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Welcome to our Gallery of Props from The Old Met Opera
All chest and back pieces from the Armory now on sale, $100 for steel and $75 for the brass selections. Please view what’s left in Chest and Back pieces, to order please call.
Full suit of armor without helmet, Maximilian style, with wooden stand.
Part no. OM-Fs Price: $6000.00 - SOLD -
American Fencers Supply is please to have acquired some props from the Old Met Opera through Oscar Kolombatovich. These pieces were made in pre-World War I Austria and Germany. As working props for many years on stage, they show the marks of their contributions to many great productions. Speculate or research which hand held each hilt or which voice in which opera resonated from this armour.
A quick breakdown of the different pieces that make up a Suit of Armour
The letter of Authenticity from Oscar Kolombatovich