Mushrooms for Color

January 7 - 12, 2008


Making MYCO-STIX with Miriam C. Rice

The little jelly mushroom Psuedohydnum gelatinosum is often used as a binder to mix with mushroom pigments in making Myco-Stix. We used it with dried Echinodontium tinctorium and Gymnopilus spectabilis mushrooms.


Miriam demostrating the mixing of the mushroom pigment with slate powder to make Myco-Stix


  More photos to come!

Many thanks for Symposium weaving photos submitted by Trisha Gow, and Stephanie Hoppe.




Click here for: A detailed History of Mushroom Dyes and the International Fungi & Fibre Symposia

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(This Website page was updated March 01, 2008)

Mushrooms for Color Website designed by Dorothy Beebee © 2008
All rights reserved.

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