Shubb Capos are by far the best for not creating tuning problems. Learn more...
capo models: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7-8 - 9
About the MODEL

The model 1 is our most popular model. For your steel string guitar, whether acoustic or electric,
capos on this page are probably the right choice.
If your guitar's neck is exceptionally wide, (string spacing
2" or greater) then you might need our model
3 (for 12-string guitar.)
If your guitar's neck is exceptionally thick, as some vintage
guitars and some V-neck models, then we have a special capo for
you: our S3V.
fretboard radius
Almost every steel string guitar has a radiused fretboard. The
radius usually ranges from 9.5" to 16". While this may
sound like a wide range, it is almost impossible to perceive the
difference by eye. Our model 1 will fit any of these steel string
guitar fretboards perfectly.
Not sure about this? Learn more...
A few electrics, notably certain older Fenders and copies of
them, have a more extreme radius. This radius is about 7.5",
and the difference is visible. For these, we have the model
Sometimes people think of their acoustic guitar fretboard as
"flat." If they are comparing their Martin to their
Telecaster, it may be flatter ...but chances are, it
is not flat. It is very unusual to find
a steel string guitar with a truly flat fretboard, but in those
rare cases -- perhaps custom instruments, or some resophonics played Spanish style -- then our model 2 would
be the right choice.