Welcome to TORPEDO JUNCTION - Since 1994, the Industry Leader Specializing in Submarine Books and Memorabilia. The World's Largest Inventory and the Finest Selection of New, Used and Rare Submarine Books on the Internet. From the
earliest stages of Submarine development to the highly sophisticated Submarines of the world today!
Allaway, Jim HERO OF THE UPHOLDER: The Story Of Lieutenant Commander M.D. Wanklyn VC, DSO. Airlife 1991The story of the HMS Upholder and the Royal Navy's top submarine ace in World War II. Photos, 191 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Beach, Capt. Edward SALT AND STEEL: Reflections of a Submariner USNI 1999Biography of "Ned" Beach, submarine captain in World War II with 12 patrols, naval aide to Ike, partner of Rickover during the nuclear program and Captain of the USS Triton. Photos, 299 pages. NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Beynon, Robert THE PEARL HARBOR AVENGER: U.S.S. Bowfin JB1 2002Written by crewmember Dr. Robert Beynon this book covers the war patrols of one of the most successful U.S. Submarines of World War Two, U.S.S. Bowfin SS 287. This comprehensive well researched book also includes chapters on many other aspects of the "U.S. Silent Service" during WWII: 1) The American Submarine; 2) Commissioning; 3) Captains, Skippers, "The Old Man"; 4) Who was the Submarine Sailor?; 5) The Torpedo Disgrace; 6) Nine War Patrols; 7) Sea of Japan; 8) Special Missions; 9) Medal of Honors; 10) Naval Squabbles; 11) Post War; 12) Bowfin Sailors Respond; 13) Sailor... "Rest Your Oar"; 14) The Silent Service... Little Known Facts. Photos, patrol maps, diagrams, glossary, index, 298!
Now available ONLY from TORPEDO JUNCTION by exclusive arrangement - Presentation copy SIGNED by the AUTHOR and Bowfin crewmember, Dr. Robert Beynon. 1st edition Extra Large 6" x 9.25" Trade Paperback. NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Bouslog, Dave MARU KILLER: The War Patrols of the USS Seahorse Seahorse Books 1996
History of one of America's most effective WWII undersea raiders as told by the men who lived the events. USS Seahorse SS 304 wreaked havoc on her enemy's navy and merchant marine, sending 24 ships to the bottom. Her legendary skipper, Slade Cutter, ranked 2nd among all U.S. submarine commanders in numbers of enemy ships sunk. 31 photos, 5 charts, 224 pages. NOTE: This is not that low quality imitation paperback reprint! This is the Scarce - Limited 1st Edition Privately Published by the Crewmembers of USS Seahorse! ONLY 1000 hardback copies printed. Out-of-print since 1996.
In 1996 the Captain of USS Seahorse, Slade Cutter, graciously agreed to sign copies of MARU KILLER for TORPEDO JUNCTION by special arrangement with the author. We have a limited supply of these autographed books left in stock in NEW condition. Now available ONLY from TORPEDO JUNCTION for a very limited time Signed by the Author and the Captain of U.S.S. Seahorse, Slade Cutter. $150. Order Form
Calvert, RAdm James SILENT RUNNING - My Years on a World War II Attack Submarine Wiley 1995The author's story of war patrols on successful World War Two submarine USS Jack SS 259 as a "crack" TDC operator. Photos, maps, 282 pages. 1st NEW condition. $28 Order Form
 Carpenter and Polmar SUBMARINES OF THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE NAVY USNI 1986Study of the development, operations, and losses of I.J.N. undersea craft from 1904-1945. Strategic concepts and operations of fleet, midget, aircraft carrying, Kaiten-human torpedo and transport submarines. Covers I.J.N., German and Italian coordinated Axis submarine operations. Chapters on specialized attack craft, torpedoes, carriers and tenders. Comprehensive reference. Large 4to-pictorial format, 176 photos, 12 maps, diagrams, etc., 177 pages. Very Scarce 1st edition. Out of Print since 1986. We have a few copies left in stock in NEW condition. $100 Order Form
Cocker, M. P. OBSERVERS DIRECTORY OF ROYAL NAVAL SUBMARINES 1901-1982 Warne 1982"Every Royal Navy submarine from 1901-1982 in one volume." Photos, diagrams, app., 128 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Dalgleish and Schweikart TRIDENT Southern Illinois Univ. 1984
An exhaustive analysis of every aspect of the Trident submarine program beginning as part of the "STRAT-X" study of 1967 to the present. This comprehensive study includes descriptions of the base, the construction process, the vessel itself, improvements in submarine technology that will affect it, and the political struggles involved in activating the program. Photos, charts, diagrams, app., 502 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
 Dunmore, Spencer LOST SUBS Da Capo 2002
The gripping stories of the world's most famous lost submarines, from the ghostly wreck of the Civil War submersible Hundley ... to the grave of the Kursk beneath the Barents Sea. Features amazing underwater images of these vessels. Large 4to-pictorial format, color and b+w photos, ill., 176 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Ferguson, Julie H. THROUGH A CANADIAN PERISCOPE: The Story of the Canadian Submarine Service Dundurn Press 1995A thoroughly researched account of the Canadian submarine service from its unexpected inauguration in British Columbia on the first day of the Great War to its uncertain future today. Describes the activities of the submarine service during and after World War 1, details the careers of the Canadians who served with distinction in British submarines in all theatres of World War 11, and examines the modern era, from the rebirth of the service in the 1960s to the present. Contents include; The Birth of the Canadian Submarine Service, 1914, Canadian Submariners in Europe, 1917-1918, Canadians in The Mediterranean, 1941-1943, Canada Rents Submarines, 1946-1959, The Canadian O Boats, and more. Comprehensive, interviews, 36 pages of photos, maps, tables, detailed appendices, index, notes, bibliography, 364 pages. 1st NEW condition $15Order Form
Fluckey, RAdm. Eugene B. THUNDER BELOW! - The U.S.S. Barb Revolutionizes Submarine Warfare in World War II Univ. of Illinois 1992
Fluckey's story of his five patrols in command of the Barb, for one of which he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. USS Barb SS 220 sank the greatest tonnage of any American submarine in World War II and forever changed the way submarines stalk and kill their prey. Large 8vo, blue cloth w/gold stamped spine, 54 photos and illustrations, 6 track charts, endpaper maps, app., index, 444 pages. NEW condition. $30 Order Form
Flynn, Ramsey CRY FROM THE DEEP: The Submarine Disaster That Riveted the World and Put the New Russia to the Ultimate Test Harper Collins 2004"On August 12, 2000, during one of the most important military demonstrations in post Soviet history, an enormous explosion sank Russia's most prized nuclear submarine, the Kursk. When Putin's men failed to rescue the 118 young submariners, public outcry was tremendous and uncovered a government that valued their military secrets over human life." Photos, 282 pages. 1st NEW condition. $10 Order Form
Friedman, NormanILLUSTRATED DESIGN HISTORIES"This series offers detailed descriptions of the evolution of all classes. Fully illustrated with deck plans, outboard profiles, sketches from major design studies, and numerous detailed photographs. The appendixes contain a wealth of information on ship characteristics and equipment."
Friedman, NormanU.S. SUBMARINES THROUGH 1945
Friedman, NormanU.S. SUBMARINES SINCE 1945
NEW and available through Ron Martini's Submarine Books Store.
Email your order here - Rontini@bresnan.net
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Gannon, Robert HELLIONS OF THE DEEP: The Development of American Torpedoes in WW2 Penn State Press 1996
A finely crafted, thoroughly informative study of the failure and of the successful technical effort to develop winning weapons for the American Fleet Submarines. Word from the Publisher: Ultimately, World War II was the first war won by technology, but within only a few weeks after the war began the U.S. Navy realized its torpedo program was a dismal failure. Submarine skippers reported that most of their torpedoes were either missing the targets or failing to explode if they did hit. The United States had to work fast if it expected to compete with the Japanese Long Lance, the biggest and fastest torpedo in the world, and Germany's electric and sonar models. Hellions of the Deep tells the dramatic st!
ory of how Navy planners threw aside the careful procedures of peacetime science and initiated "radical research": gathering together the nation's best scientists and engineers in huge research centers and giving them freedom of experimentation to create sophisticated weaponry with a single goal - winning the war. Robert Gannon conducted numerous interviews over a twenty-year period with scientists, engineers, physicists, submarine skippers, and Navy bureaucrats, all involved in the development of the advanced weapons technology that won the war. While the search for new weapons was deadly serious, stretching imagination and resourcefulness to the limit each day, the need was obvious: American ships were being blown up daily just outside the Boston harbor. These oral histories reveal that, in retrospect, surprising even to those who went through it, the search for the "hellions of the deep" was, for many, the most exciting period of their lives. Comprehensive. Photos, !
diagrams, 241 pages. 1st NEW condition $30 Order Form
Gray, Edwyn FEW SURVIVED: A History of Submarine Disasters Cooper 1996The first comprehensive account of every peacetime submarine disaster from 1774 to present. More than a list of what sunk where, when and why, the author examines the sinkings in considerable detail including rescues and attempts as well as development of rescue equipment, past and present . The appendices include the most comprehensive and accurate list of submarine disasters ever printed, several of which appear for the first time in this study. Photos, app., 274 pages. 1st NEW condition. $30 Order Form
Greene and Massignani THE BLACK PRINCE AND THE SEA DEVILS: The Story of Valerio Borghese and the Elite Units of the Decima MAS Da Capo 2004The story of Prince Borghese and his infamous WWII Italian naval commando unit, midget submarine and covert activities including spiriting away an Italian agent imprisoned on an Allied submarine. Photos, 284 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Gugliotta, Bobette PIGBOAT 39: An American Sub Goes To War Univ. of Kentucky 1984 "From navy records and the letters, journals, and still-lively memories of the S-39's men and their wives and sweethearts, the author has woven a remarkable portrayal of American service life before and during World War II." Photos, patrol maps, diagrams, 224 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Harris, Brayton NAVY TIMES BOOK OF SUBMARINES: A Political, Social and Military History Berkeley 1997"Intensive research into original sources to present a compelling and far more complete history of the submarine, from conception to birth to maturity during WW 1 to the genesis of the mighty nuclear submarine." Photos, Ill., diagrams, 398 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Henry and Keith GALLANT LADY: A Biography of the U.S.S. Archerfish Forge 2004 She looked just about like all the other diesel powered, Balao-class U.S. submarines crafted in the 1940s. But there the similarity ends. Because the Archerfish SS 311 won a unique, heroic place in military history and the memories of her crew members. Here is her story: from her assembly in New England, her service in World War II, where she broke the back of the Japanese Navy and sank the Japanese super aircraft carrier Shinano, the largest ship ever sunk by a submarine ..... to the details of her critical role in the Cold War, crisscrossing the oceans for six years to foil Soviet naval intelligence. Written by crewmember Ken Henry, an extraordinary real-life odyssey, Archerfish is a vivid, unforgettable portrait of submariners' life. !
16 pages of photos, 352 pages. 1st edition hardback. By special arrangement now available ONLY from TORPEDO JUNCTION - Presentation copy Autographed by the Author and USS Archerfish crewmember, Ken Henry. NEW condition hardback. $30.00 Order Form
Hill, A. J. UNDER PRESSURE: The Final Voyage of Submarine S-Five Free Press 2002
The true story of the 36 hour long ordeal of the crew of the S-Five submarine that went down in waters in the Atlantic. With no radio, no electrical system, one drive motor shut down, and the ship full of water, the captain and crew fight to find a way to survive. It is a story of the courage, endurance, and incredible resoursefulness of the entire 41 man crew. Photos, app., 256 pages. 1st NEW condition $15 Order Form

Hinkle, Caldwell, Johnson (Ed.) Mulkin (Illus.) UNITED STATES SUBMARINES Sponsored by Sonalysts and Naval Submarine League 2002The United States Submarine Force is celebrated for the first time in a definitive, magnificently illustrated, large-format book published with the Naval Submarine League. Thoughtful incorporation of full-color and vintage photography, portraits, recruiting posters, and historically inspired paintings complements the text. Chapters include: Chronology, First Skipper, Holland, Early Days, Trouble Below, Sub Ops in WW2, America's victorious Submarines of WWII, Uncommon Valor, Post WW II, Rickover, Cold War Retrospective, Cold War Submarine Confrontations, Submarines in Deterrence, SSN's, Life on Board, History of SubSchool, Insignia, Museums, Science and Exploration and the Future. Co!
mprehensive reference. Extra large 10.5" X 14" pictorial format, 100's of high quality color and b+w glossy photos and illustrations, blue padded leatherette cloth, gilt titled cover and spine, United States Submarines seal in full embossed reproduction on the front panel, 352 pages. NOW OUT OF PRINT! Published new for $75.00 we have a few NEW copies left in stock. $50.00 while they last! Order Form
Holmes, Harry THE LAST PATROL Wrens Park 1994This book tells the story of the 52 U.S. submarines lost during World War II, their successes, failures and their final dive before the sea closed over them forever. 123 photos, extensive app., 224 pages. 1st U.K. NEW condition. $28 Order Form
Huchthausen, Kurdin and White HOSTILE WATERS St. Martins 1997The death of Soviet submarine K-219, an accident in 1986 in which this sub was within moments of meltdown. Eleven years ago this crippled Soviet missile submarine sank off American shores in sixteen thousand feet of water ......its highly classified story has finally surfaced. Photos, maps, app., 303 pages. NEW condition. $10 Order Form
Hutchinson, Robert JANE'S SUBMARINES: War Beneath the Waves--from 1776 to the Present Day HarperCollins 2001This comprehensive study begins with the primitive boats of the 18th and 19th centuries, covers the submarines of both World Wars and goes on to the nuclear submarines of today. Aside from the rundown on every major type of submarine, there are sidebars on accidents, weaponry, and more. Large 4to-pictorial format, photos, diagrams, app., 223 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Kemp Peter MIDGET SUBMARINES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR Caxton 1999 This study looks at why major navies engaged in the construction of midget submarines and details all the types of craft that were built. They are broadly divided into three groups: human chariot torpedoes, midget submarines and suicidal submersibles such as the Japanese Kaiten. With no other comparable book available this report will be of interest because of its detailed plans and photos. Large 9 1/2" x 11" format, 100 photos and plans, large separate foldout plan, charts, line drawings, 128 pages. NEW condition hardback. $30 Order Form

Kemp Peter UNDERWATER WARRIORS Brockhampton 1999Midget submarines are an important but relatively little-known part of the history of submarine development and use. During WW11 midget submarines were used extensively and effectively in raids against seaborne, harbor, and land based targets __ a subject that is throughly covered in this study. 75 photos, line drawings, charts, app., 256 pages. 1st NEW condition $25 Order Form
Lambert and Hill THE SUBMARINE ALLIANCE USNI 1986Anatomy of a ship series. Comprehensive text, 200+ keyed line drawings, full description of design, construction, general arrangement, hull structure, operational history. Large 4to-oblong, numerous close-up and on-board photos, diagrams, ill., charts, 120 pages. 1st NEW condition. $30 Order Form
Lavo , Carl BACK FROM THE DEEP USNI 1994"The Strange Story of the Sister Subs Squalus and Sculpin." Squalus SS 192 sank during a test dive in 1939 and was initially located by Sculpin SS 191 and participated in rescuing the crew. After salvaging and renaming as "Sailfish" she was later sunk by Sculpin during Worl War II. The extraordinary ordeals shared by these inseparable submarines in gripping detail. Photos, 226 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Maas, Peter THE TERRIBLE HOURS USNI 1999"The man behind the greatest submarine rescue in history, "Swede" Momsen's role in an epic submarine disaster." Momsen was responsible for directing the rescue and escape of crewmembers during the Squalus disaster in 1939. 259 pages. 1st NEW condition. $15 Order Form
Mansfield, Jr. John CRUISERS FOR BREAKFAST: War Patrols of the USS Darter SS 227 and USS Dace SS-247 Media Center Pub 1997
War diaries of several Japanese men-of-war have been translated to provide on-the-spot reactions and what took place when they were attacked and sunk by American submarines at the start of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, October 23, 1944. "The Fourth War Patrol of USS Darter embraces one of the most outstanding contributions by submarines to the ultimate defeat of the Japanese Navy." - Vice Adm. Thomas C. Kinkaid (Cmdr. 7th Fleet, 1944)
The author has spent more than four thousand hours in gathering references, conducting interviews, traveling the country coast to coast and border to border to be able to present as accurately as possible the events that took place on-board these two "Silent-Service" warriors. Filled with riveting accounts of submariners at war, this work includes action, adventure, humor, heartwarming and personal accounts of the brave men who served on Dace's eight and Darter's four war patrols. Photos, charts, line drawings, extensive app., full cloth binding with 4 color dust jacket, 300 pages.
In 1997 the Captain of USS Darter, David McClintock, graciously agreed to sign copies of Cruisers For Breakfast for TORPEDO JUNCTION by special arrangement with the author. We have a limited supply of these books left in stock and each copy comes with a "letter of authenticity" from the author, John Mansfield, Jr." 1st edition in NEW condition. Signed by the author and the Captain of USS Darter, David McClintock. $125 Order Form
Martini, Ron HOT STRAIGHT AND NORMAL -"A Submarine Bibliography" The ONLY submarine book bibliography in print.This reference book lists 3100+ non-fiction and 600+ fiction books from around the world. A complete index to all articles printed in Naval Proceedings from 1874 to date. A complete index to all articles in Naval Submarine League's Submarine Review - all issues. Complete listing of submarine museums worldwide. Decklogs and patrol reports acquisition. Listing of Clay Blair's papers and Charles Lockwood's papers. Over 120 videos listed. An invaluable resource for research work or personal library collections. Softcover, 6" x 9", 108 pages. NEW $27 Order direct from the author. Email here - Rontini@bresnan.net Order Form

McCants, William WAR PATROLS OF THE USS FLASHER: The True Story of One of America's Greatest Submarines Professional Press 1994USS Flasher SS 249 with it's two daring skippers holds the record as officially credited with sinking the most Japanese enemy shipping in World War II. This book has been endorsed by Capt. Edward Beach, Adm. Galantin and Cmdr. Alden. 80 photographs, charts and line drawings, bound in embossed simulated leather with full-color dust jacket, fully indexed with bibliography, 465 pages.
This is the Scarce - Limited Privately Published 1st Edition Out-of-print since 1994! Now available ONLY from TORPEDO JUNCTION for a very limited time. Presentation copy Autographed by the Author in NEW condition with dust jacket. $85 Order Form
Mendenhall, R.Adm. Corwin SUBMARINE DIARY: The Silent Stalking of Japan Algonquin 1991Admiral Mendenhall's memoirs of the Pacific war having completed 11 patrols on board USS Sculpin SS 191 and Pintado SS 387 during World War II. Photos, maps, 290 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Michno, Gregory F. USS PAMPANITO - Killer-Angel OUP 2000
Most World War II submarine stories are glorifications of war written by submarine captains about their own boats. USS Pampanito, however, is not a typical submarine adventure. It is the story of a sub and crew that, though they caused plenty of destruction, found the pinnacle of their honor and fame in a dramatic sea rescue. Gregory F. Michno relates the experiences of the crewmen who served on the USS Pampanito SS-383 - both the enlisted men and the officers. USS Pampanito: Killer Angel presents a full picture of life on a "pigboat" and the attitudes of a whole generation who found their defining experience in World War II. Photos, charts, app., 445 pages. 1st NEW condition. $30 Order Form
Moore, Robert A TIME TO DIE Crown 2002The untold story of the Kursk tragedy. Photos, map, diagram, 271 pages. Reprint edition. NEW condition. $10 Order Form
Moore, Stephen L.SPADEFISH: On Patrol With A Top Scoring World War II Submarine2006
By official postwar analysis, Spadefish ranked as tied for fourth best in number of enemy ships sunk (including a Japanese aircraft carrier) and sixth best in total enemy tonnage sunk. Spadefish was the only U.S. submarine launched in 1944 to become one of the war's Top Ten scoring boats. In terms of efficiency, she was unequaled--sinking a ship for every seven and one third days on war patrol! Steve Moore has written a very detailed but also very readable book about a top submarine that has not, until now, received the credit it was due.
"When Japanese targets in the Pacific were becoming scarce, Spadefish became one of the first submarines to penetrate the Tsushima Strait and enter the Sea of Japan, where she wreaked havoc with Japanese shipping she found there. This book is also notable for the attention it pays to the experiences of Spadefish's crew members. Liberally sprinkled with interesting photographs, it is a fine tribute to one of the leading submarines of WWII." -- James F. Calvert, Vice Admiral, USN (Ret.), author of Silent Running.
Photos, maps, muster rolls, appendices of top scoring submarines, Spadefish crew awards, 480 pages. Presentation copy SIGNED by the AUTHOR, Stephen Moore. 1st edition Extra Large 5.5" x 8.5" Trade Paperback. NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Parrish, Thomas THE SUBMARINE VikingThe story of those who first dreamed of underwater ships, of the inventors and engineers who created and developed the submarine, of visionary national leaders and naval strategists, and many famous skippers. 32 pages of photos, 576 pages. 1st NEW condition $15
Polmar, Norman DEATH OF THE THRESHER Lyons 2001The full story of the events leading up to the worst submarine disaster in history. Working closely with Navy submarine experts-including the first commanding officer of the USS Thresher SSN 593 - the author carefully reconstructs the Thresher's brief career, the account of her last voyage, and the drama of her last dive. Photos, tables, app., 194 pages. NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Poluhowich John J. ARGONAUT: The Submarine Legacy of Simon Lake Texas A+MIn the development of the submarine, one significant figure has been seriously overlooked by historians and the government. Without the efforts of Simon Lake, examined here, underwater navigation would be very different from what it is today. Photos, 181 pages. NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Preston, Antony SUBMARINE WARFARE - An Illustrated History Brown 1998Story of the Submarine at War from its early beginnings to modern day. 100 b/w + color photos, b/w diagrams and cutaways, full color artwork illustrations, 144 pages. 1st NEW condition. $10 Order Form
Sasgen, Peter T. RED SCORPION: The War Patrols of USS Rasher USNI 1995USS Rasher SS 269 was one of the top submarines of World War II. Among the 190 subs in the Pacific that saw combat, she ranked second in tonnage (99,901) and ninth in the number of ships sunk (18). Maps, app., 366 pages. 1st NEW condition. $30 Order Form
Smith, Steven Trent THE RESCUE: A True Story of Courage and Survival in World War II Wiley 2001By 1944, forty Americans, missionaries, escaped POWs, and sugar planters had endured nearly three years of hell while hiding from the Japanese in the central Philippines. They had seen friends and family killed and the Japanese were always searching for them. Then came word that MacArthur was sending a submarine to rescue them. This group faced a 100 mile trek through dense jungle and trackless swamp. But the group had no idea that the rescue was just a cover for a mission of getting Japanese battle plans to the Americans. This is the story of their trek and the crew of the submarine USS Crevalle assigned to rescue them. Photos, maps, endnotes, bibliography, index 326 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Smith, Steven Trent WOLF PACK: The American Submarine Strategy That Helped Defeat Japan Wiley 2003Traces the development of the wolf pack--American submarines that decimated much of what remained of the Japanese merchant fleet--from its origins at the end of WWI to its devastating use by the Nazis to its role in America's victory in the Pacific. 312 pages. 1st NEW condition. $12 Order Form
Sontag and Drew BLIND MAN'S BLUFF: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage Public Affairs 1988After 6 years of research veteran investigative journalist Sherry Sontag and New York Times reporter Chris Drew reveal stories of American tapping of Soviet communications cables in the Barents Sea, the true story of the legendary Hughes Glomar Explorer, a CIA-built excavation vessel, new evidence about the loss of USS Scorpian and much more. Stretching from the years following WWII to present day spy operations of the Clinton Administration. Photos, 352 pages. NEW condition. $15 Order Form
Terzibaschitsch, Stefan SUBMARINES OF THE U.S. NAVY Arms and Armour 1991"This book documents all conventional U.S. submarines of the Gato, Balao and Tench classes operating during WWII as well as older submarines from the inter-war years which saw action in the war." One of the best books available for documenting the post-war Guppy converted submarines. Comprehensive. Large 4to format, 300+ photos and ill., diagrams, charts, extensive app., 214 pages. Very Scarce 1st NEW condition. $100 Order Form
Treadwell, Terry SUBMARINES WITH WINGS Conway 1985"The Past, Present and Future of Aircraft-Carrying Submarines." Photos, technical diagrams, silhouettes, charts, app. 1st NEW condition. $28 Order Form
Trumbull, Robert SILVERSIDES 1945/1990 The story of U.S.S.Silversides SS 236, one of the top scoring U.S. combat submarines in the Pacific sinking 31 enemy ships of 100,685 tons. Interviews with the crew and compiled from patrol reports. Patrol photos, sinking and tonnage chart, 217 pages. Reprint of the scarce classic 1945 edition. NEW condition hardback. $25
Order Form

U.S. Navy THE FLEET TYPE SUBMARINE - NavPers 16160 Manual Restricted June 1946"Produced for ComSubLant by Standards and Curriculum Division, Training, Bureau of Naval Personnel. The Submarine School, Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut and other activities of Submarines, Atlantic Fleet collaborated in the preparation of this manual." Based on USS Perch, it is designed as a primary instruction book for the Basic Enlisted Course, Officers Basic Course, Reserves, and a general reference book for shipboard personnel." Chapters covering; development, definitions and terminology, buoyancy and stability, compartmentation and exterior installations, torpedo tubes, armament, main engine and propulsion system, tank arrangements, engineering plant, air suppl!
y and exhaust, refrigeration and air conditioning, water system, trim and drains, fuel and lubricating oil system, hydraulic, anchor and capstans, compensation and reballasting, etc.
This is the newly published reproduction facsimile copy of the official "Restricted Training Manual" originally produced by the U.S. Navy in 1946. Declassified some years back, original copies can sell for as much as $600, presuming you can find one. Although some of the book has been reformatted, and the color fold out images have been reduced to fit on a normal page and reproduced in black and white, all of the original content is preserved. Large 8.5" x 11" soft cover pictorial format, photos and illustrations, comprehensive technical system schematics, plans, charts, tables, 28 detailed technical hull and superstructure cross sections, cutaways, diagrams, drawings, and silhouettes, 224 pages. NEW condition $25 Order Form
Vyborny and Davis DARK WATERS - An Insider's Account of the NR-1, the Cold War's Undercover Nuclear Submarine NAL 2003
Operating alone and unarmed on the bottom of the sea, the U.S. Navy's smallest nuclear-powered submarine is one of its biggest weapons. Tied up at a pier, the boat with the bright orange sail looks absolutely minuscule, innocent and out of place beside its big brothers, the fleet's huge missile-carrying and attack submarines, but it can dive deeper, stay down for a month, and accomplish missions far beyond the capabilities of any of them. The ship has been cloaked in mystery. It wasn't commissioned or given a name, and even today it is hardly known beyond a select fraternity of sailors and scientists. They simply call it the NR-1.
"Dark Waters: An Insider's Account of the NR-1, the Cold War's Undercover Nuclear Sub" is a thrill-a-minute book of submarine adventure, imminent danger, personal bravery, technological wonder and historic discovery. It will be a proud addition to the shelves of readers who love stories of the sea, history and intrigue. Photos, app., 243 pages. 1st NEW condition $25 Order Form
Waller, Douglas C. BIG RED: Three Months on Board a Trident Nuclear Submarine Harper-Collins 2001The Trident nuclear submarine is the most complex war machine the United States Navy has ever produced, a $1.8 billion marvel crammed with more modern military technology than any other vessel in the world. Deep beneath the ocean, it can sail silently for months, practically impossible to detect by the enemy. And the twenty-four ballistic missiles on board just one of these subs have enough strategic nuclear warheads to unleash twice the explosive energy detonated by all the conventional weapons in World War II. Granted more access to these awesome submarines than any journalist before, veteran Time magazine correspondent Douglas C. Waller reports on a tension packed three month patrol deep in the Atlantic Ocean inside one of these Tridents, the U.S.S. Nebraska, and penetrates one of the most secretive worlds in the U.S. Military. 16 pages of photos, !
336 pages. 1st NEW condition $10 Order Form
Weir and Boyne RISING TIDE: The Untold Story of the Russian Submarines That Fought the Cold War Basic Books 2003 "With 16 pages of never-before-seen photos, Rising Tide recounts successful Soviet operations, including top-secret exercises off the American coast, and espionage coups, such s the spy-ship that monitored American missile tests off the Florida coast and collected the debrise in full view of the US Navy. All too common were the near-misses, heroic rescues, and deadly catastrophes that plagued Soviet submarines over the years, and still do, including the horrific nuclear accident on board the ill-fated K-19, later nicknamed the "Hiroshima"; the internal fire that sank the K-8 in 1970 with 22 sailors on board, and the dramatic escape of crew members from the Komsomolets in 1989, as narrated by a survivor. Russian submariners fought two battles in the Cold War: One against their American opponents, and another against the cruel Soviet leade!
rship that knowlingly put their lives at risk and caused so many needless deaths. Includes the tragic sinking of the Kursk in 2000." Photos, index, appendices, 354 pages. 1st NEW condition. $10 Order Form
Weir, Gary E. FORGED IN WAR Naval Historical Center 1992 The naval-industrial complex and American submarine construction, 1940-1961. This book is the first to analyze the partnership between the U.S. Navy, industry, and science forged for World War II and responsible for producing submarines in the U.S. from 1940 through 1961. It describes the development, construction of a particular sub, the technology and compare it with German, Japanese, and other Navies. Photos of construction, testing and completion, glossary, 314 pages. 1st Large paperback. NEW condition $15 Order Form
