Welcome to TORPEDO JUNCTION - Since 1994, the Industry Leader Specializing in Submarine and U-Boat Books and Memorabilia. The World's Largest Inventory and the Finest Selection of New, Used and Rare Submarine and U Boat Books.
Blair, Clay Jr. HITLER'S U-BOAT WAR-Volume Two: The Hunted, 1942-1945 Random 1998
Part two of the two-volume set which covers the period when the German Navy suffered its most devastating defeats. The author waited until the secret WWII code-breaking and U-Boat records were released to write the most thorough and truthful account of the Battle of the Atlantic. Describes in detail all major patrols and sorties, futile operations against the Americans, and the demoralizing losses that in effect destroyed their submarine service. 40+ photos, 13 tables, app., 909 pages. Out of Print since 1998. This is the scarce Volume Two of the set. We have a few copies left in stock in NEW condition hardback. $45 Or!
der Form
Bradham, Randolf HITLER'S U-BOAT FORTRESSES Lyons 2003 This in depth study chronicles the wartime history of two French naval bases at Lorient and St. Nazaire which were occupied by the Germans in June 1940, and which soon drew the attention of Allied bombers. Large 6"x 9" paperback format, photos, charts, diagrams, 196 pages. 1st NEW condition $12 Order Form
Bunch, Jim GERMANY'S U 85 - A SHADOW IN THE SEA: A Diver's Reflections 2003 For anyone who enjoys U-boat history and wreck diving here's a fascinating look at the story of U-85, her captain and crew, and the diving and adventure that have followed. U-85 was sunk April 14, 1942 by the U.S.S. Roper 15 miles northeast of Oregon Inlet North Carolina. The author has made over 500 dives on the U-85 over the last 20 years and has done extensive research in its history from the time its keel was laid, until it became the first German U-boat engaged on the surface by U.S. Navy warships during World War Two. Large format hard cover, 99 photos, both color and archival b+w of the U-boat and crew, many drawings and diagrams, 96 pages. 1st edition hardback. By special arrangement now available ONLY from TORPEDO !
JUNCTION - Presentation copy Autographed by the Author, Jim Bunch. NEW condition hardback. $25 Order Form
Chowdhury, Bernie THE LAST DIVE: A Father and Son's Fatal Descent into the Ocean's Depths Harper Collins 2000Chris and Chrissy Rouse, an experienced father-and-son scuba diving team, hoped to achieve widespread recognition for their outstanding but controversial diving skills. Obsessed and ambitious, they sought to uncover the secrets of a mysterious, undocumented World War II German U-boat that lay under 230 of water, only a half-day's mission from New York Harbor. In doing so, they paid the ultimate price for their quest for fame. Bernie Chowdhury, an expert diver himself and a close friend of the Rouses, explores the thrill-seeking world of deep sea diving, including its legendary figures, most celebrated triumphs, and gruesome tragedies. By examining the divers' psychology through the complex father-and-son dynamic, Chowdhury illuminates the extreme sport diver's push toward- and sometimes beyond- the limits of human endurance. Color photos,!
endpaper maps, 356 pages. 1st NEW condition. $10 Order Form
Dunmore, Spencer LOST SUBS Da Capo 2002
The gripping stories of the world's most famous lost submarines, from the ghostly wreck of the Civil War submersible Hundley ... to the grave of the Kursk beneath the Barents Sea. Features amazing underwater images of these vessels. Large 4to-pictorial format, color and b+w photos, ill., 176 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Edwards, Bernard THE ROAD TO RUSSIA: Arctic Convoys 1942 USNI 2003"The fate of Convoys PQ13 and PQ17 bound from Iceland to Northern Russia as well as the westbound Convoy QP13. Attacked relentlessly by aircraft and U-boats, the former lost a total of thirty ships while QP13 ran into a British minefield off Iceland, losing seven vessels. Immortalised by Nicholas Montsarrat's "The Cruel Sea", the story of these convoys is one of the most inspiring examples of raw courage and dedication to duty to emerge from the Second World War. Photos, bibliography, index 210 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Franks, Norman DARK SKY, DEEP WATER - First Hand Reflections on the Anti-U-Boat War In WW II Grub Street 1997Many first hand accounts from both sides give an insight into how R.A.F airmen and German and Italian submariners fought each other in WWII. Photos, 218 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Furbringer, Werner FIPS: Legendary U-Boat Commander 1915-1918 USNI 1999 In a desperate attempt to blockade Britain into surrender during World War I, the U-boat arm of the Imperial German Navy attacked and sank any allied vessel-from troop transport to fishing boat-found along the British and French coastlines. Werner "Fips" Furbringer was one of these U-boats' most successful commanders, and he recounts his true-life adventures with the epic sweep of a skilled novelist. From his early assignment on board the submarine that sank the Lusitania in 1915 to his three years as a commanding officer, Fips shows how with skill, daring, and sheer luck he overcame the dangers of mine fields, searchlight barriers, Q-ships, and armed light houses. His controversial capture and his life as a British prisoner-of-war completes the valiant story. Available in English for the first time, this classic German memoir vividly depicts an experience that few survived !
to tell. A brave officer who inspired fierce loyalty in his crews, Fips was a decent man who adhered to an archaic code of chivalry as this frank and eminently readable work clearly indicates. Werner Furbringer re-entered the German Navy in 1939 as the U-boat senior planning officer. He retired with the rank of Konteradmiral in 1943. Photos, map, index, 146 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Gannon, Michael BLACK MAY: The Epic Story of the Allied Defeat of the German U Boats in May 1943 Harper 1998In May 1943, Allied sea and air forces won a stunning, dramatic, and vital victory over the largest and most powerful submarine force ever sent to sea, sinking 41 Uboats and damaging 37 others and thereafter changing the course of the Battle of the Atlantic. Photos, maps, notes, 492 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Gardner, W.J.R. DECODING HISTORY: The Battle of the Atlantic and Ultra USNI 1999Carefully assesses the complicated pattern of factors that led to victory over the German submarines in the Atlantic during WWII, one of which was the decryption of German coded signals, now usually called Ultra. 263 pages. NEW condition $25 Order Form
German Naval High Command U BOAT COMMANDER'S HANDBOOK U.S. Navy translation of the 1943 German edition. Compiled from combat experience, this handbook was at the side of every operational U-boat commander. By memorizing its contents, a young or newly appointed commander could draw on the experience of veteran submariners to assist him in the life and death struggle which awaited him. Through this book the reader enters the mind of a U boat commander. 30 photos, 120 pages. Softcover, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" NEW condition $12 Order Form
Giese and Wise SHOOTING THE WAR USNI 1994Memoirs of a World War II U-boat officer. Included are vivid accounts of the arduous life of the men who served in Germany's fleet of "gray wolves" and more than 100 Leica-quality photos taken throughout his career. Photos, app., 289 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Gray, Edwyn THE U-BOAT WAR 1914-1918 Cooper 1994Originally published in the U.S. as "The Killing Time." The 1st use of un-restricted submarine warfare and history of the Uboats during WWI. Photos, app., 280 pages. 1st UK NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Hadley, Michael U BOATS AGAINST CANADA McGill-Queens Univ. 1985"The author focuses on the exploits of the U-boats and the Canadian response, setting them within the broad context of German and Canadian activity in the Battle of the Atlantic." Photos, charts, app., 360 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Haskell, W. A. SHADOWS ON THE HORIZON: The Battle of Convoy HX -233 USNI 1998Witness to the ferocious battle that nearly severed Britain's lifeline across the Atlantic, the author has written a brilliant narrative account of the Battle of the Atlantic. His work combines meticulous research of original documents with participants' testimonies to reconstruct exactly what happened to the U-boats and their quarry in the crucial spring months of 1943. The focus is the German front-line U-boat, U-175, and the battle around Convoy HX-233. He also astutely evaluates the U.S. and British contributions to the Atlantic convoy battles and the logistical problems faced by the Kriegsmarine. The author uses that particular battle as a microcosm to explain the strategic and tactical background as well as the technical and operational developments on both sides that occurred throughout the war. 61 photos, 3 line drawings, ill., maps, appendices, notes, index, 192 !
pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Herlin, Hans THE SURVIVOR Leo Cooper 1994
The true story of the sinking of the Doggerbank. Crewed by 365 Germans this captured British freighter was later sunk by U-43 off the Azores in 1943 believing it to be an enemy ship. An epic story of endurance, the closest land being South America 1600 miles away. Photos, maps, line drawings, diagrams, 163 pages. 1st UK edition NEW condition. $10 Order Form
Hessler, Gunter THE U-BOAT WAR IN THE ATLANTIC 1939 - 1945 HMSO 1989
One of the most highly regarded reference works on this subject. The author was a U-Boat commander (U-107) during the first period, and later was Staff Officer (Operations) to the Flag Officer Commanding U-Boats and son-in-law of Dvnitz. The record of each U-Boat on any day can be traced in this book. Introduction by Lieutenant Commander Andrew J. Withers MA, Royal Navy. Analysis and history of the German U-boat offensive, written at the end of WWII upon the request of the British Admiralty and the US Navy Department by Fregattenkapitdn G|nter Hessler. This facsimile edition of the original official record (classified up to 1989) contains all 3 volumes in one book; Volume I: August 1939 - December 1940. Volume II: January 1941 - May 1943. Volume III: June 1943 - May 1945.
Book and folder in a beautifully illustrated slipcase, extra large 4to-format, tables, 2 graphs, 80 plans and maps in text plus 4 pages with 1 coloured map and 2 graphs, separate enclosure with 5 folded sheets incorporating diagrams 1 - 32 from the original volumes, 400+ pages. A comprehensive reference. Out of Print since 1989. We have a few copies left in stock in NEW condition. $175 Order Form
Hirschmann and Graves ANOTHER PLACE, ANOTHER TIME: A U-Boat Officer's Wartime Album USNI 2004 Hirschmann's war memoir follows his career as an officer in the Kriegsmarine making four combat patrols in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, and one of the last forays to North American waters in 1945. The book gives readers an authentic insider's view, based primarily on Hirschmann's wartime diaries, his outstanding photographs, and historical documents. Also included are his experiences on board a destroyer that escorted the Bismarck on her last operation, a Mediterranean U-boat base patrol, an encounter and escape from American soldiers in the French port of Lorient, and his last patrol to North American waters during which his submarine U-190 sank a Canadian warship. This illustrated memoir is a valuable record of the U-boat service and the technical details of the U-boat experience and features never before published photographs of the Type 1XC/40 U!
-boats. 75 photos, 255 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Hogel, Georg U-BOAT EMBLEMS OF WORLD WAR II 1939-1945 Schiffer 1999
Conning tower emblems and cap badges of the U-Boot Waffe. This updated edition contains 100's of newly researched conning tower emblems seen for the first time ever. The author, a U-boat veteran, experienced the origin of these emblems and, through years of painstaking, detailed work, he has documented the legendary emblems, coats of arms and markings and chronicles many first person accounts in memory of the many U-boatmen who were lost in the war. This edition is taller, wider and thicker than the 1st German text edition and contains more information as well as 100's of new emblems. Large 8 1/2" x 11" 4to-pictorial format, 100's of illustrations, line drawings, charts, endpaper maps, 224 pages. Color pictorial cover-issued without dust jacket. The author, Georg Hogel,!
was the radioman aboard U-30 which sank Athenia and U-110 which was almost recovered by the British before sinking. With bookplate SIGNED by GEORG HOGEL 1st NEW - issued with pictorial cover. $55 Order Form
Kaplan and Currie WOLFPACK USNI 1997 A survey of the ace WWII commanders, and crews at work, on leave, and as prisoners from diaries, journals, memoirs, prose and poetry and shown in photographs, drawings, paintings and line art. Large 4to-pictorial format, 115 color and 130 b+w photos and ill., 240 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Kemp Peter MIDGET SUBMARINES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR Caxton 1999 This study looks at why major navies engaged in the construction of midget submarines and details all the types of craft that were built. They are broadly divided into three groups: human chariot torpedoes, midget submarines like the Biber, Seehund and X-Craft, and suicidal submersibles such as the Japanese Kaiten. With no other comparable book available this report will be of interest because of its detailed plans and photos. Large 9 1/2" x 11" format, 100 photos and plans, large separate foldout plan, charts, line drawings, 128 pages. NEW condition hardback. $30 Order Form

Kemp Peter UNDERWATER WARRIORS Brockhampton 1999Midget submarines are an important but relatively little-known part of the history of submarine development and use. During WW11 midget submarines were used extensively and effectively in raids against seaborne, harbor, and land based targets __ a subject that is throughly covered in this study. 75 photos, line drawings, charts, app., 256 pages. 1st NEW condition $25 Order Form
Milner, Marc THE U-BOAT HUNTERS: The Royal Canadian Navy and the Offensive Against Germany's Submarines USNI 1994 "The U-Boat Hunters begins with a thorough re-evaluation of the RCN's role in the decisive Allied Atlantic victory over the U-boats in l943. It presents some startling new conclusions about why the Canadians were marginalized in this the greatest of all anti-submarine offensives. Most studies of the Atlantic war end at his point, but 1943 is just the prologue to Milner's new book". 50 photos, endpaper maps, 326 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Kohl and Rossler THE TYPE XXI U-BOAT USNI 2002
Considered by many to be the prototype of the modern conventionally powered submarine, the Type XXI U-boat was launched in 1944 to counter the disastrous losses caused by advanced Allied anti-submarine warfare technology. These remarkable vessels incorporated a number of bold innovations including the schnorkel, which allowed them to run underwater employing diesel machinery; automatic torpedo reloading systems; and the use of standardized, prefabricated sections. First published in 1991 and now updated, this new edition includes an extensive pictorial section as well as more than 140 three-view diagrams with in-depth descriptive keys, a hallmark of The Anatomy of the Ship series. !
Both accurate and visually exciting, this volume is an essential reference for any submarine enthusiast. Comprehensive text, 140+ perspective and 3-view drawings, full description of design, construction, general arrangement, hull structure, machinery, superstructure, armament, fire control, fittings, modifications and operational history. 4to-oblong, close-up and on-board photos, diagrams, ill., charts, 128 pages. NEW condition. $40 Order Form
"Each recipient is presented in a capsule biography including awarding of the various Knight's Cross grades and other particulars to rank and career and is shown in a WWII photograph." 150+ photos, 280 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Kurson, Robert SHADOW DIVERS: The True Adventure of Two Americans Who Risked Everything to Solve One of the Last Mysteries of World War II Random 2004In the fall of 1991, two deep wreck divers discovered a World War II German U-boat sixty miles off the coast of New Jersey. No identifying marks were visible on the submarine or the few artifacts that John Chatterton and Richie Kohler brought to the surface. No historian, expert, or government had a clue as to which U-boat the men had found. In fact, the official records all agreed that there simply could not be a sunken U boat and crew at that location. Over the next six years, an elite team of divers embarked a quest to solve the mystery. Color and b+w photos, diagram of Type IXC U Boat, index, 375 pages. NEW condition. $15 Order Form
Paterson, Lawrence THE U-BOAT WAR PATROL: The Hidden Photographic Diary of U 564 Military Book Club 2004This book is unique in that it charts a complete history of a single patrol and provides a new insight into life aboard through the successes and trials of U 564. Photographed during the summer of 1942 by an onboard war correspondent they show a U-Boat in action in the Atlantic and Caribbean, as the Kriegsmarine teetered on the verge of what turned out to be its ultimate downfall. The crew are shown in virtually every station and several other U-Boats and their commanders feature as they gather to resupply. Photos, end notes, bib., index, 206 pages. MBCE NEW condition. $15 Order Form
Rohwer, Jurgen AXIS SUBMARINE SUCCESSES USNI 1983Complete statistics of every Axis submarine success of WWII are presented by theater of operations, including for each attack the date, time, and position; the nationality, name, and captain of the attacking submarine and the weapons used; the nationality, type and displacement of the ship attacked; and the battle damage assessment. Comprehensive reference. Oblong format, maps, 386 pages. 1st NEW condition. $35 Order Form

Rossler, Eberhard THE U-BOAT: The Evolution and Technical History of German Submarines Cassell 2001A massive and authoritative history of the planning, design, and construction of the German submarine force from the experimental types of the 19th century, through two world wars, to the modern submarines of the German Federal Navy. Describes every class of U-boat that entered service as well as many of the experimental craft that were still in development at the end of WWII. Comprehensive and long considered to be the definitive reference to German U boat design and development. Large 10" x 10" format, photos, line drawings, diagrams, deck plans, 60+ data tabulations, charts, app., 384 pages. Revised and updated edition - !
Out of Print since 2001. We have a few copies left in stock in NEW condition hardback. $85 Order Form
Savas, Theodore P. (editor) SILENT HUNTERS: German U-boat Commanders of WWII Savas 1997
As editor, Theodore Savas has enlisted authors who are scholars in the field and recognized authorities on the German U-boat war. The criteria he used for selection of the subject officer was, "to choose a U-boat commander who has not received the scholarly treatment he deserves, one who either accomplished his record incrementally during several patrols or someone whose experiences were somehow unique and worthy of study." Each of the six essays focus on a single commander; Merten, Guggenberger, Eck, Oerhn, Kapitsky, and Endrass. Editor's preface, acknowledgements, introduction, photos, maps, diagrams, notes, index, 215 pages.
The first chapter, by the well known World War Two U-Boat ace Erich Topp, is titled "Castor Mourns Pollox." He reflects, "I wrote these pages in the lonely wastes of the Atlantic when all hope had vanished that Engelbert Endrass might return alive from his last patrol." This article has not been previously published and was written by Erich Topp, commander of U-552 the "Red Devil U-boat", over 50 years ago while on his 15th war patrol about the recent loss of his best friend Endrass.
During the Celebrate History event in San Francisco February 1998 I met with editor Theodore Savas and Erich Topp. By arrangement with Mr. Savas, Erich Topp graciously agreed to sign his photo in the book Silent Hunters for TORPEDO JUNCTION. We have a limited supply of these books left in stock and each copy comes with a "letter of authenticity from the editor, Theodore Savas." Signed by the editor and Erich Topp, the Captain of U-552, the "Red Devil U-boat." 1st edition in NEW condition. $125 Order Form
Schoenfeld, Max STALKING THE U-BOAT: USAAF Offensive Antisubmarine Operations in WW II Smithsonian 1995"The 479th and 480th USAAF Antisubmarine Groups, deployed to England and North Africa, worked with the Royal Air Force to stop German Admiral Doenitz's raiders before they could prey on Allied commerce and supply routes in the shipping corridors of the North Atlantic." Photos, maps, app., 231 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Showell, Jak P. Mallmann U-BOATS AT WAR: Landings on Hostile Shores USNI 2000 For much of World War II, Germany's most threatening maritime force was the U-boat arm. Their deadly attacks on Allied supply lines are well documented, but they also carried out numerous clandestine operations, landing in neutral countries such as Ireland and Spain, and along the U.S. and Canadian shorelines to conduct espionage and sabotage. North African landings aided Rommel's Afrika Korps. In this fascinating book, U-boat historian Jak Mallmann-Showell has gathered together a collection of firsthand accounts and remarkable photographs--many of them previously unpublished--showing how these landings were executed. This fresh perspective on the Kriegsmarine and their world-wide exploits between 1939 and 1945 will be a welcome acquisition for anyone interested in the naval campaigns of World War II. 215 photos, 160 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Showell, Jak. P. Mallmann WOLFPACKS AT WAR: The U Boat Experience in World War II Ian Allan 2002This book provides the truth behind the image portrayed so convincingly in Das Boot. Using archival and re-enactment photographs, and contemporary accounts in official documents, letters, diaries, and contemporary reportage, this book portrays what it was like for ordinary men to be thrust into battle and into the most extreme conditions they ever had to face. Extra large 4to-pictorial format, color and b+w photos, ill., 128 pages. 1st NEW condition. $20 Order Form
Stern, Robert TYPE VII U BOATS Brockhampton 1998
This study of the Type VII U-Boat, as a weapon of war as well as a carrier of firepower, offers an extensive technical history as well as fascinating narrative accounts by the men who operated these Uboats during World War Two. Covers design, construction, general arrangement, hull structure, armament, fire control, modifications, operational history, etc. Comprehensive. Large 4to, 160 photos, 10 line drawings, 160 pages. NEW condition. $30 Order Form
Suhren and Brustat-Naval TEDDY SUHREN - ACE OF ACES: Memoirs of a U-boat Rebel USNI 2006 Suhren commanded U-564 and was one of the most successful U-boat skippers of World War II. He is said to have fired more successful torpedos than any other submariner during the war, he earned a Knight's Cross with Oak Sword and is credited with sinking eighteen ships plus a British corvette and damaging four other ships. Photos, 248 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Syrett, David THE DEFEAT OF THE GERMAN U-BOATS: The Battle of the Atlantic Univ. of South Carolina 1994
Focused study of the largest most complex naval campaign in history and its impact on WW II's outcome. Comprehensive. Glossary, app., 344 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Vause, Jordan U-BOAT ACE: The Story of Wolfgand Luth USNI 1990"A penetrating portrait of the legendary and complex WW II German submarine commander, based primarily on personal interviews and correspondence with surviving members of his crew." 35 ill., 256 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Vause, Jordan WOLF: U-Boat Commanders in World War II USNI 1997Through documents, interviews and correspondence with the U-boat commanders, the author follows individual officers from their youth and early naval careers through wartime experiences and post-war lives. Photos, 249 pages. 1st edition. NEW condition. $25 Order Form
White, John F. U BOAT TANKERS 1941-45: Submarine Suppliers to Atlantic Wolf Packs Airlife 1998 Forced by the need to refuel a large U-boat fleet in oceans mainly controlled by Allied forces during World War II, Germany became the only nation ever to operate submarines as tankers. Known as "milk cows," these submarine tankers, which could not be detected once submerged at their secret refueling rendezvous, gave the U-boats the ability to double or triple their time in a patrol area. They came to be regarded as the most important units of the U-boat fleet. This volume provides many insights into the German Navy's conduct of submarine war and the Allied response. Where a choice existed between U-boat targets, Allied forces had explicit orders to attack the tankers first. Comprehensive reference. 22 photos, 9 line drawings, charts, maps, tables, 256 pages. 1st UK edition NEW condition. $35 Order Form
Wiggins, Melanie U-BOAT ADVENTURES USNI 1999Twenty one U-Boat veterans tell their wartime stories in this collection of their experiences, recorded by the author during several years of travel throughout Germany. Photos, 250 pages. 1st NEW condition. $25 Order Form
Williamson and Pavlovic U-BOAT CREWS 1914-45 Osprey 1995
The history, organization, appearance, weapons, equipment and uniforms of the crewmen who served on board German submarines during World War One and World War Two. Photos, many color illustrations, 64 pages. 1st hardcover edition. NEW condition $12 Order Form
Wilson and Kemp MEDITERRANEAN SUBMARINES: Submarine Warfare in World War One Crecy 2000An extremely detailed record of early World War I submarine action, compiled from official sources and supported with photographs that have never been published before. Photos, app., 219 pages. 1st Scarce NEW condition. $30 Order Form
Wynn, Kenneth U-BOAT OPERATIONS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR - Volume 1: Career Histories, U1 - U510 - Volume 2: Career Histories, U511 -UIT25 Caxton Editions 2003 These two volumes cover the career histories of all the U-boats that saw action in World War II. Ten years of research from both primary and secondary sources has ensured both the accuracy and remarkable detail of the material. Some 1,200 vessels are covered. A source for every aspect of a U-boat's activities, from the laying of the keel to her ultimate fate. All sailings by U boats are separately listed and numbered. Each entry gives locations and dates of units a boat served, with her commanders, the number of patrols undertaken, ships sunk along with names of vessels and locations, incidents of note, refueling by U-tankers and supply ships, attacks onshipping, survivors!
picked up, and finally, the ultimate fate. Extensive appendixes allow easy cross-referencing and contain the Uboat groups from 1940-1945, the Allied warships sunk, the merchant ships sunk, warships, merchant ships, and Allied air force units mentioned in the text as well as Deutches Feldpost numbers. This comprehensive work will allow the reader to know where any U boat was at any time during the war and in what activities it was engaged. A definitive reference for all those interested in World War II naval operations and an important reference for anyone with a special interest in U-boat operations. Large 8 1/2 x 12 format, maps, app., Vol 1, 362 pages; Vol. 2, 312 pages. Out of Print since 2003. The 2 volume hardback set in NEW condition. $85 Order Form
