The Slot #11

In the 50's and 60's our family frequently visited Anza Borrego Desert Park in December. We would spend the days exploring this beautiful landscape. One of the spots we explored was marked as the "Slot" on the U.S.G.S. Topographical map of Borrego Mountain. This slot canyon starts as a shallow ditch, cuts into a narrow sandstone crevice barely wide enough to walk through, and widens out into a sandy arroyo.

Photos of this small canyon led to a whole series of prints. Other ones are: The Slot, The Slot #3, The Slot #5, The Slot #6, The Slot#7, The Slot #8, The Slot#9, and The Slot #10. I also did a painting: The Slot.

Printed on Arches Cover Paper
See Edition Records for information about the numbers in this edition.