Linking Code Examples

Here are your classmates Websites - review and enjoy.

Special Thanks to Jeanne Gomez from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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I thought I already did this, but I don't have a grade. If this is not the reason, please advise. thank you

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Special Thanks to Lori Pelton from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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I was a little apprehensive about this assignment, but once I got into it and figured out the FTP, it was really a blast. The coding is reminiscient of an archaic Compugraphic typesetting code used years ago. Does anyone else remember that? Looking forward to finishing the site with all the "goodies".

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Special Thanks to Pamela Spears from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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This was fun! I just hate the content, but forming the pages was great.

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Special Thanks to Jon Ahlberg from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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Special Thanks to Sheila Schmidt from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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You will find 7 Relative Links on the home page and repeated on every linked page. You will find 5 WWW Links on the Favorite Links page. You will find 2 Jump links on the Family Link page. The first jump will take you to "michael" near the bottom of the page and then you will see another jump link to "sheila" at the top of the page. You will find 2 mail-to links. The first is at the bottom of every linked page, including the home page. The second is on the home page titled: Send me a note. You will find 2 lists in the Family Link page. There is a list for Parents and another List for Siblings with a sublist underneath that. Hopefully, I covered everything.

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Special Thanks to Lisa Nathan from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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I am having fun doing the assignments! Can't wait to learn how to put images on my site using html!

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Special Thanks to Lawrence Gonzales from 5375 for sharing their Website.

Comments about site
When I used the jump link, I couldn't quite get the page to go completely to the top. It just went to the top of the body, not the top of the page. I still had to scroll to get my header in view.

My WWW links are on the "about us" page
My jump links are on the "Employer process" page
My mailto links are on the "contact" page
and my lists are on the "Candidate process" page.

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Special Thanks to Matt Hardisty from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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No Comment...

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Special Thanks to Kathleen Watson from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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The lists are on the Links page and the Printmaking Techniques page. The jump links are on the Printmaking Techniques page. Well, the files are in, but I can't seem to access them....all I get is a page that says "Index of/~kwatson." I wrote you an email, perhaps it is something extremely simple, and will be easy to fix....

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Special Thanks to Donald Espinoza from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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Garlic is good food

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Special Thanks to Gina Aviles from 5375 for sharing their Website.

Comments about site
I don't understand in the homework for ch3 due 2/20 it says submit url and it's worth 60 points and to submit it using the form in lesson 4, but when you go to lesson 4 to submit it it says it's worth 30 points. I'm having a lot of fun doing this though!

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Special Thanks to John Barton from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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Hi Linda, Please find my 4 page web presentation: Also: 3 Relative Links - ALL PAGES 5 www. Links - CONTACT PAGE 2 Jump Links - CONTACT PAGE 2 Mailto Links - CONTACT PAGE 2 Lists - 1 Unordered List - HOME PAGE (index.html) and 1 Ordered List - HEADSHOTS PAGE

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Special Thanks to Lesa Herron from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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I don't really have any comments about this last assignment. I am finding that I am picking up the html code without to much difficulty. I waited until now to submit my URL because I was looking at it on other computers.

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Special Thanks to Caroline Corey from 5375 for sharing their Website.

Comments about site
I turned this in the first time with no comments in here, so you might get this twice. I used 2 of 3 relative links on my home page. The second level pages I used a home link to finish out the third link. All the www links are on the first page. Jump link is on the first of my second level page (the long one). The mail to links should be at the bottom of my home page and one of my two second level pages. I used the numbered list on all my pages. I used an extensive definition list on my first second level page..session1.html, it proved very useful for what I'm trying to create on my website. I also got a chance to nest it as well. Loading the files onto the web didn't seem as difficult as I thought it would be, but I did have my husband (programmer) walk me through it. The testing and debugging was the easy part. I didn't have any problems and the site worked fine. I wasn't sure if I would be able to figure it out if I did have problems.

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Special Thanks to Samuel Hergenrather from 5375 for sharing their Website.

Comments about site
This is getting fun. Loading my site (http:// onto "gracie" was much esier than I had imagined. It's gonna be great to add graphics and color to what we've already learned.

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Special Thanks to Sonnie Willis from 5375 for sharing their Website.

Comments about site
FTP transfer worked beautifully. After several frustrating moments of looking for errors and not finding the mistake that prevented an < a href > to function, this part of the homework was a walk in a lovely park. Trying to visualize the marvel of cyberspace and how this wonderous Internet functions, is more than a single old brain can handle. The idea of making my page link to one that is located in St. Petersburg, Russia, by merely pointing the cursor on a line that I coded into my page, is enough to have melt down in Sebastopol CA.
The remaining job of learning tables, producing graphics, using color, images and refining the appearance of my website will be another challenge.
Thanks to Linda for being there and smoothing out the path in the picturesque park.

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Special Thanks to Mark Gregorio from 5375 for sharing their Website.

Comments about site
I am still working on the contents that I can put on the other sections of the site. It was so much FUN working on this, I only hope I have more time. I also had a great time trying out different ftp softwares to upload the web pages.

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Special Thanks to Lorrie Echols from 5375 for sharing their Website.

Comments about site
This was really fun, if frustrating at times. I put the pages up and then changed them several times. Still a little confused about going back in and adding jump links to a list; I must be putting things in the wrong order. It is all very logical, but sometimes I get lost anyway. Copying and pasting tags is too easy, but it isn't a very good way to learn code, so I have refrained from doing it. I have found it useful to have more than one page open at a time, to compare code and see where I might have made a mistake. I had no problem putting the pages "up" on Gracie. It was rather tedious to make sure that all the links worked, however. Lorrie Echols

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Special Thanks to Nancy Manchester from 5375 for sharing their Website.

Comments about site
FTP was the hardest part of this assignment, but once I got it right, it was easy enough. I only hope I can do the same twice LOL.

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Special Thanks to Tom Weissbluth from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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This was very exciting! I'm on the web. Ok now I want to know how to load pictures, colors and and graphical bells and whistles

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Special Thanks to Margery Hoppner from 5375 for sharing their Website.

Comments about site
I was so excited to see that "successful" phrase on the FTP transfer! After looking at some of the other examples submitted.....I have a long way to go. There are some very creative people out there, can't wait to learn more.

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Special Thanks to Christopher Sullivan from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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This is sort of like doing a puzzle.I hope that I have all the elements necessary for the completion of this assignment.If the image loads, oh well...I'm a little ahead of myself.

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Special Thanks to Laura Winkelbauer from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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3 relative links located on all pages 5 www links, 1 mail to link and 2 lists located on clancy.html 2 jump links located on afminfo.html 1 mail to link located on about.hmtl 1 list located on index.html

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Special Thanks to Nicole Cox from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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I didn't really want all the examples on one page, and I had them all where I wanted them, but I do want to get an A in this class so I put all examples on one HTML document. I will be removing them as the course progresses ^_^. I have examples of internal links, external links, jump links, email links and an unordered list at ml I have a much better example of jump links at: and far superior examples of ordered and unordered lists at: and

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Special Thanks to Melissa Donovan from 5375 for sharing their Website.

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Hopefully it's okay that I used a domain instead of gracie. I figured since I had the domain and haven't really been using, I might as well get some mileage out of it and use it for class.

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Original Script by Philip Tardif for use by Linda Hemenway