Video: "Shubb Capos, Still the Best"
Video: "Andy McKee: the Shubb Capo as a creative tool"
Video: "A look at the Standard Shubb Capo"
Introducing a new style...
The beauty of gold plating, only more durable. Learn more...

A revamp of our website is coming soon; we expect to be sporting a new look, along with some new features, within the next month or two.
The NAMM show:
Once again we presented a concert featuring the JOHN JORGENSON QUINTET. And once again they astonished everyone by pushing their virtuosity to new levels.

--> BOOTH 5821 (just inside hall D)
We recently introduced our wider version of th FineTune Capo. the model F3. (its opening measures 2-3/16").
NEW site feature: WEB SPECIAL of the WEEK! A featured product on sale at a bargain price.
Musical Merchandise review wrote a nice article about Shubb Capos' 40th Anniversary.
Our C-series - standard nickel plated capos - are now upgraded to feature the roller design!

Design features previously available only on our deluxe models are now standard on C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5.
CAPO NOIR, too! Our black chrome capos (C1k, C2k, C3k, C4k and C5k) also now features the roller, contoured lever, and rounded edges.
An article from Richard Gilewitz:
"Return to the Other Side of the Aisle."
About his experience joining us at our NAMM show booth for the second time.