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Developing a new Healdsburg Noise Ordinance
Noise Pollution and the Commons
The problem with noise and dust isnt only that it's unwanted, but it also negatively affects human health and well-being. Problems related to noise include hearing loss, stress, high blood pressure, sleep loss, distraction and lost productivity, and a general reduction in the quality of life and opportunities for tranquility. Our efforts to control Healdsburg Syar Industries Sand and Gravel plant second-hand noise and dust is part of a greater effort to protect that which is held in common by the public from exploitation, abuse, and degradation. Other efforts to protect our environment include protecting our public lands and parks, air, water, rivers, habitat, species, and bio-diversity. What these efforts share is the recognition that our well-being is enhanced when the commons is used to maximize opportunities for everyone, and degraded when the used to maximize profits or opportunities for a few. Some individuals and businesses feel they have a right to use a common resource in any way they see fit. These people mistakenly extend their own private property rights to those publicly owned. These people are acting as bullies, claiming rights and freedoms that are not theirs while degrading resources that are ours. Syars right to create noise ends at our ears. Polluting our environment is not a right. Our effort to reduce noise pollution in Healdsburg is similar to efforts to reduce other types of pollution and reassert our community stewardship over our environment. Whether the issue is second-hand smoke, auto emissions, or noise, the goal is to protect the environment and our health and well-being. Competing uses that exclude other uses of our environment, or damaging uses that detract from other uses, are not wise uses. Noise is not a wise use, like many other pollutants, it precludes many enjoyable uses of our town's parks, and outdoor areas of our homes. Loud outdoor alcoholic beverage establishments, early morning garbage pick-up, or sand and gravel operations trump sleeping, reading, working, or listening to music. We want to improve Healdsburg's well-being by establishing an ethic for the commons that allows for as many non-consumptive and non-rival uses as possible. Healdsburg citizens well-being is enhanced when individuals or groups such as END succeed. Help us by spreading the message that good neighbors keep their noise to themselves.
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