Artist's Narrative

I draw and paint images from situations I have personally encountered, invented from dreams or from conversations I have overheard on a bus. I am interested in the universal phenomenon of how humans attempt to interact with one another in public and private situations.

The reoccurring use of male/female imagery sets the stage for my ongoing investigation and interest in what brings couples together or tears them apart. The allure of a meringue pie, warm turquoise water, an evening-dressed female and a suited male in an unsure, unfathomable environment suggests excitement, sensuality, unsettling darkness and the delicate balance between impending danger and humor.

The recognizable figures placed out-of-context heightens and extends the spectacle conveying uneasiness, clashing realities and mystery. In my paintings, I question and continue to be fascinated with the tension between beauty, humor, and potential darkness in human interaction.


Photo courtesy of Northern California Bohemian


