differences from current publicity - This website is my way of informing the public about this particular subject.

similarities to current publicity - I have not communicated to the public about this subject until now, through the website that I will create.

exisitng materials - The material that I will be using will be from different places like from online resources and from books. The photos I have are digital.

what you will accomplish in class - My goal is to have about eight web pages, eight to ten graphics and about five to ten external links.

The storyboard is -
The title of my website, a couple of photos and an introduction to tigers.
I will have a web page for each of the five subspecies with a photo for each tiger. Then an additional page for all three of the extinct subspecies. My last page will be for links to other sites that are helping save the tigers from extinction.

Special Thanks to Tosya Shore for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - Advertise and share my paintings and get feedback

target audience - Friends, family and any watercolor enthusiasts

message to visitor - I am a watercolor painter and here are my paintings

feedback from visitorDo you like any of them? If so, which one and why. Provide constructive critisism, as well

differences from current publicity - Quick access to all paintings for all over the world - including for my sister in the UK to see. Readers can look at my art work without me watching their reaction - more comfortable viewing environment.

similarities to current publicity - Just like having someone come over and look at my paintings at my house.

exisitng materials - Digital images of my paintings. I still need to get digital images of many of them.

what you will accomplish in class - 1) Layout the entire website 2) do at least 5 pages - welcome/index page, paintings page, sketches page, bio page 3) At least 3 paintings and 3 sketches 4) external contact link 5) a photo of me on welcome page future: 1) add more paintings and sketches 2) add shows page 3) show the paintings as small tiles and double click to enlarge 4) add some cool art rectangle at top of each page that is from one of my paintings 5) add feedback page for readers to enter feedback

The storyboard is -
Title Welcome statement a photo of me brief statement of my goal as an artist menu that are links to the following pages contact me link date of last website update number of hits
paintings page have at least 3 digital images with names and size of each home button link at the bottom of the screen sketches page have at least 3 sketches digital images with location home link button at bottom of the screen boi page with brief description of my art background and a list of classes I have taken home button link at the bottom of the screen

Special Thanks to Keith Buchanan for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of my website is to organize and display my photography collection.

target audience - Friends and family.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader places I have been and also places I would like to visit.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to be able to give feedback as well as submitting and sharing photos.

differences from current publicity - Having all my photos on the Net will be easier for friends and family to see where I have been. Currently they would have to come to my house and view my photos in my photo albums.

similarities to current publicity - The pictures will obviously all be the same, but they will also remain organized.

exisitng materials - My photos are all saved on my computers hard drive.

what you will accomplish in class - I would like to have a great intro page with a link to my photos which will then be organized. I would also like a page that will be dedicated to new photographs and updates.

The storyboard is -
The first page will be very inviting to the viewer and I would like for there to be a login screen with a password to keep part of my life private. My title will be along the lines of "Keith Buchanan's Photographic Journey." This page will basically have general info.
Contact Page:This page will have information to contact friends and family members. Photo Page:This page will display my favorite photos with a brief description. Discussion/Forum Page:This will be a link for friends and family to keep in touch and share photos. Video Page-If at all possible I would also like to display short video clips???
Maybe a basic page with links to my favorite websites.

Special Thanks to Greg Steele for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of the site will be to serve as THE key resource for road cyclists in Sonoma County.

target audience - The intended audience is individuals wanting to learn more about road cycling resources and opportunities in Sonoma County. These people will be over the age of 16 with resources to drive to rides and to purchase cycling equipment.

message to visitor - I will provide the reader with great rides in the county, resources like bike shops and repair shops, biking organizations to join or contact, a calendar of Sonoma County biking events, and provide a forum to exchange ideas and great rides.

feedback from visitorI would like the readers to share great rides or biking resources with others on the site.

differences from current publicity - I have not found any site that combines all of the above information in a concise format for those in Sonoma County. I will also provide at least one photograph of each one of the best rides to give the reader a visual of the ride. To the best of my knowledge, this is not available anywhere else and not communicated by me to the public today.

similarities to current publicity - I will provide ride routes which is done by others in a similar format. I will provide names, addresses and contact information for bicyle shops in the area. This could be found in phone books or similar resources.

exisitng materials - I will need to create most of the material from scratch, although there are other web sites to draw from for bike routes.

what you will accomplish in class - My first goal is to create a very appealing home page that visually tells the reader that this is a Sonoma County road cycling web site with navigational links to 5-6 other pages. I plan to list 10-15 great rides with pitures of the rides accessible to the reader. I plan to develop links to at least 10 other sites. I would also like to provide some form of graphical animation on the site to better understand how to do this.

The storyboard is -
The first page will a short description of the purpose of the site. It will have pictures of Sonoma county cycling that tell the reader what the site is about and have navigational links to the other key 5-7 areas of the site.
The first page will have a list of 10-15 great rides in Sonoma County of varying lengths and starting locations. Each will have at least one picture that can be viewed of the ride. A future enhancement of the site will be to allow people to comment on the rides for others to read like Amazon or others do with book reviews The next page will be a listing of bike rental and/or touring groups in the area. This page would be for visitors to the county to find access to tours and/or equipment while they are here. The next page will be a resource guide for bicyle parts and repair. This will include direct links to these sites if the reader so chooses. It will not include a rating of the shop. The goal is to be a comprehensive lists of places around the county to purchase cycling gear or get repairs done. The next page will provide a two-month calendar of biking events in the county. This would include any century rides or other public events. This would not include any club-only or private events. The next page will be a list of cycling clubs or organizations to join in the county. It will include the mission or purpose of the organization, key contact information, and requirements for joining. The last of my pages would be a forum for readers to communicate with others on the site, a Sonoma County cycling chat room. This is the lowest priorty of things on the site for me.
Not at this time.

Special Thanks to Elaine Chow for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of this website is to advertise costumes and outfits for dogs and to promote sales of a new designers brand from a very talented and creative designer who has the biggest passion for dogs.

target audience - Dogs are our best friends! The intended audience is anybody who has dog, who loves dog and just anyone knows a friend who has dogs.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader that the designers dog outfit is one of the kind unique design. Each piece is essembled with top materials and inspected closely to ensure quality meeting the specifications.

feedback from visitorAny comment or feedback of the products. I would also like to learn any new ideas of costume that hasn't been discover yet. Also if there is anything wrong with the weblink/site or how I can better serve the customers.

differences from current publicity - The differences are quite big. On the net, the presentation is limited to writings and visual. Writings and visual presentations have to be very persuasive and powerful in order to catch reader's attention right away. When person to person, besides talking, I can also ask questions and get feedback and responses immediately.

similarities to current publicity - The common thing would be the facts of the products and the sales presentations. My speech and the writings would be less formal and uplift. I would use picture of the product on the net and in the public to give audience a better visual.

exisitng materials - Since this is a new start up business, nothing has been made yet except some photos were taken in private events. Those photos are in both digital format and in print.

what you will accomplish in class - After answering 7 questions and realized my project could be very huge but I can certainly start it as a personnal web page introducing a few homemake, homedesign dog outfits with a few links to the dog community, dog contest, dog gathering...etc.

The storyboard is -
will submit separately-elaine

Special Thanks to Larry Roberts for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of this web site will be to provide information to individuals about learning to fly aiplanes, gliders, hang gliders, and paragliders.

target audience - The intended audience will be friends and individuals who may be interested in learning to fly and may want to know more about it.

message to visitor - The goal of the web site would be to provide information on: -How fun it is to learn to fly, and the joy of flying. -Different types of flying available. -Requirements for flying various types of aircraft.

feedback from visitorJust an email link with comments about information they would like to see, or their experience with the various training companies.

differences from current publicity - I usually give the person a web site to visit and I put the web site of the location where I fly on my hobby business card so that they do not have to write it down. A lot of flight training companies have their own web sites to sell the training they do. I want a site that informs interested people about the various types of flying available. Many people ask me about flying and it would be great to just give them one site to provide information about many types of flying, plus provide a link to the local clubs and companies. Now they will have one site that links to many.

similarities to current publicity - Many companies and clubs use the web now. This sport is usually not advertised heavily to everyone, so someone must usually seek information by searching on the web or in the yellow pages. So my site will end up being another web site about flying.

exisitng materials - I have many pictures about some of the types of flying, as well as many books and brochures. There are also many web sites that I can link to if someone wants to pursue flying lessons of some type.

what you will accomplish in class - My goal for the 8 week class would be to set up a good basic foundation for a web site that can be built upon and expanded as my skills improve. The initial site would be 6 to 10 pages with about 8-10 graphics as well as about 8 links to external web sites. In 6 months I would like to expand the site, but not make it too big. It would be great if I could add feed back from people who have recently learned to fly.

The storyboard is -
Introduction/ Welcome page -Why Learn to fly? – the joy of the sport. -Who can learn to fly? Link to second page on requirements. -Types of Flying –brief information, with a picture of each type of flying, link to second page, a page about each type of flying. -Contact page – email me with comments, suggestions.
Airplane- with graphics/picture. Learn to fly an airplane. Explain. FAA Requirements Sport and Private Pilot. Glider - with graphics/picture. Learn to fly a glider - aka Sailplane. Explain. FAA requirements - Private Glider Pilot. Hang Glider - With graphics/picture. Learn to fly a hang glider. Explain. Requirements. Paraglider - With graphics/picture. Learn to fly a paraglider Explain. Requirements. Links Page -Club web sites -Flying web sites

Special Thanks to Kelly Wondolleck for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - My goal is to provide information to the parents and atheletes.

target audience - The intended audience would be anyone interested in the current standings for the team

message to visitor - Information about the current standings, upcoming events and parent information.

feedback from visitorNothing

differences from current publicity - The current techniques is not terribly effective. We are hoping more people will be able to get the information if it is online.

similarities to current publicity - Same information just presented different

exisitng materials - I will be working from scratch

what you will accomplish in class - I would like to be able to provide information in a very basic manner by the end of the 8 weeks.

The storyboard is -
Group/Organization Name Responsible persons contact information mailing address art/picture labels to other pages
Boys team Schedule game results Girls Team Schedule game results Parent club information Upcoming fundraising

Special Thanks to Daniel Spirlock for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - Music composition, and guitar in particular, are a hobby of mine. The goal of this website will be to illustrate the differences between popular models of guitars and educate visitors about the history behind some of the most popular guitar models.

target audience - This website is intended for anyone who is interested in music or musical instruments.

message to visitor - I would like to tell the reader about the different characterstics that make up the personalities of different guitar models.

feedback from visitorI would like the reader to give me feedback about the quality of the website, and also offer suggestions for other types of guitars that I haven't included in the initial website.

differences from current publicity - One difference is that there will be images, and I will be able to present facts in a clearer and more formal way than I do in casual conversation.

similarities to current publicity - It will be the same because it will cover a subject that I have conversations about with people.

exisitng materials - There are digital photos available that I can use. Also, information from the guitar manufacturers (online .pdf's, etc.) can be used.

what you will accomplish in class - I envision the website being 5-6 pages with 5-6 photos. One of the pages will be a links page to related websites.

The storyboard is -
This page will contain a bit of background/history on the guitar in general, and why I am interested in it. It will also contain links to all of the other pages on the site
Guitar Model 1: Photo of guitar - History of the guitar - Characterstics that make the guitar unique - List of well known artists who use the guitar - List of albums that are good examples of the guitar sound (possibly linked to amazon.com or something similar) Guitar Model 2: Photo of guitar - History of the guitar - Characterstics that make the guitar unique - List of well known artists who use the guitar - List of albums that are good examples of the guitar sound (possibly linked to amazon.com or something similar) Guitar Model 3: Photo of guitar - History of the guitar - Characterstics that make the guitar unique - List of well known artists who use the guitar - List of albums that are good examples of the guitar sound (possibly linked to amazon.com or something similar) Guitar Model 4: Photo of guitar - History of the guitar - Characterstics that make the guitar unique - List of well known artists who use the guitar - List of albums that are good examples of the guitar sound (possibly linked to amazon.com or something similar) Links page: Links to related pages or pages that would be of interest to guitar players.

Special Thanks to Karen Rasore for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - Our site is intended to give our members the information they need while restricting certain information that the public sees. We want to inform the general public who we are and provide a site for a members that keep them informed of their benefits from SCLEA.

target audience - The audience is the public and our members (County law enforcement). We provide service to only our members but there are times when it is beneficial to have some information about our organization available to the public at large.

message to visitor - 1) We want to tell the public who we are and what our members do and 2) we want to enable our members to access restriction information that pertains only to them.

feedback from visitorThe only interaction we would have onour site would be a password form that allows restricted access to our members.

differences from current publicity - Currently we only use newsletters and bulletin boards to cummicate with members. But they do not provide the privacy we need to give our members information regarding their contract, legal representation, bylaws, etc.

similarities to current publicity - Much of the information on the net will be the same as that we give in our newsletters and bulletin boards but there will be a "members only" section that will enhance our ability to communicate with members exclusively.

exisitng materials - We have all of the information we want to provide on the site in digital files (contract, pictures, bylaws) and we have a list of links that we want to add for some information.

what you will accomplish in class - I want to revise our current site so that it is more visually pleasing and arranged more coherently.

The storyboard is -
SCLEA homepage: photo of building and information regarding location and hours of operation. An explanation of who we are and what we do. A list of our job classes and departments we represent. hyperlinks to pages that contain other pertinent information: Merchandise M.O.U. (contract with County) Affiliations Events page Members Only
Merchandise page photos showing what merchandise we carry and the pricing for each. memorandum of understanding page a link to the County page where our contract and benefits are located Affiliations page PORAC (Peace officers research Association) Legal Firm (Mastangi, Holstedt and Amick) Long Term Disability Legal Defense Fund links to other sites pertinent to our members Events page Dates, times and photos of current and past events Members only page The bylaws of our organization Current newsletter Approved minutes
I don't think I will.

Special Thanks to Morgan Wren for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of this website is to provide a place to make the music I am working on accessible to the public. I plan on expanding this to include merchandise, tour dates, reviews etc. in the future

target audience - The intended audience are potential customers, fans, etc. Mainly anybody who is involved in the experimental music scene.

message to visitor - I want to provide the reader with samples of my work, and with more information on how/where to see the act.

feedback from visitorAny feedback they can provide about the music.

differences from current publicity - I will be able to provide multimedia in an accessible environment. I will be able to reach more people. I can hopefully expand the site to provide a small source of income as well.

similarities to current publicity - I will still be providing them with the same media.

exisitng materials - The songs that my bandmate and I have completed and are working on.

what you will accomplish in class - I hope to have a few songs online for download. I can perhaps have the in a streamable format. I can provide a look into the structure, goals, and messages of my band.

The storyboard is -
Information, news, navigation tools
Music for download Tour Info Merchandise Pics/band member info Related links
Different categories of merchandise. This may not be happening for some time, however

Special Thanks to Sara Rathbun for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of this website is to provide information about and increase awareness of Celiac disease and how to deal with it if you or a family member, friend or coworker is diagnosed.

target audience - The intended audience is primarily for those that have been diagnosed with Celiac disease, but will also provide resources and information for the general public, and friends and family members of Celiacs.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader about the disease itself, including symptoms and how to go about getting diagnosed. Then, I would like to give resources including where to find gluten-free products both online and in the local Santa Rosa area. Also, I would like to include a recipe section and a restaurant listing of those restaurants with gluten-free items.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to tell me of products, recipes and restaurants that they have found that would be beneficial to other Celiacs. Potentially a forum about a new brand or restaurant that was particularly helpful to them.

differences from current publicity - Using the Internet will allow me to reach a wider audience of people and pinpoint the audience in a much better way. Celiacs don’t tend to join support groups, or even inform other people that they have the disease, so there isn’t a great way to reach them at the present time, other than the Net.

similarities to current publicity - As a Celiac, I am very forthcoming with information to my family, friends and co-workers about the disease and things that I have learned in the process. I try and promote local restaurants and products by word of mouth, so this would translate into publishing it on a webpage.

exisitng materials - The existing material would be from other websites and my own personal experience. The information exists on the Internet, but I have not found a website that includes it all in one place. My recipes that would be on the website are all digital files, but the personal experiences would have to be reproduced.

what you will accomplish in class - For the eight-week class, I want to create a home page with five additional pages linked to it. If time and ability allows, one of my sections will have additional pages linked with individual recipes. Over the next six months to one year, I would like to continue to add and update information as it becomes available and within two years have it potentially become a subscription-based website.

The storyboard is -
The first page will be the home page with an introduction to what Celiac disease is and how it affects people on a daily basis. It will be a basic overview with a personal touch of a letter to those that will be reading the information on the following pages.
Celiac: Information about the disease as well as symptoms and how to go about being diagnosed. Treatment: Lists of the foods and alcohol that are not permitted after being diagnosed. Products: Gluten-free products that are available online and at local stores in the Santa Rosa area. Recipes: Recipes that are gluten-free and that I have found to be very useful during those busy weeks. Restaurants: Menus from all types of restaurants including fast food restaurants and local area restaurants that offer gluten-free items.
Individual recipes for the re.cipe section

Special Thanks to Ellen Li for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of my website is a funny look into the lives of my cats! Yes, I said my cats. This is a different take on people making websites of their pets, instead this would be from their eyes, as if they wrote the website.

target audience - Intended audience would be my family and friends.

message to visitor - The message I would most likely be conveying is a different take to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Some people don't understand animals and treat them badly or abandon them just because they don't understand them. Well, this website is to make us think, of how we expect these creatures to understand our world, when we can't even make sense of it ourselves.

feedback from visitorProbably, I'm a little excentric!

differences from current publicity - For one thing, this would be short stories from a cat's point of view.

similarities to current publicity - I will use simple language, and humor to communicate with the public.

exisitng materials - Pictures of my cats which are digital.

what you will accomplish in class - My site would be probably 3-4 pages, with 5 graphics and a few external links to sites such as the ASPCA.

The storyboard is -
The first page would be describing my objective of the page. Something to the effect of "This is my cat's website" we've all heard of walking a mile in another man's shoes, well try walking a mile with paws! Include a picture of my cats.
This page would be stories of my first cat. First story would be his voyage across the Pacific. A baby picture of himself, and a recent picture. Next page would be stories of my second cat, another voyager who crossed an ocean. Next page would be more stories of my other cats, and no they are not travelers, but abandoned cats who were rescued.
Links to helpful websites like ASAPCA, or the Humaine Society.

Special Thanks to Michael Lueders for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The site is to be a Family site to act as a photo album and family journal of happenings and events.

target audience - Family primarily. Secondary are friends and acquaintances participating in our functions and vacations.

message to visitor - Reader needs to be able to quickly find what's new and look up older archived data and images.

feedback from visitorReader should be able to provide input in the form of text and email photos to be added by webmaster.

differences from current publicity - Currently we all use various email accounts and adresses and some of the family gets left out of the loop. I hope to have a general "one stop shop". Possibly with email notices of new content.

similarities to current publicity - Currently plans are to have the majority of the site password protected through the use of logins. The main page will be public view, but due to privacy concerns access will be limited from there on in. I'm looking at Gate Keeper etc..for this task. I don't plan on having anything really private soe just some basic security is needed.

exisitng materials - Currently I have way too many digital photos to choose from as well as many many hours of digital video. My main chore is to make the file sizes and formats web friendly and cull the pile down to key representative elemenets.

what you will accomplish in class - Main goal in 8 weeks, develop frame work of site. I already own several doamins and will probably get a specific domain for the family site. As this is my first site using code only, have done my previous business sites using various WSYSIWYG editors, I will keep a realistic goal of: Main Page, Index page for media, Contact links to other family members and a page or two of media.

The storyboard is -
First page will be general info fo what's inside. ie Lueders Family Website. This page will request a login be provided. Logins or access info will be emailed to family and friends manually.
Once inside the reader will have a choice of contacting another family member through email links, other business websites, posting comments via a forum type set up or viewing photos etc. Contacts Page: Web links to family and friends personal and business sites. Media page: An index by dates or events of photos and videos. Forum page: Well, a dynamic forum for all of us to keep in touch. Looking at forum creation tools online.
Third level will just be fun links. Links to games or internet oddities.

Special Thanks to Jessica Parkerson for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal for this website is to accuratly promote plays to the general public.

target audience - The intended audience will be friends, family and the general public.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader information about the various plays.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to tell me suggestions for more plays to place on the website.

differences from current publicity - The presentation on the WWW will differ from communicating one on one by providing more information as well as communicate to more people at once about theatrical production plays. I will also be able to provide graphics.

similarities to current publicity - The information is the same but I can go into more depth on my website.

exisitng materials - The existing materials that will be used are; programs for the various theatrical production plays, flyers and some photos. The programs and fliers are in print only but can be scanned or typed up. Reviews for the theatrical production plays can be found online.

what you will accomplish in class - I will have five webpages dedicated to theatrical production plays. I will have a main webpage for the site. I will have five photos (One for each theatrical production play) and a photo for the main page. I will have approximately seven links to Colleges, plays and other resources.

The storyboard is -
I will have a picture that takes up most of the web page. I will have an introduction to the main page. I will have links to all five theatrical production plays. I will have an e-mail to contact me.
I will have an image of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" on the web page. I will have a description of the theatrical production play. I will have a critic review about the production play. I will have links to specific webpages related to this theatrical production play. I will have links to "Next," "Previous," and "Home." I will have an image of "Wicked" on the web page. I will have a description of the theatrical production play. I will have a critic review about the production play. I will have links to specific webpages related to this theatrical production play. I will have links to "Next," "Previous," and "Home." I will have an image of "MidSummer Night's Dream" on the web page. I will have a description of the theatrical production play. I will have a critic review about the production play. I will have links to specific webpages related to this theatrical production play. I will have links to "Next," "Previous," and "Home." I will have an image of "Lion King" on the web page. I will have a description of the theatrical production play. I will have a critic review about the production play. I will have links to specific webpages related to this theatrical production play. I will have links to "Next," "Previous," and "Home." I will have an image of "Peter Pan" on the web page. I will have a description of the theatrical production play. I will have a critic review about the production play. I will have links to specific webpages related to this theatrical production play. I will have links to "Next," "Previous," and "Home."

Special Thanks to Lynda Kluck for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of this website is to provide users with a single location for obtaining training materials. This site will be integrated into a much larger site that contains reference documentation, tools, knowledgebase and support information.

target audience - The intended audience consists of new developers that are beginning development on my company's proprietary platforms. Specifically, project managers, audio engineers, animators, programmers and quality assurance engineers. For the purpose of this assignment, I will most likely only focus on the site for audio engineers.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader what they need to know about development before they start working on actual projects and to the extent possible, simulate that experience.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to tell me what they have learned (through assessments, when applicable) and when or if they have questions or challenges.

differences from current publicity - In the past, this information was delivered in the classroom. Developing learning content for the web is very different from developing content for instructor-led delivery where a trainer can see what people are doing, gauge areas that are challenging and offer tips and tricks ad hoc. The web-based content has to be developed to take these things into consideration and offer alternative ways to get to similar information. Additionally, I anticipate that more time will be spent on the testing the content before release so as to assess/resolve challengesthat users might incur.

similarities to current publicity - The content will generally stay the same, but the delivery of the content will change.

exisitng materials - The existing content varies. Much of it is text-based and this information will be used as a reference for trainees. I also have audio files, graphics, movies, PowerPoint presentations and sample code. All of the information exists in digital form, but some of it, such as the movie files, are not optimized so I'm working on those this weekend.

what you will accomplish in class - My eight-week goal plan is to create a page for each of the seven audio modules. Each page will contain a minimum of one graphic and one external link. Because things change frequently in my work environment, I'm going to refrain from setting additional future goals at this time.

The storyboard is -
Welcome information, instructions for using the website, expectations/objectives for the course.
Getting Started Page -Technical requirements -Recommended tools -Pre-training downloads -PreReading: link to reference documentation and instructions for reading. Lesson 1: Audio Production Process This lesson contains an interactive flowchart of the production process for platform XX with links to referenced graphics and sample assets. In Phase 2 I'd like to incorporate Flash animation to represent the workflow and the impact of change. Lesson 2: Audio Streams/Compression This page will describe the different audio streams and compression levels on platform XX and provide links to examples of each. Lesson 3: Concatenation/Inflection This page will provide a brief overview of concatenation and inflection with audio examples. I'd also like to incorporate a quiz component here where learners have to reconstruct a sentence to maximize use of concatenation without having choppy audio. Lesson 4: Lesson 5:
My third level might contain assessment components and/or learning aids.

Special Thanks to Lynda Hungerford for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal is to promote the Santa Rosa Branch of AAUW

target audience - The potential audience is comprised of people who want to know more about AAUW or who have moved to the community and want to connect with the branch. Secondarily the audience is members of the branch who are looking for information about an event or who what to connect with some other facet of AAUW.

message to visitor - AAUW is a vibrant organization that supports the education and development of girls and women from junior high school girls to professional women.

feedback from visitorI want visitors to tell me that they are ready to join. I want members to tell me they found the information that they needed.

differences from current publicity - This presentation will reach a wider public by virtue of being on the net. I hope it will be more visually interesting than our current presence.

similarities to current publicity - Currently our communications are limited to news releases that are usually ignored and our newsletter which goes to members and previously identified prospective members.

exisitng materials - We have a "Web site". Since I created and maintain it, I can say that it is technically inept and visually boring. We have an informational brochure. The state organization and the Association in Washington each have Web sites.

what you will accomplish in class - At least 6 pages, 5 external links, logo on every page, photos of local participants in Tech Trek.

The storyboard is -
Logo Basic information about AAUW. It is a multi-level organiztation; it includes a non-profit foundation; it serves women and girls with a variety of projects Also, somewhere, a description of the next event.
Calendar: This will list activities of the whole organization by month, and, when known, by date. The activites for the whole year will appear (September through June). Items will not be deleted when they are past, because we want visitors to get a feel for the variety of our work. Membership: Membership requirements and a downloadable PDF form for submitting dues. There are several levels of dues that need explaining. Projects This will describe the projects we participate in. They include sponsoring scholarships at Sonoma State, sponsoring a local girls soft ball team, sponsoring junior high students to attend Tech Trek at Stanford or Mills; raising money for graduate scholarships (awarded on the national level); and providing financial assistance to women (and men) who suffer from sex discriminationa against women. Interest Groups: There are a number of groups within the organization who meet to pursue special interests. These include book groups; a global issues group; a gourmet lunch group. Contact page: How to reach us. Ideally with popup mail forms and e-mail aliases.
A page of pictures of Tech Trek girls. Ideally, a page for each major event.

Special Thanks to Cassandra Hernandez for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - To adveritse about a business my dad is soon hoping to start.

target audience - The audience will be potential customers.

message to visitor - I want to inform the reader of all the skills my dad has is cooking and what his spelties are.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to give me positive feedback and ask questions about the business.

differences from current publicity - Currently the business isnt licensed, so its just passed on through friends and coworkers. This will give us a broader range of people.

similarities to current publicity - It will all say the same thing just in different format.

exisitng materials - I don't have any materials, but Im sure it wouldnt be hard to get some.

what you will accomplish in class - To make a good web page or two and learn a lot along the way. Learn how to put pictures on web pages.

The storyboard is -
The name of the company, Possibility of the company business card, contact information, brief info about the company. A menu bar to the other pages.
The menu and specialty foods. History of the company and info about past gatherings we've done.

Special Thanks to John Kilass for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The purpose of the web site is to advertise a product, inform and solicit customers and to process ordrs.

target audience - The target audience are customers that are primarily females age late teens to adults.

message to visitor - I want the site visitor to learn the quality of each item and that each item is hand crafted with high quality accessories.

feedback from visitorI want the site visitor to provide feedback on design types and styles of product. Any addition color choices and specific brands desired.

differences from current publicity - The web site exposes the product to those interested persons searching the web. The technique currently being used is word of mouth. The web opens a virtual store.

similarities to current publicity - The similarities between the Net presentation and current practice is that potential customers will see the product(s) and order their favorite style.

exisitng materials - The existing material for these products that can be used for the web site are digital photographs of each item.

what you will accomplish in class - The goal for the first eight weeks is to develop three to four web pages and five external links.

The storyboard is -
The businees name, phone number and email address. A brief general product description and details about the quality of the accessories. This page will also contain links to all other pages and how to contact the owner for additional infomation.
This page will display the first specific product line. This page will display the second specific product line.
This page will be used by customers to submit purchase requests.

Special Thanks to Michael Di Rosario for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goals of this organization's website are various: 1)To act as an informational brochure for the community served by the organization. 2)To educate families regarding various topics. 3)To provide a calendar and/or schedule as well as a menu of services and activities that families may find useful. 4)To advertise events, including fundraising events and to include enrollment or application forms. 5)To provide a reference center of useful links to related organizations or services in the community and perhaps educational materials.

target audience - The intended audience is both current and potential clients. Another audience is the community-at-large, including the faculty and administration of the schools with which we work. And finally, a third audience is for donors and fundraising participants.

message to visitor - What the organization does, our history and current status, as well as visions for our future role in the community. We would also provide information for the reader regarding specific topics, services, workshops, and events.

feedback from visitorWe would want the reader(s) to contact us via email links on the site so that they could further inquire as to services, events, or activities. We would love some readers to tell us that they would like to donate contributions - whether it be financial or volunteering their time/skills.

differences from current publicity - At present, I'm not sure that it would differ to much from our printed brocure and various flyers, etc.. Although it would be more comprehensive as well as more convenient since it would all be in 'one place'. There is also a lot of information that we currently don't have in print for distribution.

similarities to current publicity - Much of the same information that we have in print.

exisitng materials - Brochure, flyers, photots. They are mostly in digital file form.

what you will accomplish in class - Our organization already has a basic website. What I'd like to be able to accomplish in 8 weeks is to be able to feel confident that I can edit that site, update it and hopefully, add to and embellish the site, including the addition of links. I would also like to learn something about getting our site to come up better and better in search engine searches by the community.

The storyboard is -
Organization's name and logo and a descriptive menu which will direct website visitors to the various sections and pages of the website.
COUNSELING - A description of our counseling services, both for families and students. An email link to our Counseling Coordinator for convenient contact and questions by the readers. FAMILY ADVOCACY PROGRAMS - A description of our family advocacy services and an email link to our Family Advocacy Coordinator. HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAMS - A description of our homeless prevention services and a summary of eligibility. An email link to the Coordinator of our Homeless Prevention Programs. Also, a calendar of our weekly meetings in the community which further explain eligibility requirements and distribute applications. EMPLOYMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS - A description of our employment training services and email links for contacting the specialists who run the program. JUVENILE DIVERSION & EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM - A description of the program and services available for youth and their families. An email link for convenient contact with the staff. UPCOMING FUNDRAISING EVENTS - Descriptions and calendar for upcoming fundraisers. Application and/or enrollment forms. Also, a printable form for sending donations.
Not sure at this point what 'third level' refers to... Would like to insert a map with directions to our administrative offices. and a limited list of staff - probably just management, with thumbprint bios.

Special Thanks to Veronica Cardinale for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - The goal of this website is to provide a virtual portfolia of my work. It will also be an opportunity to advertise my product, and provide contact info for those who have further interest.

target audience - The intended audience would be potential customers, although I'll be sure to let my friends and family know about it.

message to visitor - Since my focus is on providing a visual example of my work, there won't be much script. But, I will want to give location info on each photo as well as possibly available sizes and cost.

feedback from visitorI want the reader to be able to give feedback on the photos as well as have the opportunity to contact me.

differences from current publicity - It will allow a larger area of presentation so that potential customers can see the variety of product I have available. It can be used as an extension of mailings and other physical advertisements.

similarities to current publicity - Hopefully it will be visually pleasing and simple.

exisitng materials - I have some of my work in digital format but do due the quality of the scan the resolution will need to reduced and I'm thinking perhaps I will add a copyright symbol to each photo I place online.

what you will accomplish in class - 1.I would like to set up a home page with basic informational and an inviting presentation. 2.I would like to set up 2 or 3 categorical pages. 3.I would like to set up a contact page. There are a few other things I'd like to have but I think they will have to come later.

The storyboard is -
On the first page I'd like to have one main photograph and perhaps information on the photographer. A navigational bar and brief contact information.
I was thinking of having an animal page where I could place low resolution pictures with captions. I would like to have a scenic photograph page possibly 2 one for ocean and one for other. I would like to have a page for micro and plantlife photographs also with captions. I would lie to have a contact me page. possibly listing what sizes I have available with prices listed
No third level pages at this time.

Special Thanks to Katherine Reede for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - My goal is to advertise my fiance's construction company. I would like to provide customers with more information and pictures of what Alex is capable of doing.

target audience - The intended audience is potential customers needing great quality construction work done.

message to visitor - I want to tell the reader more about the different kinds of work Alex does and what quality work it is.

feedback from visitorI would like them to tell me more information about what kind of work they need done.

differences from current publicity - This will differ from our current techniques because right now we just use business cards and word of mouth.

similarities to current publicity - I think this will be the same as current techniques only in the way that we are trying to advertise and get his reputation out there.

exisitng materials - The material I have right now is all the information (of course!) and digital AND print pictures.

what you will accomplish in class - I think maybe four pages, four graphics and four to five link is reasonable for me. In six months, I would like to have worked hard to improve and update this website.

The storyboard is -
The name of his company, address, phone number, license number, email address, and maybe how many years he's been doing this. I would like a catchy logo or something, too. Then of course, the links to the pages below.
I want a photos link with three to four different files of photos: brick work, tile work, sheds he built, and maybe remodels he did. I would also like a bios link to give a little information about him and how he cares about the quality of work he does, etc. Lastly, I would like to have a questionaire for potential (or just interested) customers to fill out that automatically gets sent to our email address. I only want a couple of questions: Name, Email, Phone number and best time to call, what the customer needs done and a description of it.

Special Thanks to Raymond Johnson for sharing their Goals and Storyboard assignment.

goals for site - Well it will be many things, but specifically it is a website for a historical society; it will provide education, calender of events, technical help and advise Promote growth in the interest of the preservation of artifacts, Ford automobiles, and other materials; it will provide a source of reference for research, and in the future promote shows and sell products.

target audience - The "audience" will be only those who a have an interest in the Ford Automobile since this site will be for Ford's only.

message to visitor - I want to convey to the collector or interested party that this website is the go to place to find any information about thier car, whether it is a history of a model, technical tips, specifications, publications, upcoming shows or swap meets, pictures, advertisements, or even a commercial. They will also find links to clubs, suppliers, classifieds, and other places of interest.

feedback from visitorThe reader will need to be able to pass information me for inclusion into the website. Since this will be a very large site and I have limited knowledge, I will need a lot of material; and I and hoping to get quite a bit of it from other members of the society. Of course the members will need to be able to give input as to how this website will look and function.

differences from current publicity - Since we are talking about my website and the fact that I have a limited group that I am talking to; I will say that I have never been able to communicate with them in the past except through limited local events or e-mail. This website will bring all of the clubs and individuals together that collect Fords as it never has been before.

similarities to current publicity - It won't be. As I said before I have only had limited local communication with other club members and people that own old Fords.

exisitng materials - Well the goal is to show a digital copy of as many advertisments, tv commercials, manuals, articles, and photos that I can get, it will take years to get it all together but that is the challenge in front of me. I know all of the material I need is out there somewhere and I just need a copy of it.

what you will accomplish in class - My goal for eight weeks is to site up the back bone of the site, learn about graphics and other tricks of the trade to allow me to continue and eventually complete the site, well it will never be completed. The first eight weeks will be about 10 pages more or less, in a year I hope to have it along far enough to bring it on line.

The storyboard is -
"Ford Automobile Historical Society" Home page. typical menu bar on the left side. In the body will be the mission statement and goals. Since this will be a membership site there will need to be a link to the page that has the application And a link that is for "contact us". The menu bar will have the following links: Calender of Events, Model History, Club Affiliations,Classifieds, and Drivelines
"Calender of Events" page will divided by links to each state and country. There will be a statement as to what types of event are listed and a "Contact us" link for those who want to let me know about an upcoming event that they want added. "Model History" will give a brief discription of what is contained in each of the files. The files will have the hisory, pictures, specification, comparisions, advertisements, technical tips, a link to the drivelines, and if available the t.v. commercial of each model that Ford Produced from 1896 to present. For example: the Model T or the Falcon. "Club Affiliation" page will be divided eventually by links to each model which would also be accessed from the "model Histories" pages. This page would also have a link to a pdf application page for club affiliation and or starting a chapter.Each club or chapter would have contact information and a link to that club or chapter's website. And this page will have a "contact us" link. "Drivelines" page would work the same as the model histories page except it would be divided by engine size and year. This page is nesesary becuase drivelines were used in many different models and years. This also would keep from cluttering the model histories up too much. cross linking would be used in the model histories pages "Classifieds" Ford Stuff for sale; this page will have a discription of what can be sold, policies and disclaimers. Adds eventually will be divided by type and linked to thier own pages. The "contact us" link will be at the bottom.
I have allready showed the third level and I guess I should not have, but since the second level will be the transition or a links page for the most part I am leaving it the way that it is.

These teaching materials were developed by Linda Hemenway, please contact me if you have comments on the material or would like to access the files.

Original Script by Philip Tardif for use by Linda Hemenway