Gallery Hours: 12 pm to 7 pm Tuesday through Sunday & by Special Appointment

Registered Artists

The Shooting Gallery has on-going relationships with many new and established artists. Selections of their work are presented. Selected items can be purchased through the Shooting Gallery catalog and shopping web page.

Justin Giarla


Tile Artist, Painter, Photographer, Potter, and gallery entrepreneur. Mistro Giarla is currently focused on 3D Tile Artwork and "gallery entrepreneurship." Justin pulls eclectic cultural paraphernalia into juxtapositions to form tiled wall hangings, furniture, and sculpture. His paintings explore "low brow" American Culture as well as self awarness. As a photographer he has focused on hot-rods and the graffiti of San Francisco. You can browse his On-Line-Portfolio and purchase his work.

David Perry
David Perry's bio goes here.







Vincent Van Gough