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Restore our Depot - Essay by John van der Zee!

John was involved in the refurbishing of the Healdsburg Depot at the time of the Art Train celebration in 1998.  He researched and wrote the book WELCOME IRON STEED, about the town's railroad history, and donated his share of proceeds to the restoration of the Depot.  Read the full story.


The Healdsburg Coliseum - Preparations are under way to feed the tourists to the hungry Plaza shopkeepers. Also suitable for orgies and bacchanalia. The new building at the corner of Matheson and Center will soon complete the south wall of our amphitheater. This out-of-scale building, although within the current downtown zoning height limits, sets a bad precedent for preserving the human scale of the Plaza. The arguments used to defend this building will be repeated by other land owners around the Plaza to support replacing the remaining one story buildings with three story pseudo-Victorian retail-commercial buildings.


Saving the Sarah Cole House

Affordable Housing in Healdsburg. Everyone agrees we need it, but how do we make it happen and still preserve what we love about our town?

Read about saving the Sarah Cole House and the Cole-Snook-Tilley Grove Historic Neighborhood

Healdsburg Farmers' Market   2002 Schedule of Events  (2003 coming soon

 Real Life in Paradise - Jack Burton and Sonomapicnic.com

                                                                                                               Jack in his kitchen.

If you want to read about real folks in Sonoma County, visit this great site.


Our friend Jack Burton calls his site: "a conversational and casual portal to the life and flavor of California's Wine Country" that provides "a fresh focus on the pleasures of life and the art of making a creative living in the Wine Country." Great photos too!

Photo: Jeffery Kopp

 Paradise Lost   J O H N    M I L T O N,  L O N D O N, 1674

This first Book proposes, first in brief, the whole Subject, Mans disobedience, and the loss thereupon of Paradise wherein he was plac't: Then touches the prime cause of his fall, the Serpent, or rather Satan in the Serpent; who revolting from God, and drawing to his side many Legions of Angels, was by the command of God driven out of Heaven with all his Crew into the great Deep.    more ...



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