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Long Term Health Effects of Noise Exposure
Long term health effects of noise exposure |
1. Sufficient evidence |
Observation threshold (levels above which effect starts) |
Effect |
situation |
noise metric |
level in dB(A) |
inside/outside |
- hearing damage |
work |
LAeq,8hr |
75 |
inside |
sport |
LAeq,24hr |
70 |
inside |
- hypertension |
work |
LAeq,8hr |
<85 |
inside |
home |
LAeq,6-22hr |
70 |
outside |
- ischemic heart diseases |
home |
LAeq,6-22hr |
70 |
outside |
- annoyance |
home |
42 |
outside |
- awakening |
sleep |
55 |
inside |
- sleep stages |
sleep |
35 |
inside |
- self reported sleep quality |
sleep |
LAeq, night |
40 |
outside |
-school performance |
school |
LAeq, day |
70 |
outside |
2. Limited evidence |
- birth-weight |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- immune system |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- psychiatric admission |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3. Lack of evidence |
- congenital effects |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- immune system |
sleep |
- |
- |
- |
Source: Noise and Health, Health Council of the Netherlands, September 1994 |
Study: Pollution May
Cause Asthma
February 2, 2002
Washington POST Study: Pollution May Cause Asthma February 2, 2002
America's air should be scrubbed of pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and tiny particulate dust ...
The researchers .. focused their study on children who participated in active sports, which would require them to draw up to 17 times the "normal" amount of air sucked into the lungs of a child who was relatively inactive.
"..on days when air pollution levels are expected to be high, children should limit prolonged outdoor exertion." Read the full Study
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