Dobro Capo: adjustments
When you first get your capo, it is set up for the most common configuration:
string action of approximately 3/8 inch, and a relatively slim neck.
It is likely that this setup will be just right for your instrument,
and will require no adjustment. But if you feel that some adjustment
is necessary for the best fit, you can adjust the capo for higher action and/or thicker necks.
(We refer to the part of the capo that goes between
the strings and the fretboard as the “Dobro piece.”)
string action:
If your action is higher than 3/8", and
it seems like the capo is working too hard to pull the strings
down, then adjust your capo as follows: unscrew the set screw
that attaches the Dobro piece. Rotate and reverse the Dobro piece
so that its height is 7/16 inch, and re-attach it.
Neck thickness:
You can rotate the black rubber sleeve a quarter turn to affect the capo’s closing action to best suit your neck. When you receive your capo, the sleeve is set for a slim neck (left). If the closing action seems too tight, even after adjusting the capo's set screw, then you can rotate the sleeve (right) to accommodate a slightly thicker neck.
Higher action? You can special order a capo with a 1/2" high "dobro piece" ...right here... for the same price as the production model.