@ 10 am, (10 am - 6 pm), Sonoma State University, Stevenson Hall Room
Come learn: What an Affinity Group is How to take action
yourself What supporting roles you could play.
am - 1 pm-- Learn Basic first aid for the street;
What your rights are and about jail solidarity
or Nonviolent Direct Action and Civil Disobedience.
1 pm - 2 pm--Pot Luck Lunch break - bring a snack to share if you
pm - 4 pm--Large group role-plays combining all three
pm - 6 pm--Skill share, Art and Messaging. |
Against War: A Vision for Peace
Wednesday, April 23rd, Luther
Burbank Center For the Arts features
internationally acclaimed artists Holly Near, Ferron,
Linda Tillery & the Cultural Heritage Choir, and Dance Brigade,
all leading women artists who come from histories steeped in community,
political and social activism.
Come join us in a powerful artistic
intervention, an evening of raising our collective voices in a cry
for peace and reconciliation! GUEST ARTISTS: MARIA
by Dance Brigade, San Francisco's proudly provocative dance theater
company. Ticket Prices $25.00
General Admission. For group
sales and more information, please call 415.273.4633, or visit www.DanceMission.com
http://www.dancemission.com |
Activism Council Gathering with Andrew Beath at Ocean Song Farm &
Wilderness Center
Sunday, May 11, 9am - 3pm
This council gathering will take a deeper look at what it means
to engage in "conscious activism" and "activism from
the heart" and how they differ from other types of activism.
We will explore emotional, psychological and philosophical wisdom
that promotes more effective and sustainable activism, with the objective
of improving the health and increasing the joy of the individual activist.
The council process and interactive dialogue will
be used to encourage genuinely authentic relating among our circle
of participants. Please call Ann at 707-874-1526 for information.
Attendance limited to first 20 who register. The
cost is $25 to $75, sliding scale. Make checks payable to EarthWays
Foundation. A $25 deposit holds your place - the balance you choose
upon completion of the workshop. These funds will be used to support
future workshops. Ocean Song is located at 19999 Coleman Valley
Road, 4.9 miles west of
downtown Occidental where Coleman Valley Road begins. |
Kokopelli Farm
Dr. Bliss is a Vietnam Era vet and peace activist. He taught college
for 20 years, and is now an organic farmer. |
is the author of The Spiral Dance, The Fifth Sacred
Thing, and other books that link an earth-based spirituality to action
to change the world. On her site, you'll find information about her
books, current and past activities, many of her articles and unpublished
writings, links to related groups and organizations, and resources
for activists. Good site for links and information on anti-globalization
movement in Sonoma County and Bay Area. |
Purple Berets is a grassroots, in-your-face women's rights group dedicated
to gaining equal justice for women.They work
as advocates for women who are victims of sexual assault and domestic
violence and do direct action political organizing to make system-wide
change to give women access to justice. |
County Peace and Justice Center
The P&J Center emphasizes the need to raise consciousness
on issues of peace, justice and sustainability. They have weekly
lectures, meetings, a newsletter, and provide a meeting place for
a variety of other groups. Sonoma County Peace and Justice Center,
467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa; Fax:
E-Mail: peacentr@sonic.net; Phone: 707-575-8902.
the non-violent opposition to war
the war now having begun, we call on you to unite in Sonoma County
with other groups around the country and the world in visible and
passionate non-violent protest and resistance. However you choose
to express your opposition to war - from solemn vigils to loud marches
to nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience - get out on
the streets immediately and join with millions around the world
in demanding an end to the bloodshed.
In Santa Rosa- Maintain vigils for peace 5 - 8 pm, every
night, Courthouse Square.
We will continue distributing candles at twilight. Food
Not Bombs Santa Rosa will be serving food at the vigil so people
can come straight from work to vigil. Thank you FOOD NOT BOMBS!
"All Nations Drum" has offered to play and sing on return
from ceremony in Arizona. They were great support
during the action on Thursday and we thank them.
Above the Streets--Wednesday mornings, 7:00 a.m.
The Peace & Justice Center asks you to join them for a legal
Action Above the Streets on Wednesday mornings at 7:00 a.m. Meet
at the Peace and Justice Center at 467 Sebastopol Ave, S.R. They
usually are finished by 8:15 a.m. or 8:30 a.m. Learn how to do the
Overpass Shuffle!
Peace Meeting--Wednesday 3/26/03, 7:00 p.m.
Call 569-9922 for information and directions. |
County Peace and Justice Center
are being scheduled for Non-violent Direct Action (NVDA) and Civil
Disobedience (CD)
Call the Peace & Justice Center at 707-575-8902 to
get trained or to sign up as a trainer. Or contact NIONSC at
nionsc@yahoo.com. We need more trainers. If you are a trainer, please
let us know. If you are interested in becoming a trainer, please
talk to us. Let's keep our opposition to the violence in Iraq in
the streets and demand the truth from the press about all the unreported
victims of this massive assault on Iraq. "Any "democracy"
that is violently forced on a sovereign nation is a dictatorship."..ask
any Native American. |
In Our Name Sonoma County Anti-War Coalition of Sonoma County--Friday
evenings 6:30 -- 8:00 pm
Please join us to Strategize, Organize and Resist WAR!
WE SAID NO. Every Friday evening 6:30 - 8:00 pm at: Peace &
Justice Center of Sonoma County, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa,
CA 95401, 707-575-8902. We are serious about stopping war. email:
nionsc@yahoo.com. There will be further Non Violent Direct Action
and Civil Disobedience in the streets of towns in Sonoma County,
including Santa Rosa, as we continue to oppose the war with non-violent
resistance. We urge everyone to participate in the Emergency Response
Mobilization plans. Get Involved... The world is run
by those who show up. |