U.S. Politics and Government

How the United States government works, the major institutions, and the politics that shapes what it does.

This page:
U.S. Politics and Government, generally | Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch | Government Documents | Law | Politics | State and Local Governments | California Politics and Government

U.S. Politics and Government, generally

Government: Executive Branch

See also

Government: Legislative Branch

    Congress Calculator

    Enter a Congress number (e.g., 110th) and get the relevant years, or enter a year and get the Congress number.


    Note: Sometimes a "lame duck session" of Congress goes into the beginning of the odd-numbered year after the election.

Government: Judicial Branch

Government Documents


    Constitution of the United States of America, Analysis and Interpretation

    Annotated with case law by the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress

U.S. Politics

State and Local Governments

Copyright © 1996-2025  by Robert Teeter (Copyright and disclaimer page)
URL: http://sonic.net/%7Erteeter/uspolitics.html
Updated: May 22, 2022