Cocobolo/Honduran RW
Above cocobolo guitar by CFOX Guitars.
Examples of cocobolo with "bees wing" above, and more typical cocobolo at right.
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Cocobolo Each 6 - 12 13 - 24
WBSCRB3A Cocobolo rw back, classic/steel, best* see Weekly Special
WBSCRS3A Cocobolo rw sides, classic/steel, best* WBSCRB2A Cocobolo rw back, classic/steel str., standard*
WBSCRS2A Cocobolo rw sides, classic/steel str., standard*
Cocobolo rosewood from Central American and Mexico is a true rosewood (Dalbergia retusa.) When freshly cut it can be bright orange or yellow, you could say even a tad tawdry. But in time it oxidizes to a rich orange-red and becomes more and more appealing until it's unbearably lovely.
Although heavier than Brazilian rosewood, Cocobolo has become probably the best candidate as a substitute for it. It's the standard rosewood for World-class builder Jose Oribe, and many claim that it produces a powerful guitar.
Often oily, Cocobolo also causes dermatitis in some people. It used to be avoided to some degree because of the dust, and the oily variety was a little hard to glue. But these days with with modern glues and good dust collection systems guitars of Cocobolo are no longer rare.
The better grades are quartersawn, and occasionally have some figure, but figure is not common in Cocobolo. The cocobolo back, lower right, is often referred to as being figured, but really it is simply rift sawn, which lends to a striking appearance at the expense of some stability.
*To get a good idea of what to expect for the price, take a look at the cocobolo sets on the weekly special.
Above Honduran rosewood guitar from Sean Parker, Mandali Guitars.
Waxy to the feel, this Dalbergia (stevonsoni) can range in color from dark, which is rare, to the more common pinkish yellow background with magenta grain lines. Although it's considered to be fairly tough, it can be a little brittle, too. It machines well, and bends easily. Please Inquire. See Weekly Special for current stock of Honduran rosewood.
Kathy Wingert and her Cocobolo rosewood guitar. During Healdsburg Guitar Festival 2001. Beautifully made, great sound!
Jeff Elliott holds guitar in progress. Cocobolo with figure is not that common. Jeff's guitar could easily be mistaken for Honduran rosewood.
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